Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, May 31, 2010

I'm so tired...
Got so many things to do I don't know where to begin.
1) need to go to the office to get my stuff printed and organised.
2) got a concall tomorrow morning at 11am.
3) prepare for this friday's excom meeting.
4) get some cheques signed.

That's the bulk.
and the many followups of the upcoming event and membership renewal.

I REALLY need to get my home office up and running.
I feel so disorganised and it's so hard to work like this.
Miss working in an office where I can print whatever and whenever.. all filing materials are within my reach. Crap, I even used to have a personal printer.


UPS Report: Out for Delivery

My parcel will arrive anytime!
but I need to go down to PP to buy grocery
how how how?

I realised with a jolt that tomorrow is 1 JUNE!!!
crap.. that's when Evelyn goes back to work.
oh no.. I was supposed to go visit her.
why did I think I got 1 more week... sheesh.
think we gotta meet at her workplace..
just as well, Kel can join us too.
the days are passing too rapidly.. i'm losing track of them *sigh*

Woke up today to a EMPTY SINK! :)
Gonna cook my sweetheart a specially nice dinner :)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday out: The one with Koi, East Coast Park/Bedok Jetty and Little Miss Grumpy

Why is Mr Chan so happy?

He loves Koi too????

playing with Mummy's beads..

now she wants Mummy's sunnies....
Daddy says we should get Megan a pair of shades.

The 3 of us :)
Not our family pic cos Pap is not with us.
(would have brought Pap along if we didnt go to compass pt)
We gotta take a nice family pic... the 4 of us!

Megan was so grumpy... hahahha!

Walking back to the car.....

She wants to know what Mummy and Daddy are laughing about..

More of Little Miss Grumpy...

Oh and on Thursday....
We had NANDOS!!!!!
I say it's better than KL's. Not sure about the one at London though. I know for sure we'll hit the joint when we are there.

I like the peri peri fries!

After a meal at Nandos, we went window shopping at the mall opposite Bugis - Ulumi (not sure on the name). One word: Pathetic.

45mins of browsing the shops, then off to catch THE PRINCE OF PERSIA!
It didnt WOW me.. nice show but the acting was a tad lacking.

Zack was a happy man that day.
We went to a couple of lure shops and he added on to his fishing gear... aiyoh!!!! He has gone off the deep dark end!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cosy after a cool shower (weather is frigging humid!)
Megan sound asleep.
Dishes are washed - my soup was at its best ever!
Kitchen cleaned down.
Living room tidied.
Work for the day is done - Logged off gmail. I'm SO done.
Now I'm snug in bed, in my lavender scented bedroom....
Another day gone *pat on the back*

On Sunday, Grandma and grandpa came to play with Megan. That frees me up to get some long overdue chores done - the toilets! I've only been doing surface cleaning so on Sun, i did a thorough wash. One of my favorite area in our home is our master toilet. I really love how we did it up. All dark and ohsochic~ So I enjoy pimping it up and sensualizing it. (Still NOT happy with Zack for throwing away the toilet seat cover and mat *humph*) I'm ashamed to say I've let things slide of late - No toilet seat covers, candles all dusty, no soft cushiony hand towels. Just a floor mat which Pap always pees on! (That gal will be the death of me!) Anyhow... Sunday, our master toilet is back to its former glory - almost. I just need to go get some nice towels, toilet seat set. I'm thinking flowers too. Toilets need flowers! And I got a pot of essential oil burning.. love how the lavender scent drifts out to the bedroom. Hmmmm...... it feels dreamy and sensual...

Gosh, I just wrote a long paragraph on my toilet!


Been really stressed lately. Seriously.
Can't even begin to rant here.
I did to a number of people already.. poor guys.
So I destress by doing a bit of shopping.
I have to stress (no pun intended!) it is totally unintentional
- I got Victoria's Secret website as one of my homepages so it's like pushed into my face that THE SEMI-ANNUAL SALE IS ON!!!

