Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, February 26, 2009

mummy's little girl at 18 weeks

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Zack's new toy...

the one he bought before 16 Feb! -_-

now why is it everyone got a present save for moi? *pout*
but i have to admit (albeit begrudingly) this one is a beauty.

check out the mother-of-pearl inlay... so pretty!

and the wood (i cant remember what's the name it's MAPLE) at the back..
it's just so gorgeous and goes so well with the gold-plated knobs (okay there's a name for it too it's called TUNERS)

*missing pic*

and bcos he did that... all bets are off... I GET MY PRESENTS TOO!!!
just that... i can't decide which one i want... *ponders*

beanie's first present!

.....from lovely Auntie YY :)
all the way from the States!

but she gotta wait til she's 3 months old before she can wear it :)
isn't it so sweet and adorable??
our little gal is so fortunate.. all the aunties and jie jies dote on her so much..
and i'm touched.. really am :)

see lah yy... early morning make me tear.. :) *hugs*

Monday, February 23, 2009

butterfly kisses... :)

been a long busy day...
no time for blues even.
4mths plus before i go on maternity leave - for 4mths!
so cant wait......

just something exciting to share..
our princess has been very active!
last night i got woken up by her (she woke me up on sun morning too!)
she must be practicing some dance steps, my tummy got really taut and high.
like a big round ball.
so i put zack's palm on it.. and guess what? She kicked him!
ahahhahaha.. sooooo cute!
then the bump subsided..
dunno what the heck that gal is doing in there..

and this morning in the train whilst sitting... i felt her nudge 5 times!
they are just like butterfly kisses :)
i think i'm beginning to differentiate which are her acrobat stunts and which are round ligament aches :)

Evelyn said she must be a strong baby to be able to feel her movements at 17weeks :)
(but if i'm not mistaken, i felt a slight graze along my lower abdomen at 14weeks! I'm not sure if its her but its definitely not a cramp. It was so cool! We were in the car and there was a rare moment of silence when it happened :P I was quite shocked.. haha)

they dun say the 2nd trimester is the honeymoon period for jokes!
i'm feeling totally awesome!
no nausea, no queasiness, nothing.. zilch.
just hunger.. and hunger and more hunger.
and the best part is, i can eat without feeling awful!
its just like my pre-pregnancy state - that feeling is marvellous.
now i only need to whet my appetite.. i need to eat more!
Fu said i'm too skinny for a preggo :(
i've only put on 2-3kg.. i think it's too little :S
but our ob said i'm doing fine, baby is growing well so... okay :)

okie gtg..
zacky's here!
we're going to Beach Rd for dinner :D

Sunday, February 22, 2009

ju's thinking pink, flowers, ribbons and all things pretty!

so yes.. Zack and Ju are having a little princess!!!!
"i can see 3 lines.." my ob said.
(which suggests the labia :))

so Zack said he is gonna buy our little darling a pink Adidas (3 lines) crib shoe.. hahahha! He's so cute :)


omg... i still cant believe we're having a little gal!
though Zack wanted a gal, he like me tot it'll be a boy.
(i did a long grandmother-story post in beanie's blog, so u can go read from it:

it's kinda weird how though i'd love a boy, i'm still overjoyed at the news.
shockingly overjoyed.
probably cos it'll be difficult for us to get a girl.. haha
(zack got very strong male genes)
u noe like get the tough part over with :P
boys are easier to conceive actually.
i can explain the medical science of it should anyone care to know.. hehe.

omgomg.. A GIRL!!!! a little baby girl!!!

so Zack is now walking about like a puffed-up-chest-rooster!
*gasps* his wish on the shooting star really came true!
i hope mine came true too :)

i gotta little girl growing inside me... *pinch pinch*
she has been pretty active lately.. especially during the nights
turning out to be a party gal i tell u.. haha
though i still couldnt feel a kick here and there..
or at least cant be sure if they are yet.
my tummy had taken odd shapes at times (usually at night)
like it's slightly more inclined on the right, a steeper gradient and its harder.. and it subsides back in after awhile.. it's sooooo cute and exciting!
and last night at 3plus, i was pretty sure i felt a soft kick! more like a nudge :)

pregnancy is such an amazing thing!
i told Zack i wish for him to experience it too.
you should see the look on his face.. hahahhaa

oh it's gonna rain soon!
and i'm doing laundry today :(
we're having Arnold's for lunch later!
but i've fed our little girl some birds nest.. thanks to my darling sister! *muaks* :)
everyone was sooo happy to learn that we're having a gal.. haha.
Godma and Rachel cant wait to buy pretty outfits for our little sweetheart..
i hope they wouldnt buy a trackload of it! especially Rachel!

