Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, May 29, 2008

15mins of stony silence, curt replies, pursed lips and steely sideway glances.
1 body slowly inching closer.
1 gingerly-touched arm hug.
and 2 fits of hysterical laughter.

"you just can't resist me..."


i just watered my plant with peppermint tea.

let's see what happens.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

So... after 2 hours of drooling over Takeshi Kaneshiro, (rather good flick, discounting the fact that the young female protagonist looks more dead than the zombies in House of Dead Zack and i watched on HBO last night), the 3 of us walked out of the cinema moony-eyed with Silin looking perplexed. Hahahhaha!

Jo and Sy seems to love it. Silin and I tot the movie was reeaaally slow. But the gorgeous eye candy more than makes up for it. *heart sings* Takeshi has never been one of my many lust objects but well.... i'm saying different now. Damn... God must be having a field day when he created him! *slurp*

Sy wanted to kill us cos we were late for the movie.. ahahahah! That's 5 mins less of Takeshi!

4 gals.
1 cheesy chick flick.
There.. nothing a good dose of darling gfs couldnt do :) *hugs them all*

Then Zack came to pick me up! 30mins drive.. all the way from Punngol :) I appreciate the things he does for me.. unlike how he 'appreciates' me buying him his favourite donuts *humph!* Ungrateful! NO MORE DONUTS!

i'm craving for some teriyaki salmon.

Monday, May 26, 2008

have you ever been so upset that you feel physically sick from it?

cant breathe around my chest.
and my stomach is queasy.
i'm just gonna go on home and burrow deep in bed.

so stay away.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

the night we ran over a python!

So after catching a late night flick at Marina Square, then stingray and choot choot at Newton.... we decided to drive to.....

PUNGGOL END (Yes at 3am!!) Dead of the night. The place where ppl drive to to 'heh heh'. Just to look see lah.. hehe. We used to go there on Zack's scrambler and phantom.. quite thrilling cos its really dark and a very dense forested area. If you turn off the headlights it will be pitch black.. serious. Quite scary. At the very end of the forest track was this wide expense of grassland overlooking the sea to the twinking lights of the ports on the opposite side. So romantic! That was our destination. To get there we have to drive through the thicket of trees and bushes. Basically the forest. Then we had a rude shock. The place was swarming with ppl fishing, floodlights and there is a make-shift police post. Sheesh. It used to be really dark, unspoilt, quiet and romantic :(

Left that place and decided to drive further in to PUNGGOL MARINA COUNTRY CLUB. That was where the gals and i went to for wakeboarding. Entry was $3.21 so we thought screw it.. and left. After we drove past the entrace/exit, we noticed a thick 'rope' lying across the road and drove over it. Zack and i then looked at each other and went.."What was it?!" Zack said.. "I think it's a python...." A PYTHON!! It was light in color and really thick and long.. lying across the road. When we drove over it there was quite a bump! OMG!!! Yeeeeks! After much talk about it zack couldnt stand it and wanted to go back for a second look. We drove all the way back in but it was gone! It probably wasnt dead and managed to slither its mangled flattened form away. Snakes have soft bones you see.. but i don't know. I hope its dead. Hahaha.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Zack and i just got home from a delectable lunch at Au Petit Salut!
A cosy french restaurant tucked in Dempsey ~
It was a family lunch with my darling Godma, Sis and BIL.
Wwe arrived a few minutes after them and parked next to Andrew's car.
Decided to play a trick on them and put a parking coupon on their windscreen!
Andrew's cool reaction was disappointing though.. haha

okay enough yakking.. here are some foodie shots of awesome french cuisine!

Les Entrees

“Vitello Tonato” thin slices of roasted veal with light tuna sauce, rocket salad

(Zack's burgundy snails were AWESOME!!)

Les Plats

Oven baked seabass fillet with ratatouille and tomato coulis

(i tried ratatouille!!)

Les Desserts

Mocha; coffee soufflé with chocolate truffle

(Great food but Les Ombre in Paris still win hands down!)

Godma picked the restaurant, we gave her a treat! Zack went to foot the bill stealthily on his way to the toilet.. haha. She will fight with us for it you see. R&A picked her up while we send her to Yio Chu Kang for her errands after lunch. (Rachel and i were 'fighting' to ferry her ard.. it was damn funny! "i got car now okay!" *LOL*) Now that we are all grown up and working, it's high time we exercise more filial piety to our darling Godma, in whatever way we could to pamper her. She has been our great pillar of support since mummy passed on. All the love, advice and support. And i'm glad we are able to pamper her in small ways such as these. There is this something i wanna get for her... shhhhhh...... :)

Zack's parents are incredibly awesome too! And we are blessing them with tickets to the Singapore Flyer! Hope they'll have a romantic time together!

Our parents.. its time we pay them back for their years of bringing us up and loving us unconditionally. They deserve all the pampering they can get from their children after many years of slogging. Time for them to sit back relax and enjoy the fruit of their labour. If mummy is still around..... so much i wanna do for her...

my darling godma and my sister.. love them tons!

oh oh oh... check out Godma's new bling!!!!

