Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


sleepy... but gotta get some work done.
I could have gotten it done and send it out in 15mins but I didn't save the work i did in the afternoon! So I gotta call my Education Chair tomorrow morning and ask him to narrate again :S How on the earth did the doc disappear?? I know for sure I wouldn't have closed it - and without saving it!

Busy day.

Megan was a good gal and napped a good long 2 hours in the morning. Woke at 8am, fed and diaper changed. Went back to bed from 9 - 11am. I got an extra 2 hrs in too!

But it was a whirlpool since....

I don't know how the hours flew by.

6.30pm: I brought Megan and Pap to my sis's estate to run an errand. Took some really cute shots but they are in the other com (i'm on my work laptop now). By the time we got home it was almost 7:45pm. And Megan was napping in her stroller on our way home. This doesn't bode well.

True enough. After her bath and milk, she didn't go to bed til 9.30pm!

Chris and Elynne were coming at 10pm to watch soccer so I only had 30mins to get the house tidy and have a quick shower. Zack came home at 10pm with dinner. I wolfed it down and got down to my next task - ironing and changing the sheets.

I was changing the pillowcases when Megan started to fuss! (11pm) Must be teething :( It was a long arduous hour - she didn't go back to sleep til 12!

I was so tired by then. And thinking i still got work to do.. *sigh*

Now I can't even get it done *double sigh*

On a happy note: My shoes arrived!!! It's lovely and at US14.99 - A STEAL! :)




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