Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, April 13, 2008

the battle of the crowfeet hereby begins..

Some overdue shots from our last birthday bash some 2 weeks back.
its scary that we're now at the threshold of being a late 20!
with a few months left to go.. i settle in the comforted state of oblivion.

our 2 megalicious birthday gals!

Jane was working late so she missed all the sunflower photoshoot.. haha.

(hope you're feeling better gal... *big hugs*)

seafood steamboat.. nice soup! economical for 4 of us.

my beloved ikura chawanmushi..
...sadly its not as good as vivo's outlet. Had a fishy taste to it :S

Gelare Gelato!!! various stages of degeneration

and i have no idea why SY had to massacre the gorgeous cake! She took out all the pretty strawberries!! Had a rude shock.. one minute so pretty, the next...... barren as a 80 year old!


my favourite cherry brandy...

way up on the 70th level of Raffles The Plaza, the view is awesome.

That's all for now. Not many decent shots at City Space. Bad lighting.

and lastly... we have something for yy.. the one who left us for the west! :(
We miss...... youR CAR!

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