Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

sitting in megan's dark room as she sleep..

with the blue dim light from the stereo glowing..

with soft tunes playing in the background..

with the dull hum of the aircon..

I sit on the couch and think..

"Im so exhausted."

But my night is far from over. My work laptop is on the dining table, on hibernation mode. Waiting for me to spend the rest of the night with it.

Clean and tidy the house.

Got tomorrow to plan. Errands to run. Bringing megan along so gotta plan the route.

Gotta get cracking.

Somehow, im missing my laogong tonight :(
he is working tonight)

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The best things always cost nothing :)

Driving into the sunset with the stereo playing 'ive been waiting for you' on our way home after a movie date.. PEFFECT.

It's the little bits that count.

Life is good :)

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

and then yr hubby asked, "Do you want koi?"


but my number is 627 :S

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while my hubby orders our dinner at Jai Thai..

im blogging to announce i had just visited one of the most gorgeous house!!

one of my member's.

i was struck speechless when i stepped in.. *swoons*

oooh.. we are having tomyam, beef noodles, crab cakes and mango sticky rice!

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i love you...

*pic taken 15mins ago

Never thought I could love someone quite this much. Sometimes i'd watch her and feel my eyes getting damp. How something this precious belongs to me? :)

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Friday, June 25, 2010

On our way to Tims! :)
There's a koi at Toa Payoh but i dunno where the exact location is. Damn...

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24 June: Megan went to Ikea!

*waves* Mummy's here!

"Wow.. look at all these stars!!!"
Megan's next bed shall look like this.
she was so happy in it :)

my fav :)


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Zack's Fathers' Day present no. 2 is here!!!

The postman just came :P

He'll love this!
He was just talking about how much he yearns for a msassage - wait a minute, he yearns for one VERY regularly! And we were reminiscing about Aramsa Spa - the best one we had in Spore. I treated him to a session for one of his bdays.

I'm gonna put this at his bedside so that's the first thing he'll see when he wakes :)
Busy busy...
Taking a break this afternoon... WE ARE GOING TO IKEA! :)

Zack and I have been considering something huge recently.
Life changing and probably the biggest plunge ever.
Still early days but I like having the option available.
We thank God for Zack's profession which makes it doable.
Megan is our world, and we wanna give her the world.. the opportunities that come with it.

And the adage I always go back to: We only have 1 life, live it well. In the best possible way.

I'm doing research now!

Meanwhile, I gotta get cracking on our Europe trip! 4 mths to go and Ryanair is selling low fares for Oct travel - just not the places we are going :S

So many things to do!
So little time!

Gotta go do some reading.
Megan dear please take your nap....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Its close to3am and im in bed checking and sending emails. Hmmm... i dont know what to make out of it.

At least I had a catnap while zack watched MIB 2 next to me, or under me? I have a clouded memory of various napping positions: on his shoulder, on his lap.. ending with me sprawled on the mat.

Today, megan played 'fetch' with pap.. literally. Actually threw the ball for pap.. not far though. Pap will run, get the ball and run back, pass me the ball and i would give to megan to throw. So cute, both of them. Wish i took a vid of it.

Zack and Chris are awfully quiet outside. Chris came over to watch soccer. Think its Greece and Argentina. Must be one boring match.

Better catch some slp.. busy day tomorrow.

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Daddys' Day my darling!!!
Hope you had a great day today :)

Here's one for now..
A post coming up next!

and our baby turns 11 months old today! :)

Brunch at Swensons Ion...

My wagyu beef butter-flavoured rice was disappointing.
While the beef cubes were tender and juicy.. the overall effect tasted like beef fried rice from zi char stall.

I wish i had ordered the all-day bfast like the gals - and it was only $11.90!

Alright.. our next brunch will be at Dempsey!

The Blacks....

Wishing SY was there with us.... :(

*note to self: check in on her later*

Alrighty.. PILS are coming at 12, so is Rachel Ah Yi (she is experiencing Megan withdrawal sympthoms.. haha). Gotta get the house tidy. It's a tad messy from last night debauchery! Chris, Elynne, Fu and Des came last night for soccer, beer and shisha.