Blue sapphire encrusted with diamonds. She just collected it from her jeweller today! That sapphire is HUGE and oh-so-gorgeous! *drools* 5-figure no doubt. Dammit. Sorry have to blog this cos i've yet to see such a huge sapphire!

It had been a fantastic lunch.. good food, great company.. with all my loved ones with me. I'm happy :)

So...... last night.

We had our first try at BOTAK JONES - Bedok outlet.

my lamp chops.
Zack had cajun chicken.
With all the raves, we kinda expected more. Portion was just-nice with still room for dessert. It was good but not fantastic. Price wise.. ok lah. Will we go back? Yeah why not?

Thereafter was Arab Street with Marky. Some nice chilling out and heart-to-heart talk... :)

lights out: 2.30am

had a nice start to the weekend *grins*

alrighty, that's quite a post so i'll stop here.
gonna take a nap now.. hehe.
we're catching Indiana Jones later!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

i hope tomorrow will be a better day.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

3.5 hours:
- vacuumed/mopped the floor twice
- washed a toilet
- cleaned kitchen
- cleaned the sofa

A spick and span house. A very tired ju.


only managed to wind down close to midnight.
cos little Zara came to play!
no pics cos i was busy playing host.
prepared Zack's supper box for him to take to work.
gotta think of other food to prepare
cos even if he is not sick of eating pasta, i'm sick of cooking that!
maybe fried rice next?
my fried rice is pretty good ya know.. hehe.


it's now 1.30 in the morning.
and i'm sitting here doing....... nothing.
oh not really.. i'm listening to Jay Chou's Shan Hu Hai.
for real! ju listens to chinese songs okay. Occasionally.
what on earth is Shan Hu Hai anyway?

i like Jay Chou!
i think Yiming looks like him!
that sulky look and crooked grin... hahhahahhaa.....

we need to get a more comfy chair.

sing.."you hua shuo bu chu lai...."

more unproductive things i do late into the night...
people always look at me with pity and ask me what do i do when zack works night shift. (They probably envision me sitting by the window pining for my love *sniggle*)
"oh there's plenty i can do with my time" i replied.
now this is one of them.

i get narcisstic with my babies...

now let me get out of here and go see what's on cable.
sleep doesnt love me!!
but i guess i have to try to sleep soon.
cos there's a wedding to attend tomorrow. (YES AGAIN!)
this will be my 2nd holiday gone!
why can't people be more considerate and NOT get married on public holidays?!!
public holidays are meant to be REST DAYS.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

my friday lasted for a good solid 21hours!
After work i headed down to Tampines Mall. Just shopping around while waiting for Zack to be done with his bowling with his colleagues. Went off to Eastpoint and met him there.

Henceforth my friday night whirlpool began!

Simei Eastpoint - Meet Zack, collect his hp
Tampines Mall - dinner and catch 'Made of Honour'
Airport T2 - Strolling and fries!
Marina South/Marine Pier
Mt Faber - for a nostalgic walk down memory lane :)

i survived!!!!


this was where Zack proposed.. *grins*

'twas some night :)

We didnt get home til 3.30am. By then i was all ready to keel over. Managed a quick shower and snuggled into bed. The thought of sleeping in the whole day........

lights out: 4.30am

9 hours and i'm ready to head back to bed.
i need to recharge.


Thursday, May 15, 2008


i said to him: "Public transportation: this is how peasants like me travel."

we met at Boon Keng station after he handed his bike over to its new owner. Cant remember the last time he took the train but he looked so disorientated and bewildered when he stepped in! hahahhaha!

my last ride.... :(
along that long stretch of road at the far end of punggol, it holds nice memories for us from way back.. *sigh*

i cant believe how emotional i am.. it's only a bike yet i feel quite sad about it. Perhaps its because we are its first owner, brand new from bikeshop and its been a sturdy faithful friend. If i'm this sad, i cant imagine how zack feels.. *big hug my love*

sold him off to this guy and managed to get back close to 3grand. We could have sold him for more to this young NS punk but Zack wasnt too keen. I wasnt to either after meeting him and his father. His gf was this chao ah lian with this ugly tattoo on her thigh. I cringe at the thought of her sitting at my place, leaning on my backrest which my sweetheart installed for me. Yikes! People might think we are stupid.. may the highest bidder wins.. they say. But after some discussion, we decided on Jude. Zack likes him way better too. We want the bike to go to a good owner, even if it means getting back a couple hundred less. Someone who will take good care of him. Not to some young punk who knows nuts about bikes (he didnt even do a proper check then call back the next day to ask for a lower price and complain the tyres are worn! yeah like he could see under the dim light lor) and has to depend on his father for the monthly installments! No respect.. tsk tsk. Anyway.. *sigh* my eyes were stinging when they were viewing the bike.. and i tot to myself, "not to them please..." Told zack if anyone who views the bike dare to pick on this pick on that, let's not sell it to them. I detest those buyers.. picking on everything for the sake of lowering the price. We got a prime product so no worries. Zack takes excellent care of his bike. A good bike deserves a good owner who knows his stuff. Period.

