Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

patronized this shop yesterday and saw it hanging on the rack
and i just knew i had to get it for SY
she'd go ballistic!!!!
cant wait to give it to her!

Monday, February 26, 2007

so long.. farewell

END of february marks the end of the holiday season for many students. So this weekend, my friends who were back from aussie for their summer break, packed their bags and head back south. So i caught up with a couple of them.

the last time i saw Yiming was 3 years ago and i was enjoying my singlehood.. hahah. Amazing that now i'm already all married (well, half married to be exact. Second half due in 4 mths time!) while he has 6mths more to go before he comes back for good. Still the same ole yiming.. same old tan (he surfs like crazy), same old fast talk.. and probably the only guy around who can really walk! we walked from Plaza Sing.. all the way to Far East. The funny thing was, we walked this route the last time we met up as well. Oh, and he said i got slimmer! *grins* but thats from 3 years ago.. hah

orchard rd was all dressed up for Chingay so the roads were closed. Had this crazy notion to just run to the middle of the empty road to snap a shot (how often can we do that right..) but the policeman said we couldnt. Oh well, found this closed up side road instead.. yeah, such kookoos.. hahahaha.

SO we said our goodbyes to Mark on friday. Marky boy is back in NSW! gonna miss him tons.. but more so his basement.. hahaha.. thats where we hang out every weekend for our shisha sessions.

had dinner at Tao Kee then proceed to his place. Fu and QY joined us but Des could only stay for dinner, poor gal looked so tired. It was a night of shisha, cards and makan. I didnt smoke though i was so tempted to. I'm gonna stop smoking shisha.. i like my lungs clean. But its probably black from those second-hand smoke oredi. haha. Played blackjack and i won money! