Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

a ride home today!! *grins*

and it's holiday tomorrow!!!

oh zacky's here!
have a good May Day folks!

the day i was humbled by someone less fortunate than i

So last evening Zack and i were walking out of Hougang Mall when we saw a teenage guy suffering from down syndrome holding a tin asking for money. So we took out our wallets and rummage for some money. I walked up to him and started dropping coins in it. It was quite a handful and after awhile he waved a hand at me to stop me and said, "gao liao, gao liao." (enough, enough - in hokkien) I stared wide-eyed at him and just continued to empty out my coin compartment right down to my $1 coin. Zack and i save all our $1 in a piggy bank so i always keep them aside.

I walked over to Zack with my heart in my throat. Did you hear what he said? He told me it was enough. Oh my gosh... *speechless* I was humbled. Immensely. A boy less fortunate mentally and physically. Someone in deep need. And he declined anything more than what he hoped for. The greed absent in him is so prevalent in people who have so much more. Look at us. People who are blessed, with nice clothes on our back, good jobs, comfortable home.. and we are always asking for more and more. Always wanting more and nothing is enough.

I stand ashamed.
I stand humbled.


*sigh* oh well.....

on a cheery note:
heard some good news from a friend this morning! Congrats!! A joyous occasion :) On the flipside, i worry for another dear friend. Why is it something so joyous can be fraught with worries *sigh* Hope everything will be fine.. *hugs* hang in there dear.. another week to go.

off to Little India!

Monday, April 28, 2008

wishing we can turn back time....

was browsing some photos when i came across these.
some shots taken with Zack's viewcam during our honeymoon.

Rome ~ Colosseum

Should be in Rome. We'd never gone without our coats outdoors in Florence, Venice and Paris.

Rome~ Trevi Fountain

Rome ~ Pantheon
that's why we were always at the rear of the tour group!

Florence ~ Pisa (The Camposanto)

ermm.... dunno where. Nice shot though!

Venice ~ St Mark's Square

After Jo's gelare bday cake, i've been craving for cioccolato gelato. Bought a tub and hey, look at the picture on the lid!

see that bridge?!?! Facing the Grand Canal.

We kissed on that bridge!

we thought it was the Bridge of Sighs... hahaha...

i miss those 2 weeks...... badly.

*WAILS* I WANNA GO BACK.............

Sunday, April 27, 2008

my LOVE food

the heat wave seems to be back.
humid and scorching hot weather this weekend.

i was just at our kitchen counter preparing some sandwiches for zack to take to work and i could feel the perspiration beads meandering down my neck. I wasnt even cooking something hot over the stove. Jeez.. Between hot humid and cold wet weather, i will take cold and wet anytime. Humidity gets me all irritable.


more foodie shots!

i woke up this afternoon to an aromatic scent of toasted flax seed bread, topped with portobello mushroom (sauteed with olive oil, parsley and chilli flakes) and melted cheese.


Yes! my sweet hubby cooked this for me *beams* Not forgetting the lovely dinner he cooked me last night. Aglio Olio.. thats our dish at the moment. We are both taking turns with it, trying to outdo each other on who cooks better aglio olio.. hahaha!

Enough on food. We had fishhead curry for dinner tonight and my stomach is feeling hot! Shioks...

No telly tonight. Off straight to bed.
We caught 2 dumbass flicks on cable the past two nights. Zack gave me the evil eye when the credits of Wicker Men came on. Hahahhahha! I made him watched it with me and it turned out to be such a dumb show. It looked like some interesting supernatural show wat.. scary. Dun dare to watch it alone so i managed to finagle him to watch it with me. Hehe. When it was over and i was exclaiming what a dumb show it was, i stole a look at him and he looked ready to eat me up.. hahhahaa! Last night.. yet another stupid show, can't even remember the name.

