Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


for once..
i clicked on the 'create new post' button
and nothing came to mind.
writer's block?

feeling the blues so went to fix some perk-me-up
it helped.. for like 15mins.
i'm at a stage where i can be physically exhausted
but my brain refuses to shut down
so i'm reduced to fitful sleeps at night

feels tight in my chest
anticipating a lousy tuesday
dun think things will be better tomorrow either
i wish for things to be the way it used to be


i'm down to visiting sites to induce some false euphoria
one goes like this C***N
the other goes like that O***A
i dream of you in my dark hours of gloom
i dream of you when rainbow dust floats ard
dreams will be reality once i have deep pockets
just watch it.
you'll be mine...


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