Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, May 15, 2008


i said to him: "Public transportation: this is how peasants like me travel."

we met at Boon Keng station after he handed his bike over to its new owner. Cant remember the last time he took the train but he looked so disorientated and bewildered when he stepped in! hahahhaha!

my last ride.... :(
along that long stretch of road at the far end of punggol, it holds nice memories for us from way back.. *sigh*

i cant believe how emotional i am.. it's only a bike yet i feel quite sad about it. Perhaps its because we are its first owner, brand new from bikeshop and its been a sturdy faithful friend. If i'm this sad, i cant imagine how zack feels.. *big hug my love*

sold him off to this guy and managed to get back close to 3grand. We could have sold him for more to this young NS punk but Zack wasnt too keen. I wasnt to either after meeting him and his father. His gf was this chao ah lian with this ugly tattoo on her thigh. I cringe at the thought of her sitting at my place, leaning on my backrest which my sweetheart installed for me. Yikes! People might think we are stupid.. may the highest bidder wins.. they say. But after some discussion, we decided on Jude. Zack likes him way better too. We want the bike to go to a good owner, even if it means getting back a couple hundred less. Someone who will take good care of him. Not to some young punk who knows nuts about bikes (he didnt even do a proper check then call back the next day to ask for a lower price and complain the tyres are worn! yeah like he could see under the dim light lor) and has to depend on his father for the monthly installments! No respect.. tsk tsk. Anyway.. *sigh* my eyes were stinging when they were viewing the bike.. and i tot to myself, "not to them please..." Told zack if anyone who views the bike dare to pick on this pick on that, let's not sell it to them. I detest those buyers.. picking on everything for the sake of lowering the price. We got a prime product so no worries. Zack takes excellent care of his bike. A good bike deserves a good owner who knows his stuff. Period.

Now he is gone.. to his new owner. Hope we've found you a good one. May you serve him well my dear friend. *sad*

Zack is feeling really tired and kinda down. So its my cue to come in and give him some TLC.....

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