Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Realised I've gotten rather fast at getting housechores done.
In 30mins:
- washed a sinkful of dishes (big pots and wok etc)
- cleared the living room
- cleaned up kitchen
- took a hot shower

Toilets in need of washing.
Need to mop the floor soon too... maybe tomorrow or Friday.
and I just noticed the tip of a finger is peeling :(

Quarter to 12.
Gonna get some work done before turning in.
Big event tomorrow.
Not from the workload but from the unknown.
Steep learning curve and I feel this urgent need to prove myself.

Zack sees how tough it is for me.
and it warms me to see how he understands and appreciate
"You really sacrifice alot.." he said to me.
(i was in fact taken aback when he said that.. nose prickled)
And he's supports me by offering to drive me around when I have to get errands done. I appreciate it so much (he'd take Megan and wait patiently for me) and it's also family time to me, chatting in the car, going for a meal or browse the shops after i'm done.

However tough a situation may be, you make the best out of it. And yes... count your blessings. Look at the big picture. Your goal. Your reason. Mine grins back at me with those adorable flashing dimples :)

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