and i shall end off by saying what i always say..
in everything we've been blessed with.. We GIVE THANKS :)

a pretty nonsensical post

just got back home and feeling a tad tired and lazy.
Zack and i met up with Mark and Fu for dinner at Taokee..
it's been sooo long since i last hung out with them!
and bocs my dear Zacky boy is going fishing tonight with Andrew,
we only had dinner and didnt hang out after :(
except pop over to Mark's to look at his preggo yabby.

So yes.. my love is out fishing tonight.. again!
he dragged me off to Punggol end last night when a wave of fishing urge hit him..
i only agreed to accompany him when he said i could sleep in the car.
no way am i able to sit on a plastic chair and wait for him for 5 hrs like i used to!
so armed with a pillow, book and a pretty pout, i became Zack's fishing companion (just without a fishing rod)
but i must say Punggol End was nice!
not the dark secluded part but where anglers go to fish, and its very bright.
we parked just next to the sea.. and while Zack got busy with his stuff, i got comfy :)
rolled down the windows and reclined the car seat.
with the sea breeze coming in...
i fell asleep before getting to page 2 of my new pregnancy book
turned out to be a good 2-hr rest :)
but my poor darling didnt catch anything.. haha.
hoping he'll have better luck tonight! *blowing some kisses to him*

alright.. i'm feeling abit tired and wanna go lie down.
hopefully our little darling wouldnt fret too much without hearing daddy's voice tonight.. he's been talking to her every night :)

feeling hungry now :(
didnt eat much at taokee just now cos i was still full from our late lunch
we seriously had too much to eat!
:: 3 prata
:: shared with Zack a plate of carrot cake
:: psychoed Zack into buying 3 boxes of durians! we cleaned off 2 :P

Zack was complaining how i tempted him into eating so much! hahaha
he's trying to watch his weight now.. hehe
i wonder why, i think he is perfect.

ahhh.. i'm hungry... how how
i feel like korean strawberries.. the awfully sweet ones.

crap.. my back is aching.. let me go switch to the laptop and surf in bed.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

my darling's good news.....


Zack's currently on his level 4 course. After he passed out, he'll be a level 4 paramedic! With really advanced skills and knowledge, he'll be able to prescribe more drugs and "do more stuff" (i cant explain the medical procedures). He will be considered an equivalent to a Canadian ACP (Advanced Care Paramedic) and that's really at a street doctor's level.

To qualify into the Level 4 course is no mean feat. He gotta go through qualifying tests and all. Only 13 managed to get in. So on the first day, there was a test to gauge their level of knowledge. I remembered Zack telling me that it was quite tough and was worried about how he fared. But guess what? He topped his class!!! *beams* (now why am i not surprised? *smirk*)

Not that i wanna boast... but my hubby is really very good at what he does :P I can ask him anything and he seems to know everything at his finger tips. His colleagues even sms him to get instant answers.. haha. He is like a walking encyclopedia :P

Okay that's quite enough of gushing ;P

Thursday, February 19, 2009

tired.... in every sense

sometimes you wonder if you are just riding on a false good wave.
that iron cast armour is getting heavy, way too heavy.

but i know at the end of the day, there's my loving hubby to look forward to.
and nothing lights me up more than rubbing my tummy and being reminded of my little darling growing inside.

Zack got good news to share later :)
so we're going for a slightly nicer dinner later
i wonder what the good news can be..
must be something to do with his career :)
i'm so happy he got a job he so enjoys..
i wish i do too...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

awww.. i'm still his baby! :)

"How's my baby and our beanie ***** doing? hehe.. :)"


....someone is SMUG
....someone is GOBSMACKED!


our little one sure loves presents...
mummy owes beanie a nice big one!
daddy said he will buy beanie an adidas shoes...
and did i mention beanie is upside down! hahahhaa

Zack was like a caffeinated chipmunck.. he's so cute!
he dragged me off to bed (i was dozing on the sofa) so we could nestle in bed and go through our names book. I melted the minute i touched the pillow. But managed to pry my heavy-lidded eyes open once in a while when he threw some name at me. And it was so cute how he spent a long time talking to beanie and kissing my tummy. I can't possibly love him more!! *HUGS*

last night... was really a night to remember *glows*
that moment in our ob's office..

i cant say enough how special it was...
i was blinking tears back from my eyes!

