Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, August 31, 2007

what's in a name?

after tossing around in my head for sometime..
i've decided.
to shed off my name and take on a new one.
it might not seem like a big deal.
but it is for me.
it's not something i take lightly.

i feel like i've let go a part of me,
the part that i was born with,
the part that had been with me for a good 26 years.
the part that all my friends know me by.
it's like giving up a part of my identity.

in the age where equality between men and women is exercised and exhorted, where husbands and wives engage in power struggles, where manipulation is just another way of life.. i go back to how things really should be.. between a man and his wife.

Matthew 19:5-6
And he said, "This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. Since they are no longer two but one, let no one separate them, for God has joined them together."

Ephesians 5:22-24,33
22. Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.
23. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.
24. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
33. ...and the wife must respect her husband.

Ephesians 5:25-33
25. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
26. to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,
27. and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.
28. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.
29. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church-
30. for we are members of his body.
31. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”
32. This is a profound mystery-but I am talking about Christ and the church.
33. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself..

Colossians 3:19
You husbands must love your wives and never treat them harshly.

Proverbs 19:14
Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord
(hey, i'm prudent!)

So, yes. It's official.
You can call me Juliana Chan.
i'm taking on my hubby's name.
in this age where women hardly takes on their husband's name.
i'm doing it.
cos i'm embracing the significance behind it.
cos it's not just a name.
cos he's my husband.
cos i'm his wife.
cos i'm his.

so... adieu Juliana Huang.
guess who i saw online today?
it's been eons since i last saw him online. We used to chat so very often during my early Marsh days and he was doing his internship in UK... like at the beginning and end of our days, due to the time difference. Always a comfort to have a chummy online bud whom you just can click with. Glad that his dream finally came through and he just set up his own company. He decided to rough it out while he's young.. thats the spirit i say! A man must never be afraid of hardwork. Kudos to you my dear friend :)

For some networking....
check it out.. Chevy's company webby: 3DOKUMENT
3DOKUMENT Pte Ltd is a Singapore based company which provides various services aimed at bringing life and interactivity to your products in the virtual world. We aim to partner alongside product designers, manufacturers, marketing executives, retailers, tradeshow executives and e-commerce marketing executives, by delivering rich and interactive 3-dimensional media to be delivered to your target audience, captivating their attention and enhancing their virtual experience when viewing your products.

Any interested business prospects? Holla me!

Thursday, August 30, 2007


if only.........

fries anyone?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

i went shopping.... with a mouse

:: Solid Tab Coat
:: Corduroy Blazer
:: Slouchy Boots - kidsuede
:: Silk & Cashmere Turtleneck Sweater
:: Cotton Rib Henley Sweater

*skips* :D

Wardrobe for our honeymoon is coming along well..
As i always say... we travel with style! *smirk* (dun buff)
but.... there goes my wardrobe fund.. in a *poof*
well.. at least i can wear these pieces in Spore as well.
That's my consolation.

Best Buy for today: $29 fleece sweater from Fox. Got a matching one for zack too! And i seem to be getting his wardrobe ready as well.. He is now a proud owner of a gorgeous Zara Coat!

Monday, August 27, 2007

the last 2 days....
found us huddling infront of the telly, getting Heroes-fied!
- 3 DVDs
- 12 episodes
- 8 solid rawking hours!


..... is well worth the wait! For 8 months.... we resisted watching the episodes on Youtube and waited out for the DVD. 12 episodes in 1 weekend. One word: FANTASTIC! Next Season coming up in September and we soooo must catch it on cable!

and this!
Crisp tailoring meets laid-back styling in a classic, wear-with-anything jacket. Three-button closure. Button details on cuffs.

i just HAVE to get this!
the gal is HOT.. the blazer is HOT and i got the HOTS for it!!
this is perfect.. its so so perfect. oh man...
arrggghhhhh.. somebody stop me pleaase!!
no no.. dun stop me!!
but.. i have to get some stuff out of my shopping bag first
thing is... i cant decide which to forgo :(
this is killing me!

Thursday, August 23, 2007


while i'm browsing travel guides to Paris...... hubby is reading this.

