Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Megan went to Cradle Roll (Sabbath School) :)

and she enjoyed it! One thing about my daughter, she is a social butterfly. She actually approaches other kids!

Had plans to have lunch with Grandma and Grandpa after church at Vivo then go buy Megan's bicycle (Grandma's present to her) but Zack felt sick so we went straight home. Bad stomach.. Diarrhoea and vomitting. My poor baby is running a temperature now :(

*Megan is grinning at me from her cot now... hahaha. I have the cutest daughter ever!! She has such a great sense of humour :)*

Been a crazy week. Stressed to the max. Didn't leave Richard's office til almost 10pm last night! But i'm glad i got the accounts done and email sent out.. *sigh* Before going to his office, Zack drove me to Tai Seng Ave to collect my plaques for my event tomorrow - yes... I'm working tomorrow too! Sunday... :(

This is really strange. I got complimented again. After I collected my plaques and about to leave, the lady said to me:

"You are very beautiful.."

"Are you Singaporean?" - I just knew this question is coming.


"Are you chinese?" - the ever popular question.

Well, with all modesty, I know i'm not hard on the eyes. But it's strange that recently, I have been receiving compliments. I think it's the hair! Johnny did an awesome job this time! No one knows my hair like Johnny does. Crap... what will happen if I don't have him to maintain my locks?!

I wonder will we know by end Sept? *ponders*

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