Friday, April 25, 2008

"Dear Juliana,
The order detailed below has shipped on 04/23/2008 via Overseas. We truly appreciate your business. You may receive several shipments to complete the fulfillment of your order


Today is FRIDAY!
and my loving hubby packed me breakfast to take to work :)
and.. and... he's picking me up from work!
what an awesome friday!! :D

my poor sweetie is actually off today but he had to go CDA to teach. That will take the whole morning then he gotta go back to station for a meeting. That's one off day burnt. Tsk tsk. He'll swing by to pick me up then we'll be off to somewhere. Now let me think where we can go for some part towing. It's my payday so i'll treat him to some place nice! Then i shall sit patiently (quietly) and listen to his rants... (no lah, he dont rant that much, not as much as me.. haha) Seriously, it sure aint easy working and studying at the same time. Really not easy. With that $12k looming overhead... he is hitting the books hard! I try to help in whatever way i could. Even if it's just bringing him water while he studies. Theory is entirely up to him but i volunteered to assist in the practical area *winks* hey hey... supportive wifey talking here... ahhahaahahah!

waiting for this interviewee to come.
someone is gonna be pretty happy.

today is also the last day of our intern student.
gosh, i'm gonna miss her.
first time ever i so sayang my intern.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

oh glorious food...

Hamburger steak.

i'm addicted to Pepper Lunch now.
there's an outlet at Hougang Mall.. so near home!

a bunch of us just had KFC for lunch.
finger licking good!
office delivery cos it was pouring outside.
i'm feeling so incredible sleepy now... *yawns*

breaktime's over.
back to work.....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the cats away, the mice can play..

you think?
think again.

boss on emergency leave this week.
big boss is away in New York this whole week.
so i'm left here holding the fort.
and guess what?
it's payroll week.
and of all months, its increment month.
oh what joy....

its nearing 7pm and i'm only just replying to my emails.

tired.. so so tired.
i'm just sitting here stoning.
trying to rid my head of that weighted ache.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Why men are never depressed

Men Are Just Happier People-- What do you expect from such simple creatures?

Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental-$100. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time.

Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. (so true!!) If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.

Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You almost never have strap problems in public. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. Everything on your face stays its original color. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. You only have to shave your face and neck.

You can play with toys all your life. One wallet and one pair of shoes -- one color for all seasons. You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. You can "do" your nails with a pocket knife. You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.

You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.

No wonder men are happier.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

just done with some Victoria's Secret shopping!
~ Satin night slip
~ Victoria's Secret PINK bra
~ Corset sweater tube top
~ Victoria's Secret PINK skinny hoodie

Expected delivery date: 20 May


now i can sleep well.

it's almost 2.30am.
my love is out saving lives.
packed him a foodie supper bag.
sandwiches and yoghurt.. healthy home-prepared food!
he's so pleased with it :)

Met up with Ant for dinner last night. It's been awhile. He lost quite abit of weight! Looking tanned and toned now. Way to go dude, keep it up ya! We walked from Taka - Wisma - Far East - Heeren then back to Taka (i was on 3"!) For the first time, i had to watch a guy shop.. gosh, it was sooooo tiring :S While he shopped at Ralph Lauren, i was resting my feet infront of Kate Spade. OMG.. i saw this absolutely gorgeous pair of Mary Jane!!! Price tag: $560. Holy crap..... No way will i pay that much for a pair of shoes. No way no way no way no way....... no no no way.......

more to regurgitate but feeling the snooze dust now.
yet to replenish my sleep from the week.
long week for zack as well.
we were so tired that we fell asleep watching tv last night..
and somehow woke up before noon today!

gonna do a little reading then hit the sack.
hope it rains tomorrow morning like it did last night.
but only after my sweetheart reaches home!

sweet dreams~
i'm gonna sleep all day tomorrow!

Friday, April 18, 2008

our first car accessory :)

it's 2.30am and i'm here wondering what am i doing online.
just got something settled.
if it's God's will....
took a nap this afternoon so not very tired.
Zack's outside studying on the big screen comp.
i really should drag him off to bed.. he is working tomorrow too.

on leave today!
took leave to go to SCDF HQ to sign the documents as Zack's guarantor for his training programme. $12K and 1 year bond.. jeez! he better study hard.. heh. Heresay he might have to start teaching in Aug. Gosh, that's really fast! Extremely. Praying that things will go according to God's plan for him. Himmah is Zack's other guarantor. So we all went to Arnold's for lunch.. their chicken rawks! I had 3 pieces..... argghhhhh!!!!

we caught 'Awake' tonight.
it was good.. really good. One of the better ones we've caught so far.
Zack said most of the medical stuff were accurate save for the part where he felt the incision of his surgery.. everything down to taking his heart out.. the horrifying pain *shudders*. Apparently once the anesthesia was injected, all your senses will be numbed. There is a possibility of consciousness (however slight it may be) but there is no way you would be able to feel anything. So my street doctor says. Ahhhhh... now i know.

alrighty, off to bed now.
i just saw lightning....

sweet dreams~

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Life is not a competition...