Just Your Average Gal

been on the move for a good 17 hours.
its 30 past 12.
have just clean and tidied the house,
swept and mopped the floor.
now i'm starting to feel the fatigue.
spent some nice quality time with myself
which is long overdue.
just this urge to go somewhere alone
with no thoughts but mine..
in fact, i've plans to do a trip next year.. alone.
on that weekend i turn 27.
the more i think about it, the better the idea sounds.
my very own sabbatical.

it's your birthday today..
and i miss you so.
i wish u're here..
i wish you'd hold me in your arms
and tell me everything's gonna be okay.
i've never let you go
and i wouldnt ever let you go.

It's a world of jealousy deceit and envy
Seems like everybody tryin' to take something from me
Grandma made me understand material things don't make the man,
so I found that inner wealth and learned to love myself
Lately it's so hard to find peace of mind (lately it is so hard)
I just got to get away from the haters and the instigators
There's back-stabbers and money-grabbers,
users and abusers and they all wear smilin' faces

Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna snap,
and go off up in this piece on somebody,
I ain't tryin' to say no names,
but I ain't tryin' to play no games,
holla if you feel me people
Lately it's so hard to find peace of mind,
so lift me up in a lonely world
that's so unkind
there's back-stabbers and money-grabbers,
users and abusers and they all wear smilin' faces

Not Your Average Thug
- Wang Lee Hom

Monday, August 20, 2007

they call it... anti-climax

it's been a horrible day... right from the start.
it's 7.12pm and i'm sitting here trying to catch my breath.
horrible day, horrible people, horrible situations
stomach just growled.
then i remembered.. 1 cup of avocado drink
i'm exhausted.
from hunger.. from work.. from everything.

i'm gonna die young,
i just know it.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

i feel like a princess... :)

my weekend started GREAT!

So ON FRIDAY, facial with Rachel was postponed so caught a movie with zack at Tampines Mall. He wasnt there when i arrived so i did some browing on my own. At the atrium was some promotion by Eu Yan Seng. The many kinds of pre-packed herbal soup packs (packs with selected herbs so all you gotta do is add meat and water to boil) caught my eye. You have soup for Longevity, Good Eyesight, Lungs Tonic etc. I took one for Blood Nourishment for Zack cos his work has been stressful and he'd be taking his IPPT next Tue, so this soup helps in blood circulation and build stamina as well (or so they say). And i got a Lungs Tonic soup pack for myself.

So as i was looking at some tonic wine (for fertility.. hahahaha - not that i need ok!), a flash of blue passed me by and there was my lovely hubby! i greeted him with the usual kisses and hugs and as i was telling him the attributes of the wine, i found it strange that he was still grinning away.. his 'i'm up to something' grin. I looked down and saw what he's holding and gave a yelp. It's a BLUE SWAROVSKI PAPERBAG!!!!

Ever since he gave me this gorgeous Swarovski Starfish necklace for my wedding present, i've been eyeing on its matching earrings. I've gone to many outlets just to look at the earrings but i just couldnt bring myself to buy it. And...... he bought them for me. I was so overwhelmed i couldnt find the words.. and had to blink back the tears gathering behind my eyes.

thanks sweetheart.... *huge hugs and many many kisses*

My wedding present from zack :)
and his wedding present?
got him a Sony Ericsson K810i :D

Caught Bourne Ultimatum. It was superb! Even better than Bourne Supremacy and that's saying alot. Catch it! satisfaction guaranteed.

Went to Dennis's after a quick dinner. Goodness.. he has like 7 guitars.. dunno how many amps littering around and 1 very cute Jack Russell. Tidbit is like the tamest Jack Russell i've ever met. He just lies there beside me and let me stroke him. Somehow i still prefer long-fur dogs.. Papillons are the best! :D

Had an early friday night cos my poor hubby was tired.. he actually worked for a good 17 hours the shift before. He had eyebags and his eyes were red. My heart just aches when i see him so exhausted. Thats why he needs the Blood Nourishment soup!

