Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, April 25, 2008

"Dear Juliana,
The order detailed below has shipped on 04/23/2008 via Overseas. We truly appreciate your business. You may receive several shipments to complete the fulfillment of your order


Today is FRIDAY!
and my loving hubby packed me breakfast to take to work :)
and.. and... he's picking me up from work!
what an awesome friday!! :D

my poor sweetie is actually off today but he had to go CDA to teach. That will take the whole morning then he gotta go back to station for a meeting. That's one off day burnt. Tsk tsk. He'll swing by to pick me up then we'll be off to somewhere. Now let me think where we can go for some part towing. It's my payday so i'll treat him to some place nice! Then i shall sit patiently (quietly) and listen to his rants... (no lah, he dont rant that much, not as much as me.. haha) Seriously, it sure aint easy working and studying at the same time. Really not easy. With that $12k looming overhead... he is hitting the books hard! I try to help in whatever way i could. Even if it's just bringing him water while he studies. Theory is entirely up to him but i volunteered to assist in the practical area *winks* hey hey... supportive wifey talking here... ahhahaahahah!

waiting for this interviewee to come.
someone is gonna be pretty happy.

today is also the last day of our intern student.
gosh, i'm gonna miss her.
first time ever i so sayang my intern.

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