...why the envy and jealousy? To the point of condescension.

Isnt it tiring and stressful trying to outdo your friends, the people around you? All the notes comparing. To be jealous of their achievements, of what they worked hard for. A fervent desire to be perceived as superior to your peers and a green-eyed ungraciousness when they have what you don't. What it actually shows is a great deal of insecurity and covetousness. You wonder how happy and contented these people really are deep down inside.. despite the front they put on. I don't reckon they are cos nothing is ever enough for them.

I think it's sad.

If you haven't realised already.. material things don't make a man. They are just frills.

It's not about who has a bigger house, a more expensive car, more babies, a prestigious career, more exotic holidays. But who leads a more fulfilling life, who is big-hearted, who is selfless, loving and kind, who is giving to his family and loved ones. Armed with an unwavering set of values, principles and integrity. Without all these, you are just empty and superficial. Money can't buy love nor happiness, not for long at least.

Go read 'Tuesdays with Morrie'.

A beautiful read.
A wakeup call.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Uniquely mine..

Collected my dress/pants from Artiris.
Velli NICE......
So there are 3 ways of wearing it.
Dun really fancy it as a top though.

added 8bucks for this bronze/gold design and.....
.....Tada! a customised piece.. uniquely mine!

way nicer with the design then simply plain yellow ya?
what a waste i'm not in design!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

the battle of the crowfeet hereby begins..

Some overdue shots from our last birthday bash some 2 weeks back.
its scary that we're now at the threshold of being a late 20!
with a few months left to go.. i settle in the comforted state of oblivion.

our 2 megalicious birthday gals!

Jane was working late so she missed all the sunflower photoshoot.. haha.

(hope you're feeling better gal... *big hugs*)

seafood steamboat.. nice soup! economical for 4 of us.

my beloved ikura chawanmushi..
...sadly its not as good as vivo's outlet. Had a fishy taste to it :S

Gelare Gelato!!! various stages of degeneration

and i have no idea why SY had to massacre the gorgeous cake! She took out all the pretty strawberries!! Had a rude shock.. one minute so pretty, the next...... barren as a 80 year old!


my favourite cherry brandy...

way up on the 70th level of Raffles The Plaza, the view is awesome.

That's all for now. Not many decent shots at City Space. Bad lighting.

and lastly... we have something for yy.. the one who left us for the west! :(
We miss...... youR CAR!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

so yesterday calls for a mini celebration!
a celebration? nothing as deserving as a good hearty meal :D


my salmon and chicken with raw beansprouts - i hope they washed them clean.

Zack playing with his iphone.. as usual.. haha. You can ask him which areas in Singapore have wifi and which ones have fast/slow connection, he can tell you straight out. Hospitals have the fastest.. just so you know :P

Zack's hamburger and beef arrived and we got to cooking!
i cooked mine with garlic soy sauce. There's brown sauce as well, i might try that the next time.

it's really good! i'm craving it just as i'm typing this.....

oh.. did i mention zack's on course? He's been sent for this training course: 9 weeks online, 5 weeks classroom. Only 2 paramedics are elected and it costs $10k! Fully sponsored but 2 guarantors required. He said his classmates are mainly lecturers from tietiary institutions. Intimidating? Nah! *hug hug* :) Extremely good for his portfolio, opens door to many avenues should he choose not to be on the road in future. But he loves to be on the road, just hoping they wouldnt give him another appointment before he is ready to move on. Cos most importantly is that he is doing what he loves. However this is said to be a big step up in his career. Been only a mere 3 years since he became a full fledged paramedic. And he is now the overall-in-charge of his station. It certainly seems he is highly regarded by his superiors. Proud of you love.. proud of you *beams* when God gives you the opportunity, he will give you the ability.. Have faith!

They say behind every successful man is a supportive woman. Hey guess what?! I'm that supportive woman behind this successful man! *guffaws* (now dont go rolling your eyes, its rude.. and its falling out!)