ON SATURDAY.. we woke up early and went to church! (actually zack roused me from my beauty sleep and made us breakfast) It was raining so we took a cab. Gosh.. cab fare from Punggol to Jurong amounted to $21.30!!! But its all good cos why? we're going to church! :D Sermon was ok except the preachers were talking really slowly and my mind kept wandering *heh* One thing i really appreciate.. is going to church with zack. Sitting next to my hubby on the pew, listening to the sermon, sharing the bible, singing praises to God together.. is simply divine. Somehow i feel closer to him on another level altogether :)

Didnt stay for lunch and head off to the opposite coffeeshop for the duck rice. And we took a bus to Vivo!!! Shopped around abit, i bought a book, and an Mphosis top to replace the one Chile destroyed.. zack wanted to buy it for me but i refused.. he had been spending so much on me. He then said something so touching.. "You're my wife wat.. I like spending money on my wife." awww.... :)

then it's coats!
We then popped over to Zara. It's time to start getting our wardrobe ready for our trip! Fall/winter wear has arrived in the stores! Sadly, none of the coats caught my eye. The current trend for women's coats doesnt appeal to me. But... the men's coats.. are simply divine! Zack tried on a few and they look terribly great on him! He's tall and has the physique. I told him he cant wear them cos he looks TOO good! Surprisingly some aint as ex as we tot. He tried on a couple that was going for like 249 bucks. It sounds ex but looking at the quality, its pretty reasonable. Gold buckles/tags, quality material, clean lines. i say it's worth the pricetag. A good solid coat is always a good investment. There's this coat he tried on that reminded me of Keanu Reeves in Matrix *drools* Gorgeous however not too appropriate. But there's always THE ONE. The Perfect One.. that meets all requirements. That when u put it on, u say.. YES! this is IT! it's smart yet not too formal, everything else? Perfect! But the pricetag? Hefty. Probably 50% more than the ones he tried. Tsk tsk. And there's only one piece left for his size and we got it reserved at the Taka outlet. But Zack is apprehensive about getting it cos of the pricetag. Little does he know, i've decided to get it for him! as one of his bday presents - 5mths in advance. Well, he did buy me a Nikon DSLR for my bday 5mths in advance.. hehe.

Realised we have been splurging on each other. Our bday gifts for each other are like 4figures! Jeez.. how ever did it come to that! But this is probably the only time we can spend lavishly on each other.. cos when our "huge permanent commitment" arrives, things will be different - in a good way :) we've been talking alot about it recently.. and it sounds exciting yet nervy.

After a short bout of shopping, we headed back home (i resisted going to River Isle!). Been a long while since we took the train together. It's nice - i like the simple life :) Went to Punggol Plaza and bought some groceries for dinner. Reached home about 5.30pm and he went to the Chillout Room (aka Jamming Room now) to play with his toys (they are getting bigger!), while i patter around the kitchen getting dinner ready. Despite many grimaces, he did drink the herbal soup. Gonna pump him with good healthy food. That's my job as a wife! Taking good care of my hubby.. something i've learnt from example. My mother... is a great supportive wife and a loving mother and i wanna be just like her. has it been 8 years already..?

We ended off our night watching Goal2 on DVD. Zack tot it was boring while i'm indignant over how men let money, fame get in their head and start being a jerk and gallivants around. Having said that, nowadays women cheats too. and u'd think.. what is this world coming to? *sigh*

Sheesh.. i better stop now.
That's one looong post i'm doing.
i can get off tangents when i'm in the mood.
so it's already past noon on Sunday and i need to get my ass off
going to town to get zack's coat!!!
and hopefully i can find my boots..
but.. i'm feeling a tad lazy.. making the trip.
and it's raining now.......

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

a frugal life.... is oh so tough

i just HAVE to drink my coffee this morning.
been trying to cut down lately.
woke up with a dark cloud hanging overhead.
then i remembered...
another top gone.
yeah fuck.
i've been fuming since last night.
i'm just so sick and tired and weary.
i'm starting to dread going home nowadays.
you dun want to see what i come home to everyday.
zack is probably her only salvation now.
i'm so tired... i really am.
this is probably the biggest mistake of my life..
why God why? why me???