Yesterday was a DAY FOR FRIENDS!

and Today is DADDYS' DAY! Got stuff planned for later :) Gosh.. it seems eons since Zack and I got some time to ourselves. Today is catch up ;)

Beauty Foods For Younger Looking Skin

1) Strawberry
2) Tomatoes
3) Tofu
4) Tuna (or Salmon etc - Omega 3)

Take heed ladies.
Load up on the collagen!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Wanna thank my dear gals for a fab time and walking all over the place with me to hunt for zack's present!

*Big hugs to all*

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Off for brunch with the gals!

...this time without Megan.

Zack is taking care of her. He had his fun ydae.. had his best fishing trip ever, they caught so many fishes! like 70+!!

Yeah so today is my turn. But she looks so cute this morning that i wish i can put her in my pocket and take her along :( Got a few stuff to do and it'll take longer pushing a stroller. Fathers' Day is tomorrow! and i havent bought zack's presents!

ok.. stop's here.
im late and jo is gonna kewl me!!!

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Friday, June 18, 2010

I just sang Megan to sleep... with 'A Whole New World'!
Must be the 'magic carpet ride.....'

Later i'm gonna cook Megan pasta for the very 1st time!
Went down to ntuc to buy Bellamy's organic brown rice pasta stars (Spelt pasta for 10mths not available :( ). She's having it with grated organic cheddar cheese. Cheese is good for her and she took well to it. Not the processed cheese slices from Kraft we eat but the whole cheese (8bucks for 1! :S) which I grate into shreds. When it comes to food, I aim to give her the best. More so during her 1st year - foundation year. She hasn't fallen ill once! (apart from her UTI when she had low grade fever for half a night). Yeah nothing.. no cough, cold, fever etc. *touch wood* I wanna keep her sick-free for the 1st year at least. Foundation year. So far so good.. another 1 mths plus to go!

Megan's a very good gal today! Slept til 10:45am!
That's 14 hrs of sleep :P
I reckon its the dark drizzly weather that kept her in bed.
I wish it rains every morning!!!

Having my lunch of chicken don and iced teh chino now while Megan naps..
Work mostly done so relaxing a lil here.

Time to prepare Megan's congee!

see.... no rest!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Im rushing to the offiice (concall at 3) when i realised... I fed everyone but me!!!


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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mother of 2....

1 front, 1 back.

for when Pap's tired... it was quite a walk.

On our way back home...

5pm: Travel & Living, Barcelona!

Megan is drinking her milk now. Once she is done we will go down to pp to buy bubble tea.. Home in time for Barcelona!!

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Time to wake up sleepy head..

10.45am... and Megan is still aslp! Must be the rainy weather. Her room is so dark and cosy.

Jeez.. can't find my hairband.

This blogging on the go is so fun!

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sleepy... but gotta get some work done.
I could have gotten it done and send it out in 15mins but I didn't save the work i did in the afternoon! So I gotta call my Education Chair tomorrow morning and ask him to narrate again :S How on the earth did the doc disappear?? I know for sure I wouldn't have closed it - and without saving it!

Busy day.

Megan was a good gal and napped a good long 2 hours in the morning. Woke at 8am, fed and diaper changed. Went back to bed from 9 - 11am. I got an extra 2 hrs in too!

But it was a whirlpool since....

I don't know how the hours flew by.

6.30pm: I brought Megan and Pap to my sis's estate to run an errand. Took some really cute shots but they are in the other com (i'm on my work laptop now). By the time we got home it was almost 7:45pm. And Megan was napping in her stroller on our way home. This doesn't bode well.

True enough. After her bath and milk, she didn't go to bed til 9.30pm!

Chris and Elynne were coming at 10pm to watch soccer so I only had 30mins to get the house tidy and have a quick shower. Zack came home at 10pm with dinner. I wolfed it down and got down to my next task - ironing and changing the sheets.

I was changing the pillowcases when Megan started to fuss! (11pm) Must be teething :( It was a long arduous hour - she didn't go back to sleep til 12!

I was so tired by then. And thinking i still got work to do.. *sigh*

Now I can't even get it done *double sigh*

On a happy note: My shoes arrived!!! It's lovely and at US14.99 - A STEAL! :)




Monday, June 14, 2010

Sat Afternoon: Tanglin Mall Flea Market

With the World Cup 2010 underway, I figure it's time for Megan to don her very first Liverpool romper!

