Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, April 13, 2007

i indulge....

on my way in today, i decided to indulge and bought my favourite chai latte from Coffee Bean. Its friday.. so just give myself a pat on the back for a week well survived.. haha.

but this is what life really is...

:: knocked off early from work
:: took a nice leisurely stroll from Havelock Rd to City Hall
:: chill at Funan's TCC
:: nice comfy cushy seats
:: a nice, albeit minute cheesecake and a JB Robb book
:: hubby came to pick you up
:: and foot the bill!

niceeeee *grin*

So we had our final fitting yesterday. My wedding gown bottom was still a little loose and more alteration needs to be done. I cant afford any weight loss! I finally found a dress that fits me (and i begged Yvonne for it cos its not part of my deal).. its a lovely long tier dress and it accentuate my curves *happy* I couldnt get the makeup artist i wanted so had to make do with the one D'sire arranged. I realised you just cant leave it to them, its imperative that you know exactly what you want. Didnt really like the way she did my eyes (from other D'sire brides, she likes blue and its true!) so i had to show her a pic of how i would like my eyes to look like.. the colors etc And she managed it. I always have a mind of what i like and what i want, so i dun reckon i'm a very easily satisfied customer.. i hardly just take what comes but will twist and turn things to my liking.. haha. But hey, its my BIG DAY so its my SAY!

speaking of having a mind of your own..

i realised that i married the male version of me. Probably more tenacious than i am. hahaha. My sweet darling has ideas (note plural) for almost everything! From the shape of our house downlights.. to the color of the toilet floor tiles.. to the definition of the wedding invite pic.. to the exact wordings of our wedding invites! Man oh man. But i must say i'm glad that my man takes on an active role in all our house/wedding preparations. I've heard stories. You should see how proud and excited he was after he did up the wordings on our cards. Its amazing the way a 1.8m tall, macho guy can morphed into a 8 yr old boy. Its damn cute lor. So cute that i forgot that i left the room with fumes going up my head 15mins ago. Why? we were arguing over something as stupid as whether to write in short form or not.. haha.. so fun!. And when he came bouncing into the room 15mins later and cart me off to the com room to show off his poetic capabilities, i was like, "hey! i'm still fuming u noe!" Well, he has a memory span of a fruit fly. *guffaws*

i'm getting pretty excited about our photoshoot, which will be in 2 weeks time! If i'm lucky, i'd be able to get my wedding shoes today. Got some places to check out after work.. wish me luck!

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