Monday, February 16, 2009

today is the 16th!!!
and i'm leaving office now.. our ob appointment is at 7.25pm!
Dr Tee said we can tell if beanie will be peeing standing up or sitting down today!

after 6 weeks, i cant wait to see beanie again!
i think i'll eat something sweet 15mins before so beanie will have a sugar rush.. haha.

ok beanie, if you cooperate later.. mummy will buy you a present!
nope, not telling you what it is.. so be good later! :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

just sitting here catching my breadth from a series of housechores..
i did plenty! *proud proud*
just the light-duty ones and left the rest to my darling :P

feeling wistful that the weekend is coming to an end :(
we had a lovely Valentines Day this year!
it started from friday when my sweetheart picked me up from work :)
we went for our V-Day dinner early to beat the crowd.
had Modesto for dinner which turned out to be a huge mistake!
the food was seriously awful and undeservingly pricey!
we both didnt even finish our food and Zack even wanted to leave a feedback to the manager.
i was hoping some italian fare will quench my thirst for our honeymoon craves but it only left me yearning for more! (Rome's calzoni, Florence's little tuscan restaurant and Venice's spectacular fish soup!!!) *sigh*

but it's still all good despite the awful dinner!
Zack bought me a very very pretty dress *beams*
and after a bout at Vivo, we went off to PUNGGOL END..
it was soooo deep in i wonder how many people actually seen this part of Singapore. It was all tall grass/trees and bushes and a long 10mins drive in before we reached the channel with Coney Island just opposite. It was extremely secluded and dark at night, with only the port lights twinkling nearby.

(and yes, another place conquered!)

Many times Zack will ask me what do i want for a gift and i'd crack my head and think of what other things i'd like to add to my treasure trove. Nothing comes to mind.. not another tiffany bling or a pretty watch. All i want is to spend time with him :) A FULL DAY! It's a luxury we dont always enjoy.

So this Valentines Day, we had ourselves ONE FULL DAY! *beams*
we slept in til the sun was half way home.
and i cooked him dinner!
i've not touched the stove in months!
(pregnancy had left me in complete lethargy even if i wasnt like a dead dog.)
Zack's been doing the cooking AND washing - yeah wow! hehe..
so i treated him to a lovely meal!

~ Ribeye steak with mushroom onion sauce - zack said there're more mushrooms than sauce *giggles*
~ Mashed potatoes - from scratch mind u
~ Steamed brocoli - little beanie needs folate too

then caught a 11.15pm show at Junction 8 - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

i really like the show despite it being a 3-hr flick. (i know sy will be very happy with the show *winks*) My back was aching by the end of it. Zack thought it was boring and draggy and wanted to leave halfway! hahaha.

Movie ended at 2.30am!
and we headed off to Zack's usual fishing hunt. He went to see the other regulars who usually fishes til morning and one of them caught a 5kg grouper. Zack is still the record breaker at 7kg! haha.

Oh oh! One of them thought we were dating - we must look young enough for it :P But Zack told them i'm his wife :) Actually it's not the first time ppl mistook us for a dating couple.. haha. Then another one asked him how many months i am, he could see i'm preg!!! *skips*

we stayed there for about 30mins before Zack took me to MARINA BARRAGE. A very romantic part tow place. The view is beautiful with the skyline of Benjamin Sheares and Singapore Flyer in clear view. The architecture is lovely.. i can get many good shots there. But it's pretty far in and not very accessible if you dont have your own transport.

another late night..
lights out: 4.30am!

my pretty dress!

i love it! and cant wait to wear it!
Zack said i look nice in it *preens*
i'd better wear it often before i outgrow it :P

.....and i gotta little gift for him ;)

so how's my Valentines' Day this year?
AWESOME *beams*
i like it simple and sweet.
ju's happy... very happy :)

alrighty.. gtg wake my darling from his nap.
hungry but..... what to eat????