The bright red color just spells 'run' so I soak it in water for abit. True enough, the color runs. Had to handwash it. Quite a bother but the romper is too cute so I don't mind the hassle one bit.

Like Father Like Daughter

But Mummy feels left out :(
She got no matching jersey!
It's ok.. her job is way higher.
She is the woman who dresses them!

with matching white/red adidas sneakers.

Elynne has a lot at the flea market in Tanglin Mall so we decided to pop by for a visit. Chris was there too and he was wearing his liverpool jersey! (Sorry no pics of the flea market - how could you ju!)

We definitely had to take some shots!

Megan looked so grumpy... hahahhaha!

I love her lips, they are so rosy and well-formed :)

A late lunch at Chilis...

Food is a tad pricey. We were expecting Kenny Roger's pricing but it was more like Tony Romas. It was pretty good though! - love the garlic bread! Just the service that sucks.

Our next visit: I'm SO going to have their Molten Chocolate Cake!

Before heading home, mummy and Megan took some shots ;)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

on a sun afternoon...

sweet dreams... :)
(taken 3mins ago)

I am feeling sleepy.. I miss having afternoon naps.. :( Oh, the sky looks dark. Crap, I intend to wash the sheets.

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Ok since megan is still napping.. here's another one of MEGAN AND ME! :)

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Busy weekend, ate too much (fried chicken 2 days in a row!), took too many pics. Here is just one for now. Almost getting the hang of typing on my hp.

Megan napping in her sarong. Hope she naps long.. Grandma and grandpa coming at 2. So I got an entire afternoon to do my hsechores - at leisure!

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Late night drama...

Gosh.. it's past 1am and the mother upstairs is screaming at her kid. Doors banging and all. Poor kid is crying. She does it pretty often and always around such late hour *sigh* A few times I really had the urge to yell up at her and tell her to stop all that screaming and banging. What kinda dysfunctional family is that? I hope her kid turns out well. Can't bear to hear him crying - sounds like a boy. At this hour, he should be tucked in bed, sound asleep. Not awake and getting yelled at (probably beaten too) by his mother. Feeling sorry for him :(

I think I might just post a note at the lift lobby. Someone should tell her to stop behaving like a lunatic.

Great. Now I'm wide awake. I was reading an article and getting all drowsy.

Stupid crazy woman.

Think I'd go msg Zack to tell him that crazy woman upstairs is at it again. He is at the pond fishing.. and probably needs some entertainment.

Tomorrow we got plans to go out and buy his Fathers' Day present :) He has been dropping plenty of hints.. hahaha!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ju's new toy - EXPERIA X10i!!!!

in Luster White......

SE all the way!

with all the various rebates..
I got it for $148!
Retail: $448

Zack likes it and wanna get one too.. hahaha! With all the raves about the iphone, I was tempted for awhile. But I look at what I want in a phone and pick accordingly. I take alot of pics with my hp so a good camera is essential. Cybershot is tried and proven its worth so that's the way to go.

*i'm on a rare afternoon break where all i'm doing is relaxing, watching tv, surfing, playing with Megan. No tasks to rush out! :)

Tuesday, June 08, 2010


testing from my new toy

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Monday, June 07, 2010

Happy 7th!

- Postponed my meeting so I can spend a whole day with Megan - it's been so long since!
- Going to buy my hp later at 4pm (Zack is back from his meeting and is napping now :))
- Ikea for dinner! Meeting Chris and Elynne :)

And Megan has been napping since 1.30pm (it's 2.39pm)... nice!

Crap! Smelt something weird then I remember I'm boiling broccoli for Megan! There goes 1 good broccoli :( I'm tweaking Megan's menu now. She needs more variety. I wonder if she can handle beef now - she had constipation. Trying to find new recipes. Tofu.. asparagas.. cucumber.. beef stew!

Sex And The City 2....


I enjoyed this better than the prequel.
To top it off, I had my Koi! ;)

oooohhhhh... the simple pleasures of life.

Fashion Parading...

Lavender's Hill Romper!
Beautiful! Maybe I'll buy it in bigger sizes ;)

Doesn't she look gorgeous? :)

Hot weather?
No sweat.
Just this swing top, a capri, a hat...
and Megan's good to roll!