Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, August 19, 2007

i feel like a princess... :)

my weekend started GREAT!

So ON FRIDAY, facial with Rachel was postponed so caught a movie with zack at Tampines Mall. He wasnt there when i arrived so i did some browing on my own. At the atrium was some promotion by Eu Yan Seng. The many kinds of pre-packed herbal soup packs (packs with selected herbs so all you gotta do is add meat and water to boil) caught my eye. You have soup for Longevity, Good Eyesight, Lungs Tonic etc. I took one for Blood Nourishment for Zack cos his work has been stressful and he'd be taking his IPPT next Tue, so this soup helps in blood circulation and build stamina as well (or so they say). And i got a Lungs Tonic soup pack for myself.

So as i was looking at some tonic wine (for fertility.. hahahaha - not that i need ok!), a flash of blue passed me by and there was my lovely hubby! i greeted him with the usual kisses and hugs and as i was telling him the attributes of the wine, i found it strange that he was still grinning away.. his 'i'm up to something' grin. I looked down and saw what he's holding and gave a yelp. It's a BLUE SWAROVSKI PAPERBAG!!!!

Ever since he gave me this gorgeous Swarovski Starfish necklace for my wedding present, i've been eyeing on its matching earrings. I've gone to many outlets just to look at the earrings but i just couldnt bring myself to buy it. And...... he bought them for me. I was so overwhelmed i couldnt find the words.. and had to blink back the tears gathering behind my eyes.

thanks sweetheart.... *huge hugs and many many kisses*

My wedding present from zack :)
and his wedding present?
got him a Sony Ericsson K810i :D

Caught Bourne Ultimatum. It was superb! Even better than Bourne Supremacy and that's saying alot. Catch it! satisfaction guaranteed.

Went to Dennis's after a quick dinner. Goodness.. he has like 7 guitars.. dunno how many amps littering around and 1 very cute Jack Russell. Tidbit is like the tamest Jack Russell i've ever met. He just lies there beside me and let me stroke him. Somehow i still prefer long-fur dogs.. Papillons are the best! :D

Had an early friday night cos my poor hubby was tired.. he actually worked for a good 17 hours the shift before. He had eyebags and his eyes were red. My heart just aches when i see him so exhausted. Thats why he needs the Blood Nourishment soup!

ON SATURDAY.. we woke up early and went to church! (actually zack roused me from my beauty sleep and made us breakfast) It was raining so we took a cab. Gosh.. cab fare from Punggol to Jurong amounted to $21.30!!! But its all good cos why? we're going to church! :D Sermon was ok except the preachers were talking really slowly and my mind kept wandering *heh* One thing i really appreciate.. is going to church with zack. Sitting next to my hubby on the pew, listening to the sermon, sharing the bible, singing praises to God together.. is simply divine. Somehow i feel closer to him on another level altogether :)

Didnt stay for lunch and head off to the opposite coffeeshop for the duck rice. And we took a bus to Vivo!!! Shopped around abit, i bought a book, and an Mphosis top to replace the one Chile destroyed.. zack wanted to buy it for me but i refused.. he had been spending so much on me. He then said something so touching.. "You're my wife wat.. I like spending money on my wife." awww.... :)

then it's coats!
We then popped over to Zara. It's time to start getting our wardrobe ready for our trip! Fall/winter wear has arrived in the stores! Sadly, none of the coats caught my eye. The current trend for women's coats doesnt appeal to me. But... the men's coats.. are simply divine! Zack tried on a few and they look terribly great on him! He's tall and has the physique. I told him he cant wear them cos he looks TOO good! Surprisingly some aint as ex as we tot. He tried on a couple that was going for like 249 bucks. It sounds ex but looking at the quality, its pretty reasonable. Gold buckles/tags, quality material, clean lines. i say it's worth the pricetag. A good solid coat is always a good investment. There's this coat he tried on that reminded me of Keanu Reeves in Matrix *drools* Gorgeous however not too appropriate. But there's always THE ONE. The Perfect One.. that meets all requirements. That when u put it on, u say.. YES! this is IT! it's smart yet not too formal, everything else? Perfect! But the pricetag? Hefty. Probably 50% more than the ones he tried. Tsk tsk. And there's only one piece left for his size and we got it reserved at the Taka outlet. But Zack is apprehensive about getting it cos of the pricetag. Little does he know, i've decided to get it for him! as one of his bday presents - 5mths in advance. Well, he did buy me a Nikon DSLR for my bday 5mths in advance.. hehe.

Realised we have been splurging on each other. Our bday gifts for each other are like 4figures! Jeez.. how ever did it come to that! But this is probably the only time we can spend lavishly on each other.. cos when our "huge permanent commitment" arrives, things will be different - in a good way :) we've been talking alot about it recently.. and it sounds exciting yet nervy.

After a short bout of shopping, we headed back home (i resisted going to River Isle!). Been a long while since we took the train together. It's nice - i like the simple life :) Went to Punggol Plaza and bought some groceries for dinner. Reached home about 5.30pm and he went to the Chillout Room (aka Jamming Room now) to play with his toys (they are getting bigger!), while i patter around the kitchen getting dinner ready. Despite many grimaces, he did drink the herbal soup. Gonna pump him with good healthy food. That's my job as a wife! Taking good care of my hubby.. something i've learnt from example. My mother... is a great supportive wife and a loving mother and i wanna be just like her. has it been 8 years already..?

We ended off our night watching Goal2 on DVD. Zack tot it was boring while i'm indignant over how men let money, fame get in their head and start being a jerk and gallivants around. Having said that, nowadays women cheats too. and u'd think.. what is this world coming to? *sigh*

Sheesh.. i better stop now.
That's one looong post i'm doing.
i can get off tangents when i'm in the mood.
so it's already past noon on Sunday and i need to get my ass off
going to town to get zack's coat!!!
and hopefully i can find my boots..
but.. i'm feeling a tad lazy.. making the trip.
and it's raining now.......

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