Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, June 11, 2010

Late night drama...

Gosh.. it's past 1am and the mother upstairs is screaming at her kid. Doors banging and all. Poor kid is crying. She does it pretty often and always around such late hour *sigh* A few times I really had the urge to yell up at her and tell her to stop all that screaming and banging. What kinda dysfunctional family is that? I hope her kid turns out well. Can't bear to hear him crying - sounds like a boy. At this hour, he should be tucked in bed, sound asleep. Not awake and getting yelled at (probably beaten too) by his mother. Feeling sorry for him :(

I think I might just post a note at the lift lobby. Someone should tell her to stop behaving like a lunatic.

Great. Now I'm wide awake. I was reading an article and getting all drowsy.

Stupid crazy woman.

Think I'd go msg Zack to tell him that crazy woman upstairs is at it again. He is at the pond fishing.. and probably needs some entertainment.

Tomorrow we got plans to go out and buy his Fathers' Day present :) He has been dropping plenty of hints.. hahaha!

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