Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, February 01, 2007

wow.. too good to be true?!

when his colleagues asked him to club on friday.

"told my colleagues i'm off on friday and saturday but i wanna spend time with my wife"

then he asked me if i wanna go...
"if you wanna go then we go, if you dont want, then i wouldnt go."

awwwww.... so sweet.. :`>

when i told him about this absolutely gorgeous black body hugging knitted dress.. its 73bucks.

"ok, if you think its worth it then buy lor"

*gasps* thats so NOT his usual answer. His usual answer includes plenty of sighings and eye-rolling and of crse the usual, "NO. You got too many clothes already."

(my perplexity reminds me of the Starhub commerical.. LOL)

something strange is happening.
we havent had a spat for the longest of time.
jeez, cant remember the last time we had one.
its as though we're floating on a love mist
lovey dovey day in day out.
laughing and teasing each other.
not that we argue alot to begin with lah.
but.. this.. is weird!
its making me uncomfortable.. haha
was telling him maybe we should argue just for the sake of arguing.
he gave a resounding protest.. ahahhaha
he said guys detest conflicts.
they like things nice and easy.
but.. makeup sex is always good!

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