Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Z: Where are you now?
J: I'm at Paragon.
Z: Okay, so where is the nearest in town I can pick you up?
J: Paragon.
Z: No where is the nearest I can pick you up?
J: Paragon got taxi-stand. You can pick me up there. (Hahaha..)
Z: Okay I pick you up at Toa Payoh.
J: WHAT?!!!!

In the end... he made me travel A LONG WAY! *pout* But free ride, cannot complain. I enjoyed our chat and banter along the way :)

Feeling somewhat lighter now that my submission is done. Dateline today. Met up with my chairman to review it and he went, "That's a lot of work." YESSSS! ALOT OF WORK! Other chapters engaged graphic designers and spent 3-5k on their submissions. I had to do it on my own (no budget)! The irony is writing event descriptions on events I didnt even attend! After he saw the last slide, he went, "You did a great job!" Yes thank you very much. I nearby died in the process. Just glad it's OVER. Now I can concentrate on other stuff.

Can't begin to say what a toll it is taking on me.
It's not easy juggling everything: Mother, Work, Wife. I'm just blessed Zack is not a demanding husband. But I feel like i'm not doing a good job as a wife *sigh* The only thing I am doing for him is iron his uniform. I haven't been much of a cook of late :( I'm just sooo tired... in every sense.

16 days to go......
I hope this trip will work wonders!

On a rainy thursday afternoon...

Finds me at Paragon starbucks, with a hot cuppa latte and piping hot molten chocolate cake.. Waiting for zack to come pick me :)
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

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Off to MBS...

...meeting At 10:15am. Hope timing is gd so can meet Sy for lunch! :) At least its something to look forward. So little of those these days.
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Friday, September 24, 2010

Over dinner tonight, Zack asked me: "Are you on some kinda diet?"

I haven't been finishing my meals. Sleep is not the only thing i'm losing (apart from my marbles), appetite is somewhat gone as well. Oh well...

One of life's greatest joy is when you come home, weary from fighting battles all day, to see your baby squeal in delight the minute she sees you.. and come running towards you as fast as her little pudgy legs could carry her :)

I just love her so much...

I got work to do but I'm just so exhausted. I will pay for my friday night indulgence of surfing and blogging. My headache is edging away... thank God. Let me blog about something fun for a change. Posts have been depressing of late.

London and Spain itinerary all settled!!!
I'm mighty proud of myself! Managed to book all flights and hotels. Telling you it's NOT easy planning for this trip. With Megan with us, location is of utmost importance. I have to study the metro/train stations before finalizing on the hotels. We have to be very sure on directions when we get off the plane/train. With our luggage, Megan and her stroller, we cannot afford to take out the map and figure our way. Prime picking for pickpockets/muggers. Urban caution. So yeah, it's an arduous task.. finding the right hotel, connection / timing of flights and trains (cannot be too late, traveling at night with a toddler is no-no). Plenty of factors to consider.

The best part: 2 adults, 1 infant. 13 days. London/Girona/Barcelona/Madrid. $4.5K ONLY!!!! Oh yes.. ALL IN. All flights and accomodation. (I should be in the travel line!)

Even Godma who runs a travel agency said it's cheap! "Where to find?" *smirk* And we are not talking about hole-in-the-wall hotels. But 4-star boutique/hi-tech hotels (Spain hotels are awesome!). Right smack in the heart of the city within walking distance to the train/metro. Good reviews on Tripadvisor. (Yes I'm cheap, I go for the best at the cheapest. Flight from London - Girona @ 5 pounds baby!) Zack is very excited about the Girona hotel :) Now let's pray the trip will go smoothly.

Now... let me give myself a pat on the back.. *pat pat*

Seriously no mean feat getting this all planned out in the midst of my crazy lifestyle of looking after Megan and working at the same time. But i'm glad it's all settled.

Just hope I don't drop dead before 16 Oct.


Full day event. Up at 6:30am. On my way to Raffles Town Club. Wouldnt be home til 6 plus 7. Hoping i can get some work done in between. Taxi driver keep trying to make conversation.. I wanna nap lah.
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

feelin' i'm headed for a breakdown...

All day starin' at the ceilin' makin' friends with shadows on my wall
All night hearing voices tellin' me that I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for somethin'
Hold on, feelin' like I'm headed for a breakdown
And I don't know why

But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell
But stay a while and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me

I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know, right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be, me

I'm talkin' to myself in public, dodging glances on the train
And I know, I know they've all been talkin' about me
I can hear them whisper, and it makes me think
There must be somethin' wrong with me
Out of all the hours thinkin', somehow I've lost my mind

But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell
But stay a while and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me

I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know, right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be

I've been talkin' in my sleep
Pretty soon they'll come to get me
Yeah, they're takin' me away

I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell
But stay a while and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me

I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know, right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be yeah, how I used to be

How I used to be
Well, I'm just a little unwell
How I used to be, how I used to be
I'm just a little unwell

5:20 in the morning...