Thursday, February 12, 2009

the day i fall in love.....

material, size, dual style
practical yet gorgeous
durable yet luxurious!
oh my....... *sigh*

only one TINY problem.

my thursday

just had a lovely (albeit too short!) lunch with Sy at City Hall.
she is attending a conference at Suntec so managed to sneak in a lunch! Just like the old times ;) i really do miss our suntec lunches.. a break away from work, window shopping and chit chatting. Now she is far far away at the airport :(

3rd GREAT day!
seems like stomach flu after all :)

Henry made my day today!
he said he could see i'm preg! but asked if i'm 2-3mths -_-
then he said probably cos i'm "skinny" and pointed out that i've lost weight.
No, i'm not skinny.
Yes, i've lost weight.
(i've been eating.. really! 3 meals and some)
And i'm LOVING MY SWEET LITTLE BUMP! (even if ppl said they need a microscope to see it.. humph!)

and Ben made a wager with me..
he said beanie will be a girl.
i'm sure beanie will be a boy.
loser buys dinner!
i got the weekend to consider my dinner options.. haha.. start saving Benoni!
we'll know on Monday - hopefully!! :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

it's been a week......!
some week...
an exhausting one.
a miserable one.
a porcelein-throne-hugging one.
a porcelein-throne-warming one. (the WORST diarrhoea in my 27yrs of existence!)

my question: Stomach flu or belated morning sickness?

Zack thinks its morning sickness..
dammit, his sympathy seems coated with glee whenever i'm onto a bout.
but it's quite cute how he rubbed my tummy and said, "the little devil inside is causing so much trouble.."

we'll see how the next few days pan out.

today is a good day.. as good as good days go.. hah.
lunched with Rachel and we popped into a maternity store.
gosh... maternity pants are really proving more comfy!
while i still can wear my normal work pants (with the zip half done now),
it does cut into my belly at times :S
and and.... i really like this halter maternity dress!
i just need to grow alittle bigger..

15weeks 5days...
and i'm still not putting on any weight.
but my sweet little bump is growing!
i kid u not... it is really looking bigger these few days..
even Zack said so! :)

sky's looking dark outside.
going home soon.
my love is working tonight.
his last night shift until April!
he'll be going on his level 4 course next week and took leave TO STUDY!
we'll see how many days he'll use up for fishing.. *wink*

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

they all say i dont look preggo! *pout*

isnt my bump obviously???

i was at 14weeks 2days at the time of shot.
even Godma said its still so flat (flat?!!)
Rachel gotta explain to Godma that my tummy has always been very flat so this is really a big difference *sigh*
my colleagues too said i'm still not big yet..
"i look like you on a good day!"

the nice ones said....
Jo: my bump looks preg in proportion to my face and arms which still look the same.
my Darling: "beanie's getting bigger!" :) he is now putting his ear to my tummy to listen for... ok i dunno what is he listening for.. hahahha. And i especially love it when he bends down and kisses my tummy :)

Today i'm wearing a figure hugging top and pants.. hoping that someone will notice my little bump. But Cindy said i look like i just had a big lunch :(

Oh well... i've still time to grow.. slowly is good... as long as the little one inside is healthy :)

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

no no.. nothing helped.
not warm milk. not wheat crackers.
woke up at 3.30am for a toilet run.
and has been up ever since!
not even the luxury of drifting in and out of sleep..
but eyes-big-big-staring-into-the-dark..... for 4 blardee hours!
when my alarm rang at 7.30am, i threw down the white hanky and got ready for work.


so please please...... 5.30pm please come quick....
and tonight please please... let me sleep.....

Monday, February 02, 2009

not feeling so good..
pounding head has stopped for now..
thanks to 2 white pills..
i just wish i can sleep later..
oh please God let me sleep.. i need sleep... *sobs*

not feeling up to much..
fact is.. not felt up to anything in a long time..
blogging.. photo taking.. and what have you..

i wanna paint my nails..
i wanna pack my house..
i wanna reply to my emails/msgs..
i wanna eat heartily..

doc said i'm not measuring small - as i fear
other 14-weekers look way bigger than me i told her..
she said its all F.A.T and i'm just about right..
i hope that's true..
i hope i'm not starving my little one..

i miss Theresa..
i love my Pappe..
i wish my mummy is around..
i get scared sometimes.. some days..
i'm yearning for some hugs now..

oh crap.. just weighed myself..
i'm only 48kg! (after dinner!)
shouldnt i be gaining weight?? and not losing :(
according to the chart, i should have gain 2kg..
please grow well little one..

gonna make myself a cup of warm milk..
and hunt up some wheat biscuits..
and please please let me sleep well tonight....