Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, April 04, 2008

moody broody me.

the weekend is finally in sight!
busy week clearing the backlog that piled up during bonus period.

a long moody week for me.
havent been feeling in tip top mood..
stuffy/runny nose and scratchy throat.
it must be the ginger tea i have been drinking.
it's heaty.
but i love ginger tea.. warm and relaxing especially in a freezer office.
no fever as yet but zack commented that i'm so warm especially under the covers.
"how can you emit so much heat?"
hahhahhaa.. so funny, the way he said it.
then you want me to be cold? when i'm cold, you'll be crying your eyes out!

pmsing real bad.
Sy would know.. haha. You can ask her how easily irritated i am.. by everything and anything, by anyone and everyone. Jeez, you can just feel it.. the hormones raging. The dark surge running through your body, your head, changing your thoughts. Being a woman sure aint easy!

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