Megan probably had a bad dream and i had to soothe her back to sleep. Its been close to an hour i think.. But i still cant get back to sleep. Mind is spinning fast. I need rest.. Emotionally, physically and mentally. Everyday is turning out to be so hectic, rushing from task to task. Work, megan, work, work, zack, megan, work. Im no superwoman. Its a wonder i have not fallen ill. I am just so tired. I just wanna sleep in peace. Zack and i hasnt gone on a date in ages. Hopefully this sunday.. Just the 2 of us, a movie, a nice meal. Im SOOOO looking forward to europe!
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Something so simple made me feel better...

...a Lunch with Zack and Megan at Suki Sushi. Food was NOTHING to rave about. Pricey. It was the company :) Let off some steam ranting. Now im feeling somewhat lighter. Now Megan is napping so im in bed with my jd robb. My laogong will be bringing home this starbucks cake after his medical talk at ttsh.
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Its 4am..

I got woken and cant get back to sleep! As it is, i am having trouble with sleep. Now i am SERIOUSLY PISSED!! I NEED A FRIGGING BREAK! LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!
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Came home after my event to fiind my baby darling dressed in the most awful, mismatched outfit she was ever in in her 13 mths of existence. Megan please dun inherit Daddy's dress sense!
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Friday, September 17, 2010

If i live through this afternoon and tonight without going into pieces. I need strength Lord...
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

...and we all went to Charco's!

Daddy was stuffing his face with ribs.
Mummy looked like crap.

So Megan went on a photoshoot with the ever doting Uncle Chris and Aunty Elynne!

Megan shaking hands with Aunty Elynne.. her latest antic, beside shaking her bod.. haha.

now i'm thinking of Charco's pineapple fritters... *hungry*

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

There are good days, then there are bad days...

Today is an extremely bad day.

:: Broke down
:: MASSIVE headache
:: Nauseous - was THIS close to puking

I couldn't even get an email out.
Had to get away from the laptop and work.
I became physically unwell.
Reading Megan's blog didn't even help.
Can't even begin to say what's wrong.

and what Tong Tong asked echos in my head.."Is it worth it?"

This brought on a smile:
"Later if you go to AMK Hub or J8, go buy yourself something that will make you happy ok. My treat. Muaks! :)"

It's 11:40pm.
Finished up abit of work when we got home.
Zack bathed Megan and put her to bed.
He probably couldn't find it in his heart to say 'No' when I asked.
Going to read my JD Robb...
Somehow reading always comforts me.
I love that my comfort net is in a form of a book.
I can take it everywhere I go.

in just 1 month 1 day.... hang in there Ju...
hoping we will know our answer by then..

Monday, September 13, 2010

Photos this week...

This is a very memorable shot.. cos Megan took it herself! Self-protrait! :) My budding photographer *mummy's heart sings*

Megan went to see Grandma. Grandma will love Megan sooo much. Megan will be grandma's darling of all darlings. If only.....

Fashion parading for Mama Nancy...

Taken last week...
Megan went to Cradle Roll!

During service, this girl got restless so I took her to the mother's room. She started to terrorize the kids in there so I had to take her out to the atrium and watch Uncle and aunties prepare lunch. She had a field time walking about :)

The Sisters...
think i've aged... *sigh*

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dateline: 11 Sept

now we wait with bated breadth....

Busy day. Busy weekend. Work starts today *sigh*
Load pics later.
Bringing Megan down to PP for grocery shopping.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Will Zack kewl me if I polish off the prawn paste chicken wings?

Nevermind, I shall make him a toasted sandwich of melted cheese+ham (breakfast in bed!) and say, " least it's clogging up my arteries and not yours!"

Anyhow, people just discharged from hospital cannot eat unhealthy food like chicken wings.

Crap, I'm feeling bloated :(

'M SOOOOO addicted to blueberry cheesecake! How now brown cow? There is a yakun-like coffee place at KTP hospital. So during the 3 days when Zack was warded, I pop down to grab some stuff and tried the blueberry cheesecake. Been a goner since. *sigh* It's NOT good! Yesterday, Zack went to pick me at Vivo after my appointment with Johnny (streaks are back!) and we had Secret Recipe for dinner. Dapaoed back a raspberry cheesecake *sheepish*

Zack watched Megan during the afternoon. Told me what a great time they had - without mummy.. bleh! She LOVES peek-a-boo.. haha. This gal is so fun and incredibly adorable. I know I shouldn't praise my daughter but she SOOOO is lor... haha. And really obedient. She is able to stay in highchairs fuss-free and entertains herself while we eat. But turning out to be a bully with other children! She interacts with them and actually sorts them out. But she disturbs them by pulling their clothes, their hair!!! :S Like that how to go playgroup? Zack and I will be hearing from her teacher everyday! *mummy shake head*

I think my life actually begins with her :) Simply can't imagine how my life was without her. Looking back, it just seems... lacklustre.