on a lighter note:
last evening i was at Vivo
and i tried on this pair of jeans at River Island
it fits me!
best part is.. it's 50% off!
well... it's erm.. $60 but it's still half the price!
spent a good 20mins in the fitting room.
admiring my rear view, side view and front view.. niceee..
came out and passed the other pairs to the RA (retail assistant - they sure have nice tees to go with their nice titles)
i grabbed this pair tight to my chest and walked out
and as i pretended to browse the numerous racks.
these tots kept swirling thru my head..
"no ju, u dun need another pair of jeans."
"but it's half price!"
"you're looking for a dark blue jeans.. not this shade"
"but i hardly can find one that fits me this well!"
"think about your honeymoon! Paris! $60 can do a nice meal"
"i'll eat bread for the next 2 weeks!"
"you still got your coat to buy and that's 300bucks gone and yr boots?" "my legs look slimmer in this pair.. they really do!"
"Honeymoon ju! HONEYMOON!"
"but... but... my ass does look perky....."
"3K goal and you're not even halfway there!"
"save the pennies and the pounds will grow"

i walked outta River Isle..
with empty hands
and a heavy heart.
felt a weak flicker of pride.
and a deep sense of longing.
gosh, this is..... agonizing.

and my legs led me to Swarovski.
i saw my earrings sitting prettily in the case
it's crystal laden hands beckoning to me.
again.. i walked away..
with a sigh.

*bite bottom lip*

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

up the stakes??

by all means *smirk*



Sunday, August 12, 2007

i just brushed my teeth,
only to remember that i've not had my dinner.
now i'm going to bed hungry
cos i'm too lazy to get something to eat and re-brush my teeth.

started the day early.
zack woke me up at 9am (yes, that's 9 in the morning!)
and asked if i wanted to go to Ikea for breakfast.
now, that's something i cant resist so off the bed i got.
bought some tealights, lightbulbs, some toys and a bed for the gals :)
Since we're there, we decided to comb the neighhbouring Giant and Courts.
well... not too entirely impressed.
i say a huge shopping mall in the vicinity should help pick up business.

after few hours of window shopping..
we were heading back home when zack asked if i wanna go Pasir Ris Farmway to check out Papillon puppies!
can i resist?
we only managed to find some papillon pups at Petmovers
(where i bought Pappe from so many years ago)
there were 4 of them and they were all huddled up sleeping
we stood there for at least 7mins before 1 of them woke up and jarred the rest awake. They looked so cute but none of them has the distinctive white blaze between their eyes-head which is a must-have for papillons. And the red/white color status the shop gave.. was really tri-color. (red/white papillons fetch a much higher price) Dishonest buggers!

the gals and their new bed..

they love it.. but we gotta buy another one.
cos chile is always chasing pappe off just so she can lie in it.
noti noti...

what a good life..

Friday, August 10, 2007

where bdays are concerned.
i've ran out of luck.
for years i'd not had bday cakes..
but this year, i got 2!
had dinner last night with my sister, andrew, father and his wife.
the food was good.. fish maw crabmeat soup was power!
i had 3 bowls :D

i smelt something fishy when my sis declined dessert for all of us.
lo and behold..
a waitress brought a bday cake out!
only thing was... the cake was without any candles!
she just laid it on the table and started to put the candles on it.. infront of us all.
yeah, some surprise.. hahaha.
but it's all good!

and i finally got an ice-cream cake.. from Haagen Daz!

it's raspberry ice-cream.. lovely!

me and my darling sis :)

today is the day i turn 26.
i'm still keeping the wrinkles at bay!
good good.. doing a fine job so far.
funnily, i'm not too excited about it.
(part of growing old i guess)
and its my loved ones who are making it a big deal :)
for that i'm incredibly touched
You know who you are...
Thanks for making me feel so special *smile*

its 4pm...
i'm done stuffing myself with apple tarts
i'm done waiting.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

last night...

i had the loveliest surprise birthday celebration *beams*
from my sweet sweet gals :)
its been a long time since anyone had gone through so much trouble for my bday *touched*

THE STORY.. about the cake
the stage has already been decided and set at Durty Nellys, an Irish Pub (it totally rawkss! i love it). During lunch, SY took a bus from Suntec to Ann Siang to collect my bday cake (it's from Pattisier!!) then went on a long maniacal search for Jane's office, at Millenia Walk.

