Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, February 22, 2009

a pretty nonsensical post

just got back home and feeling a tad tired and lazy.
Zack and i met up with Mark and Fu for dinner at Taokee..
it's been sooo long since i last hung out with them!
and bocs my dear Zacky boy is going fishing tonight with Andrew,
we only had dinner and didnt hang out after :(
except pop over to Mark's to look at his preggo yabby.

So yes.. my love is out fishing tonight.. again!
he dragged me off to Punggol end last night when a wave of fishing urge hit him..
i only agreed to accompany him when he said i could sleep in the car.
no way am i able to sit on a plastic chair and wait for him for 5 hrs like i used to!
so armed with a pillow, book and a pretty pout, i became Zack's fishing companion (just without a fishing rod)
but i must say Punggol End was nice!
not the dark secluded part but where anglers go to fish, and its very bright.
we parked just next to the sea.. and while Zack got busy with his stuff, i got comfy :)
rolled down the windows and reclined the car seat.
with the sea breeze coming in...
i fell asleep before getting to page 2 of my new pregnancy book
turned out to be a good 2-hr rest :)
but my poor darling didnt catch anything.. haha.
hoping he'll have better luck tonight! *blowing some kisses to him*

alright.. i'm feeling abit tired and wanna go lie down.
hopefully our little darling wouldnt fret too much without hearing daddy's voice tonight.. he's been talking to her every night :)

feeling hungry now :(
didnt eat much at taokee just now cos i was still full from our late lunch
we seriously had too much to eat!
:: 3 prata
:: shared with Zack a plate of carrot cake
:: psychoed Zack into buying 3 boxes of durians! we cleaned off 2 :P

Zack was complaining how i tempted him into eating so much! hahaha
he's trying to watch his weight now.. hehe
i wonder why, i think he is perfect.

ahhh.. i'm hungry... how how
i feel like korean strawberries.. the awfully sweet ones.

crap.. my back is aching.. let me go switch to the laptop and surf in bed.

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