Godma is coming later to play with her grand-daughter!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Koi and a session with Johnny...

my streaks are coming back! been TOO long.
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So pissed! SO PISSED!
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Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Going home!

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On my way to pick my laogong home!! :)

(in the cab now so note the urgency cos Ju NEVER takes cab, unless its for work and there's reimbursement) Didnt slp well last night. Too many nights without him. WELCOME HOME BABY! He cant wait to come home, kept chasing me.. Haha. Misses his baby. I took vids of Megan ydae for him and he was fixated on watching them :)
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Enjoying his virgin stay @ the hospital... you can tell! And real chatty too. Hehe.
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Monday, September 06, 2010

EXTREMELY pleased with Megan's new clothes :)

Fashion show this morning.. haha. Took video for Daddy!

Off to hospital to see my Zacky!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

"How's megan? I miss my baby girl... And her beautiful mummy.... :("

Zack is still warded :(
Vomitting has stopped but still having the runs and running a temperature. Shot up to 39 degrees after dinner! :(
Wondering if he'll be discharged tomorrow.. *sigh*

It was only when I got home did I realised I've not had my dinner! That was when my stomach growled :S Thank God there're 2 eggtarts Chris & Elynne bought for Zack. Zack can't eat dairy (eggs) so I brought it home. It's mighty good! So that's my din: 2 eggtarts. I'm losing weight... but NOT in a healthy manner. This is not good.....

Megan's clothes arrived (on a Sunday??)! So i'm going to treat myself to some present-opening, not that those are for me. Then reading my JD Robb. Chances are i'll knock out the minute I hit the bed.

I want my laogong home with me...... *sobs*

My head is spinning.....

Zack is warded :(

Fever went up. Dehydrated. On drip cos everything that goes in, comes out. My poor baby... Surprised he got it this bad this time. But i'm sure he is in good hands. Hope it's just a bout of food poisoning / stomach flu (layman's term) Medical term: Viral gastroenteritis. More tests to be done. My man is tough! He will pull through it!

Got tons of planning to do:
1) Calling insurance agent.
2) Call MIL and FIL to inform them.
3) Arrange Megan's babysitting schedule, plan/cook her meals ahead.
4) Go to hospital. Bring Zack's barang.
5) Prepare materials for event. Depending on whether Zack will be discharge tomorrow, I will decide if I will be going for it. In any case, I have to make a trip to the venue for setup.

what else??

I wish there are 2 me.....

For now, I need to go rest. Dead beat.
Been having the sniffles tonight and nursing a sorethroat.
Praying that I wouldn't fall ill!

Saturday, September 04, 2010

watching 'incredible tales' in the hospital.. Alone in the corridor :S
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At Khoo Teck Puat hospital A&E...

Zack is on drip and under observation til 10pm. He has severe diarrhoea and vomitting - 8-9 times! Running a temp too :( Hoping he gets better and dun have to be warded. Want my laogong to go home with me.. *worried*
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Megan went to Cradle Roll (Sabbath School) :)

and she enjoyed it! One thing about my daughter, she is a social butterfly. She actually approaches other kids!

Had plans to have lunch with Grandma and Grandpa after church at Vivo then go buy Megan's bicycle (Grandma's present to her) but Zack felt sick so we went straight home. Bad stomach.. Diarrhoea and vomitting. My poor baby is running a temperature now :(

*Megan is grinning at me from her cot now... hahaha. I have the cutest daughter ever!! She has such a great sense of humour :)*

Been a crazy week. Stressed to the max. Didn't leave Richard's office til almost 10pm last night! But i'm glad i got the accounts done and email sent out.. *sigh* Before going to his office, Zack drove me to Tai Seng Ave to collect my plaques for my event tomorrow - yes... I'm working tomorrow too! Sunday... :(

This is really strange. I got complimented again. After I collected my plaques and about to leave, the lady said to me:

"You are very beautiful.."

"Are you Singaporean?" - I just knew this question is coming.


"Are you chinese?" - the ever popular question.

Well, with all modesty, I know i'm not hard on the eyes. But it's strange that recently, I have been receiving compliments. I think it's the hair! Johnny did an awesome job this time! No one knows my hair like Johnny does. Crap... what will happen if I don't have him to maintain my locks?!

I wonder will we know by end Sept? *ponders*

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

A long night ahead of me...

and my head is pounding.. *sigh*

How just one email yesterday morning can spoil my entire week.

"Megan dear please sleep quick, mummy needs to get back to work..."

Spending 1 night in Gerona!