So, erm...... these are my buys:
:: 2 Blouson Tube Top
:: 1 Ruched Halter Bra Top
:: 1 Dropped-Waist Strapless Dress
:: 1 Pout Demi Bra in Spiced Pink
:: 1 Pout V-string in Spiced Pink
:: 1 Colin Stuart Flower Thong
:: 1 Colin Stuart Espadrille Sandal


Not counting the 2 tops I bought from Forever 21 on Sat :P (Yes, I'm still an XS baby!) I utilized my Mummy's Day present! Only used one voucher, saving the other one for later. And I'm collecting my specs tomorrow. FINALLY... new specs!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Had my 1st event last night.
Year end gala dinner at Raffles Town Club.
Super tired.
Those people are like small kids...
lost their hat lah, their leather jacket lah (Yes.. LEATHER)
Event said to end at 3am but I left at 12.30am.
The folks can boogle all night.
Funny watching them dance to retro - it's their era! hahahha!
It was a fun night :)

At 30 past 12, called a cab and head back home.
Zack was really tired but waited up for me :)

"cus i'm worried about my wifey.. Muaks! I will not sleep til my wifey comes back home safe :)"

awwww... ain't that sweet? :)
He took over when i left at 5pm
brought Megan out shopping - HIS shopping
came home and put her to sleep..
There was an unfortunate episode where she pooped and he cleaned her up. Bathtime too so he didnt put a diaper back on. He went to get her bath prepared, came back to find her covered in poop (she was not done with her No. 2!) and pee! All the sheets were soiled! Hahahhaha...
Alrighty, Megan's up from her nap.
Gotta go!
TODAY... i'm not gonna think about work, NO checking of email.
(okay, i'm gonna reply to just ONE email)
and just spend my day with Zack and Megan.
Been a crazy 2 weeks since I'm back from Dalat.
Stressed and slowly burning out.
I need a break!
So...... We are going out today!!
To Nandos!!! (hopefully it wouldnt be too crowded)
and I might get a chance to go on my shopping spree..
my Mummy's Day gift! :)

Love is......

....when your darling hubby went fishing, caught a big fish, came home and say, "I cook for you ok?" :)

.....when your sweet sister surprised you with your favourite no-nut Famous Amos cookies!

.....when your dear friend took parenting brochures from her workplace and deliver to your home :) Thanks Ching!! You are the sweetest!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Realised I've gotten rather fast at getting housechores done.
In 30mins:
- washed a sinkful of dishes (big pots and wok etc)
- cleared the living room
- cleaned up kitchen
- took a hot shower

Toilets in need of washing.
Need to mop the floor soon too... maybe tomorrow or Friday.
and I just noticed the tip of a finger is peeling :(

Quarter to 12.
Gonna get some work done before turning in.
Big event tomorrow.
Not from the workload but from the unknown.
Steep learning curve and I feel this urgent need to prove myself.

Zack sees how tough it is for me.
and it warms me to see how he understands and appreciate
"You really sacrifice alot.." he said to me.
(i was in fact taken aback when he said that.. nose prickled)
And he's supports me by offering to drive me around when I have to get errands done. I appreciate it so much (he'd take Megan and wait patiently for me) and it's also family time to me, chatting in the car, going for a meal or browse the shops after i'm done.

However tough a situation may be, you make the best out of it. And yes... count your blessings. Look at the big picture. Your goal. Your reason. Mine grins back at me with those adorable flashing dimples :)
My Megan is 10 months old today!!!! :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The unveil of my sister's early birthday present..

....A customized Le Pliage!

there are a wide variety of colors to choose from...

even the hardware.. nickel, bronze or gold.

the part I like most... name or initials!
I am an initial gal.. but I know my sis is not.

Longchamp did it really quickly!
I ordered, in production for 2-3 days, shipped out..
and the parcel arrived in under 2 weeks!
It travelled from Paris (where it was made), to Germany, China then Singapore.
Quite a trek but all in good time.

