Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nap time is work time...

...and I'm about done with work for today.

I work when Megan naps and is down for the night.
try to get as much done in between..

Last night i was so tired after Megan is down that I napped (have not caught up with sleep from Viet).. woke at 12 and worked til 3am! Thank goodness Megan was a good gal and slept til 9.30am so I managed to catch more winks.

I feel like i'm holding 2 full time jobs!

That's why I get irritated when I read posts from SAHMs whining about the amount of housechores they have to do.. time and time again. Goodness gracious. There is very little many working mums wouldn't do to be in her shoes. To be able to stay home and look after their baby. No doubt it is a VERY tiring job - SAHM that is. I'll be the first to attest to it. But I'm grateful to be given this chance to care for my baby and it's something I cherish every single day.. even if I have to work doubly hard! Many others out there got it worse. Having to worry about finances, finding suitable ppl to care for their baby, work stress etc. In the light of things, what is a little housechore? So stop whining, be grateful and take joy in what you have.

Gosh.. and I just remember I have not had my dinner!
All I ate today was 4 fish finger and 6 corn chicken fingers :(
Got a pot of pongteh on the stove..

Zack went offshore fishing in Msia and I was afraid he'll be hungry when he gets home - anytime now. So I cooked something just in case. Rachel popped over too so I got her to dapao some home.

Anyway.. no time to blog.
Back to work.
Just one more item out so I can sleep well tonight.

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