What's in it for me? Other than a high flyer hubby *grins*. It's the 5 weeks classroom training i'm looking forward! OFFICE HOURS BABY! yayyyy!!!

oh its raining! think i'll head back to bed for a snuggle.

i'm happy.
i hope nothing comes to spoil this.
but i cant help wondering how long it'll last.
good things usually dont.. not for long.
just wish it'll stay away.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

COE bid ended yesterday at 4pm.. it closed off at a whopping $16,930!
Speculated to go up to $20k by June.
But it wouldnt have affected us cos our deal was a 1 bid guaranteed so anything more than $15k will be borne by the dealer. Yeah all that jargon. Imagine ju sprouting all these car jargon.. haha. Boy are we glad we sealed the deal at $15K. If we had waited, the total car cost would have increased by at least $1k!

It was a close call.

See all that money?!!! *SIGH*

We're upgrading our rims to 16"! Had a free upgrade from 14" to 15" then we decided to pay alittle more for 16". Bigger nicer mah. So now, a new search begins. 3 pages of rims to choose from and we spent last night browsing. Settled on one we both like :P

but now i tot no. 146 and 168 looks good too..... hmmm....

Gosh i cant believe i'm obsessing over car rims! someone who used to say,"it's just 4 pieces of round metal...."

but now.....

to zack: "Come! i show you the rim i like!"

oh my gosh! what have i evolved into??!!!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

so let's weigh.....

- no bad hair days!
- no raincoats and soggy feet
- no heatstroke
- can bring our babies out to the beach and anywhere they like
- i can wear minis!
- no visions of brain splattered accidents
- more relaxed, ride in comfort
- appear at our destination looking as good as when we left the house

- big hole in our pocket
- no more hugging
- no more wind-in-the-face exhilaration
- huge parking fees/fines/ERP
- spend more time finding for parking lot

COE bidding is today!

My initial involvement in getting a new ride is somewhat lackadaisical. I'm fine with public transport and bike but i have my worries in regards to zack's safety on the road. That's why he always msgs/calls me whenever he is leaving or just arrived at his destination. I'm a natural worrywart. He had gotten into a couple of minor accidents and it's no fault of his. That's the major disadvantage of riding a bike. You pay for other driver's mistake. And i certainly can't wait to get him off the bike.

But the cost of a car.. is astronomical *sigh* Oh well..... you pay for what you get. And safety can't be compromised. Zack's smart.. he knows which buttons to push on me. Him and our babies. "Think about all the places we can bring them!" hahaha. I used to bring Pap everywhere i go. Shopping (yes, fitting rooms!), library, foodcourts, even school! Everywhere! save for hospitals and cinemas. She had taken numerous bus and train rides. But Chile doesn't have that good a life thus far. She's like a mountain dog. But 2 dogs are too dangerous to handle on a bike.

so anyway... we are getting a new ride! woohoooooo!

the process is pretty fun i admit albeit begrudingly. Zack got me very much involved. It's 'OUR' car so he says.. haha. From choosing the make and model of the car, to the color of our ride (though i enjoy insisting on white just to see the horror on his face), color of the leather seats and trimming. Even the rims. So fun noe! Yeah, make payment then not fun already lor.

*Update: We won the bid!!

Monday, April 07, 2008

one minute to midnight...

Happy 7th my love!
my sweetheart utilised his off-in-lieu on 7th just so we can spend it together :)
love ya!

hitting the sack soon.
the meds are making me fuzzy headed and drowsy.
sheesh.. after much dilly dalling.. it's almost 5pm.
i'm supposed to rest!
but i gotta go get ready now :(

sat's 'heatstroke' then showers of blessings from up above got me under the weather. Coupled with my bout of ginger drinking days...... that left a sick ju.. *sigh*

Nothing much happening these days... just went TURF CITY!
Car Shopping!!!
our toys just get bigger and badder!

and we just picked out our rims... yayyyy!

Friday, April 04, 2008

moody broody me.

the weekend is finally in sight!
busy week clearing the backlog that piled up during bonus period.

a long moody week for me.
havent been feeling in tip top mood..
stuffy/runny nose and scratchy throat.
it must be the ginger tea i have been drinking.
it's heaty.
but i love ginger tea.. warm and relaxing especially in a freezer office.
no fever as yet but zack commented that i'm so warm especially under the covers.
"how can you emit so much heat?"
hahhahhaa.. so funny, the way he said it.
then you want me to be cold? when i'm cold, you'll be crying your eyes out!

pmsing real bad.
Sy would know.. haha. You can ask her how easily irritated i am.. by everything and anything, by anyone and everyone. Jeez, you can just feel it.. the hormones raging. The dark surge running through your body, your head, changing your thoughts. Being a woman sure aint easy!