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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Life is not a competition...

...why the envy and jealousy? To the point of condescension.

Isnt it tiring and stressful trying to outdo your friends, the people around you? All the notes comparing. To be jealous of their achievements, of what they worked hard for. A fervent desire to be perceived as superior to your peers and a green-eyed ungraciousness when they have what you don't. What it actually shows is a great deal of insecurity and covetousness. You wonder how happy and contented these people really are deep down inside.. despite the front they put on. I don't reckon they are cos nothing is ever enough for them.

I think it's sad.

If you haven't realised already.. material things don't make a man. They are just frills.

It's not about who has a bigger house, a more expensive car, more babies, a prestigious career, more exotic holidays. But who leads a more fulfilling life, who is big-hearted, who is selfless, loving and kind, who is giving to his family and loved ones. Armed with an unwavering set of values, principles and integrity. Without all these, you are just empty and superficial. Money can't buy love nor happiness, not for long at least.

Go read 'Tuesdays with Morrie'.

A beautiful read.
A wakeup call.

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