Cake was passed to Jane who went to Durty Nellys and left the cake there.

I met up with SY and YY after work at Suntec and we went for dinner at Crystal Jade. Jane was working late so we went ahead without her. Whoa.. the stewed beef noodles was good! it has joined my favourite list, together with the La Mian with Spring Onion.

And as we were at Suntec Tower 4 (well, i wanted to get the apple tart from Carrefour), we passed an Angie's The Choice. I was salivating at their cakes and went:"Hey, i wanna buy a bday cake!" when SY pulled me away and said: "dun be crazy lah!" Yeah, if not we'd ended up with 2 cakes to eat! and which bday gal buys her own bday cake! *guffaws* We had a totally good laugh over it when we recounted everything back at Durty Nellys :D

At Durty Nellys...

had some cocktails.. Magaritas and a Bloody Mary.
i solemnly promise this is the very last time i'm getting a Bloody Mary (virgin or not!)

it's a nice Irish Pub.. not too rowdy.. a nice ambience with pretty reasonable cocktails. Good live music and the most accomodating boss! Jane arrived late and didnt get a drink. He then gave her a glass of water (without us asking for it) and said: "Just so you wouldnt feel left out." My.. this is service at its peak! I'm definitely going again.. and prob can make it our usual haunt now.
and as i was telling some stories to the gals, the boss with his staff came out singing 'Happy Birthday' with my bday cake. Awwww.... dazed... *blush*

see my bday cake????

Snowball from Patissier
A.W.E.S.O.M.E! mascapone cheese with green tea biscuits in the middle.
i absolutely love the green tea cakes from Patissier.

my present! it's an accessory stand.
and i so love it! cos it's something i've always wanted to get but never could fork out the money for. My many necklaces are strewn all over the place.

a clearer shot of it (for Jo.. hope u're feeling better!)

i'm so blessed.. with friends who love me :)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

has a month passed already?!?!

Happy 3yrs 1 mth Laogong! *muaks* :)

Monday, August 06, 2007

one.... two.... three.....

last night...
zack wanted to ride us all the way from Punggol to Town
just so i could have my Carl's Jr burger *gasps*
awwww.... *smile*

when i count my blessings, i'm gonna count them twice :)

Sunday, August 05, 2007


it's 5.20pm on a sun afternoon
and i just woke up for the day!
oh boy oh boy...
though i've been cuddled up in bed since 8.30pm last night
not sleeping though
reading.. reading and reading
with snatches of sleep in between.
my kind of night.
with a good book.
for 2 good whole days!

bummer is...
i'm almost done with Harry Potter :(
i should have dragged the suspense out longer
but it gripped me and left me possessed
flipping page after page fervently.
The Battle of Hogwarts.. POWER!
one of my fav characters died *wails*
no worries, no spoiler in my house.

i wanna go back to the book
probably left with an hour of reading
but i'm restraining myself
and just wait for my hubby to wake
he'd been working night this weekend
thats why i got so much time on my hands :D

what shall we do tonight?
probably meet Chris later

we had this lovely dinner with Godma, Rachel and Andrew last week.
it was at the Jap Rest in Riverview Hotel
Food? Terrific.
Company? Awesome!
were happily chatting about my wedding
the events that happened - the good, the bad and the funny
funny that both Theresa (my boss) and Godma likes Mark
they both think he's funny and endearing (must be his rooster head.. haha).

i'm hungry..
i think i'm pms-ing.
the first, in the longest of time ever.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


my craving!!!
its HUGE and oh so good,
i can finish one all by myself!
i want one soon!!!
i NEED one soon!!!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

11 weeks...!

flight from Venice to Paris booked!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

the month of AUGUST....

has arrived.
7 months gone in a flash.
i've always love AUGUST *beams*

meet HEIDI..

she's such a sweetheart :)

and... i really do want a papillon
a brown one this time.
but... *sigh*
zack's not ever gonna agree..
they really are the most perfect dogs (to me at least)
and i've wanted one since.. 15 yrs old
when i chanced upon a pic of it in a book.
i love my pappe.. so very much
and "zack.. you better stop calling her old aunty!!"