Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Its close to3am and im in bed checking and sending emails. Hmmm... i dont know what to make out of it.

At least I had a catnap while zack watched MIB 2 next to me, or under me? I have a clouded memory of various napping positions: on his shoulder, on his lap.. ending with me sprawled on the mat.

Today, megan played 'fetch' with pap.. literally. Actually threw the ball for pap.. not far though. Pap will run, get the ball and run back, pass me the ball and i would give to megan to throw. So cute, both of them. Wish i took a vid of it.

Zack and Chris are awfully quiet outside. Chris came over to watch soccer. Think its Greece and Argentina. Must be one boring match.

Better catch some slp.. busy day tomorrow.

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