I fret for a few days on the colors before coming to a decision.
And it turned out great!
It is just LOVELY!
and she loves it :)
that's the most important part...
Didn't wanna wait til her bday to give it to her - it's in July!
cos she has been feeling down about Amber's condition..
so this is to cheer her up :)

She said many of her colleagues are now customizing one for themselves or as gifts.. haha! It makes a great gift I must say. Your very own Le Pliage!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Chilling in the chillout room with my love :)
Just doing our own surfing and chatting now and then.
and erm.... msning.. yes, we are face-to-face.. haha

A meeting tomorrow morning.
hitting the sack soon.

It is 2 weeks later...
I'm still pondering: To buy or not to buy?!!!
Wonder what's stopping me.
Saw it the 2nd time and I STILL lust over it.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nap time is work time...

...and I'm about done with work for today.

I work when Megan naps and is down for the night.
try to get as much done in between..

Last night i was so tired after Megan is down that I napped (have not caught up with sleep from Viet).. woke at 12 and worked til 3am! Thank goodness Megan was a good gal and slept til 9.30am so I managed to catch more winks.

I feel like i'm holding 2 full time jobs!

That's why I get irritated when I read posts from SAHMs whining about the amount of housechores they have to do.. time and time again. Goodness gracious. There is very little many working mums wouldn't do to be in her shoes. To be able to stay home and look after their baby. No doubt it is a VERY tiring job - SAHM that is. I'll be the first to attest to it. But I'm grateful to be given this chance to care for my baby and it's something I cherish every single day.. even if I have to work doubly hard! Many others out there got it worse. Having to worry about finances, finding suitable ppl to care for their baby, work stress etc. In the light of things, what is a little housechore? So stop whining, be grateful and take joy in what you have.

Gosh.. and I just remember I have not had my dinner!
All I ate today was 4 fish finger and 6 corn chicken fingers :(
Got a pot of pongteh on the stove..

Zack went offshore fishing in Msia and I was afraid he'll be hungry when he gets home - anytime now. So I cooked something just in case. Rachel popped over too so I got her to dapao some home.

Anyway.. no time to blog.
Back to work.
Just one more item out so I can sleep well tonight.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Came home yesterday to THE MOST WONDERFUL Mothers' Day EVER!

Zack and Megan picked me up at the airport.
and he brought me to the place he had wanted to surprise me
It's a place I've always wanted to go :)
(it used to be called Electic Attic if I remember correctly)

And during dinner, he gave me the most beautiful Mothers' Day card!
Made with Love, from Megan & Daddy!

had to blink my eyes hard when I read this... *tears*

Together with the card was my 1st surprise!
My 1st present: A $200 voucher at an optical shop!!!
A new specs! It is EXACTLY what I NEED!
The pair I've been wearing is over 5 years old and so bent out of shape.
Can't bear to get another pair as I only wear them at night
(Actually it is precisely why I only wear them at night)
He knows exactly what I need and gave me just it :)


Starter: Foie Gras Tasters
the flavours explodes in your mouth..
the foie gras simply melts away..

I had the Mint Chocolate Coffee - one of the best I ever had!

Main: I had German sausages + whipped potato
Zack had a steak burger - which was SOOOOOO Good!
no pics as we were busy stuffing our face..

Dessert: Ebony & Ivory
*two thumbs up*


After dinner, we went straight home cos it was Megan's bedtime.

Gave my darling hubby a tight big hug the minute we got home and behind closed doors (without Megan in my arms too) I missed him sooooo much :( Megan was staring at us with her big eyes.. so cute! Probably wondering why is she in her stroller while Mummy and Daddy was glued together.. haha..

I got a pleasant surprise when we reached home..
It was clean and tidy!!
I'm sooo impressed with Zack!
He did a TERRIFIC job taking care of Megan :)
:: clean floor
:: clean toys
:: empty sink (YES!!!)
:: sweet smelling Pappe (she is heavy too!)
:: and... THE BED WAS MADE!!! (he hasnt made the bed since we were part towing and about 1-2 months into our relationship :P)

He really spruced our home up for my homecoming :)

When we were snug in bed later at night, Zack gave me my 2nd surprise!
My 2nd present: A $100 gift voucher at Forever 21!!!
He said I deserve a shopping spree
for me to buy whatever I fancy :)
he is the sweeeeetest!

