Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, August 05, 2007


it's 5.20pm on a sun afternoon
and i just woke up for the day!
oh boy oh boy...
though i've been cuddled up in bed since 8.30pm last night
not sleeping though
reading.. reading and reading
with snatches of sleep in between.
my kind of night.
with a good book.
for 2 good whole days!

bummer is...
i'm almost done with Harry Potter :(
i should have dragged the suspense out longer
but it gripped me and left me possessed
flipping page after page fervently.
The Battle of Hogwarts.. POWER!
one of my fav characters died *wails*
no worries, no spoiler in my house.

i wanna go back to the book
probably left with an hour of reading
but i'm restraining myself
and just wait for my hubby to wake
he'd been working night this weekend
thats why i got so much time on my hands :D

what shall we do tonight?
probably meet Chris later

we had this lovely dinner with Godma, Rachel and Andrew last week.
it was at the Jap Rest in Riverview Hotel
Food? Terrific.
Company? Awesome!
were happily chatting about my wedding
the events that happened - the good, the bad and the funny
funny that both Theresa (my boss) and Godma likes Mark
they both think he's funny and endearing (must be his rooster head.. haha).

i'm hungry..
i think i'm pms-ing.
the first, in the longest of time ever.

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