Now he is gone.. to his new owner. Hope we've found you a good one. May you serve him well my dear friend. *sad*

Zack is feeling really tired and kinda down. So its my cue to come in and give him some TLC.....

Monday, May 12, 2008

soon it'll be a sight wistfully reminisced....

today marks my last ride home from work on Zack's Super4.
and soon my hubby will be waiting for me in his new shiny toy.

my colleagues are always going on about how sweet and loving he is.
how he waits patiently for me to get off work.
taking my helmet for me and waiting patiently for me to put it on.
yeah he is :)

and i wanna tell you love that i truly appreciate all the times you pick me up from work. Sometimes even coming down from places so out of the way.. just so i don't have to squeeze in the train. Not forgetting the crazy ERP charges chowing up your cashcard. I do know how tiring riding can be sometimes and still you make the effort to. I'm really gonna miss riding with you... the wind in our faces as we yak along the way. The way you 'yell' at me when i try to CACF *grins*winks* How you'll cover my hand with yours as we rode along. No words, just a simple act of love. The great times.. oh the great times... i'll miss it bad *hugs and muaks*
many things happening but i'm plain lazy to pen it out.

Zack and i caught "What Happens In Vegas". Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher are an EXPLOSIVE MIX! Absolutely love it!

many good flicks recently.
the ones we caught by far turned out to be great.
Definitely Maybe: LOVE IT!
Kumar and Harold: Way better than the first.
Iron Man: RAWKSSS! Robert Downey Jr is incredibly charming...

waiting out for these 2: Made of Honour and NARNIA!!!!

oh oh.. i forgot to mention.... MY SKINNY HOODIE IS PUUURRRRFECT! It fits me so perfectly.. i think i wanna get another one... maybe 2 months later? :P My PINK bra is lovely too! Just a hook and i can wear it racerback. Nice!

books.. books and more books....
The Hollow is out! and i managed to grab one last week at Vivo... tunring out pretty okay, kinda predictable though. I'm awaiting the release of paperback of Strangers in Death. Hardcover is like 23bucks... goodness....

'm getting restless.

so i'm planning something for a few months down the road *grins* Zack told me to do up the 'damage' sheet first.. hahahhaa. We'll see.. we'll see..... *skips* Maybe.. maybe not. He might have to lecture soon after his course ends. (My hubby is lecturing sia!) And career comes first for a man! I'm a supportive wifey (dun buff). In any case, i gotta treat him REEAAAALY nice in the months to come..... :P

ok gtg..
my sweetheart is picking me up!
i managed to psycho him to.. haha.
cos today is the last day he can pick me up from work on his bike.....

Sunday, May 11, 2008

pre-monday blues....... off we go to ikea!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

i just watered my plant with green tea.

let's see what happens...


(maybe the leaves will grow greener!)

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

one of those....

after our dinner last night at a zichar store, walking past a cage of crabs....

zack: it's been a long time since we ate crabs ah...
ju: no not true. i eat plenty of it... everyday in fact. You know those crap from you.. eat until i vomit blood!
zack: *guffaws* i eat alot of lame chops from you too!
ju: *guffaws* your tongue very quick and sharp ah..
zack: i learnt it from the master.


been having the sniffles and a sorethroat.
spent last night alternately taking off and putting on my sweater.. haha.
and when i came out of the airconditioned room, i break out in sweat in 2 mins!
need some vit C.
blaming it on the weather.
she's been a complete bitch.

but sorethroat is gone today!
feeling better and hope it stays this way.

and.. it finally rained this morning!!!!
albeit a short heavy one.
i looked on in envy as Zack snooze soundly under the covers while i got ready for work. *sigh* he is on leave this week.. to study and also cos it's the 7th!

what shall we do tonight?
good dinner?
we've been spending way too much on food!

some good stuff to share..

this jap biscuit is totally AWESOME!!!!!

always grab this when we go pump petrol.
i usually refrain from buying anything at those petrol station stores cos the prices there are frightful. But this............. *sigh* it just melts in your mouth.....

and my sweetheart bought me my favourite chocolates last friday.
oh soooo sweet... :)


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Thursday, May 01, 2008

damn.. i should be getting ready for a wedding dinner but i'm having too much fun chatting with Jo and Sy online and listening to Daughtry. We've been at it since i got on.. hehe.

so last evening after my sweetheart picked me up from work...


abalone sauce with dried scallops and mushroom hong kong ee fu noodles.

my craving.... i'm sated! :)

then as the sun sets....

on the breakwater, we sat half a foot apart and pretended we are on our first date. Hahahaha! By the time we left, we are hip to hip and smooching. Wah lau..... first date kiss already! Morales people morales.. where are they?!!!


and i'm blardee late!!!