Zack really missed me... :)
I could tell how much he missed me and how he appreciates what I had been going through..
Seems like being away for 5 days did many good.. haha.
He finally UNDERSTANDS how tough it can be..

I feel like the most blessed person in the whole wide world!
I got a beautiful baby girl..
a wonderfully sweet hubby who dotes on me..
what more can I ask for?

Saturday, May 08, 2010

"Wait a minute... I got you not only 1 present, but 2! Think I better leave vivo soon if not i'll buy down the whole place for you.. Hehe :)"

I'm getting 2 presents!!!
Zack gave me a hint: I can use it
what kinda hint is that?? :S
I'll know tomorrow!!!
Cant wait for tomorrow to come sooner..
Miss Zack, Megan and Pap soooooo much :(

Today's workshop is so boring *yawns*
another 3-course french lunch
(dinner is 5-6 course!)
I shouldnt complain but too much of something good is always not good..
another dinner (i reckon big!) tonight..
member's house on the mountains!
will be an experience..

Friday, May 07, 2010

Ju in Dalat....

2 days down... 2 more to go.
Tired... dead tired.
But learnt alot during this training.
Tomorrow we got free&easy in the afternoon so thinking of going up the mountain (yeah, i'm already on a mountain!) and a village.
My foreign counterparts are all so warm and friendly!
They are from Hong Kong, Msia, Thailand, Indo, Philippines.

In Dalat....
GORGEOUS hotel... beautiful weather... french cuisine served by dashing french hotel managers.. I'm gonna take my babies up here!
Zack will love the hotel.. he very atas when it comes to accomodation.. tsk tsk!

Oh.. Zack just told me he is getting something for me!
said he got something in mind and might get it tomorrow.
I'm gonna get a surprise when I'm back!!!!

Gonna hit the sack now..

can't wait to go home on Sunday..
I miss megan and pappe........ :(

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Ju in HCMC.....

.... At a bar sipping coconut, and using their free wifi and webcamming with my Sweethearts:)

Airport is pathetic and spending five hours there will drive me insane. So I shared a cab with a british backpacker to the city center - Diamond Plaza. Went up to the 4th level to the bar with the free wifi. So here I am ...

Flying off to Dalat at 5pm.
Looking forward to cool weather.
Up to the mountains!
So what can I do during a 5 hour transit in HMCM?
not keen to go into the city.
we've been there in 2008 and there isn't much I wanna see again.
hope HMCM airport is comfortable enough to chill...
awesome if there is a place for me to nap.
sure not expecting it to be like Changi.
right now.. I just wanna sleeeeeeeep!

Flight at 9.50am.
Gonna miss Megan, Zack and Pappe BAD :(

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

I'm so busy I only ate 1 meal today!

getting ready for Dalat..
slides.. numbers.. *headache*
preparing Megan's food for the week..
so far we've got: apple, sweet potato, broccoli, pumpkin, blueberries, papaya.
yet to puree: avocado, tomato

To Do List for tomorrow:
- bathe Pap
- change Megan's sheets
- write instructions for Zack
- wash toilets (not critical)
- buy fish for Megan, prepare daily portion

Okay this should help me remember.
I got a thousand and five things on my mind.
and there's a 10am meeting at M Hotel tomorrow.. *sigh*

and crap... my luggage is still in the storeroom!!!

so tired...


Sunday, May 02, 2010

My customized Le Cabas :)

Ju loves her little pap pap!
when I saw the pink butterfly lining,
I just knew this clutch belongs to my little pap :)
Fyi: Pap is a papillon - french word for butterfly
How apt this clutch is made in france.

Also in this shipment is my sister's surprise gift ;)
It sure did a trek around the globe - Paris, Germany, China... Singapore!
She is so over the moon, it really is gorgeous!
I'm happy she loves it :)
Will post pics when I have the time to take a few shots.
5pm: Nora Robert's Angel's Fall on Hallmark!!