Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, April 27, 2007

"let's look on the bright side of life.."

Just done with our PHOTOSHOOT yesterday.
2 words.
Day started off sucky.
It rained, i had a zit on my chin, the roses i bought for my hand bouquet looked the worse for wear in the morning so i didnt DIY, we couldnt get a cab and rode there instead.. imagine helmet- flatten hair, we were 30mins late, and we arrived there cold and wet. Sigh.
But things looked up as the day went by.
Hard to stay gloomy when you are all made up,
dressed in gorgeous gowns and looking your very best.
And despite thinking its a waste of time,
Zack was a very good sport about it.
So we posed, we kissed, we stared tenderly into each others eyes.
We walked, we pretended to talk (on demand), we flashed megawatt smiles.
One of the places we went was Lower Pierce Reservoir (one of our part tow place).. it was sweetly nostalgic.. and erm.. interesting.
There were hordes of monkeys there.
Everywhere you turn, you'd see a monkey or two.
Guess what? we saw monkeys screwing! LOL.
And boy are they fast, screwing time is like 15secs!
no wonder they populate so quickly.. LOL.
Wish i'd brought Alfie..
Photos out in a weeks time.
Hope the shots will turn out well *fingers crossed*
(Gush Time: Zack looks absolutely dashing in his mandarin collar suit!! He reminds me of Keanu Reeves in Matrix!! All tall and sleek *SLURP*)

Wrapped up at 6.30pm.
So we celebrated a long day of hard work with a good dinner.
i finally had MY STEAK!
a 10oz ribeye steak should wean me off my craving.
it'd better.. it cost a bomb!

so tell me.

Why is manicure/pedicure considered part of the 'pampering yourself' routine? I personally find it a chore. Sitting there not being able to do anything, and when the color is finally painted, you have to put your hands in this contraption (i use this word for lack of a better one) where cold air blows on it. It's frigging cold its like a torture. Again, you gotta sit there for 15mins, enduring the cold and not being able to move. After its done, you walk ard with your fingers stretched out. You gotta be careful with what you touch, where you placed your hands. Me? I smudged my manicure less than 5 mins after i got home. Sigh. Guess i dun even have to mention how ridiculously priced they are. And why should i pay someone $30 - $60 for something i can do myself. And this $30 - $60 only last for an average of 4 days.

But i'm so glad PS (photoshoot) is over. I'm not as narcisstic as it seems.. hahaha. Spoke with Bernard and Kelvin (the photographers) on photography. Got some pointers from them. How i wish.. how i wish.

PS: a photoshoot sure puts you in a lovey dovey mood.. way after *smile*

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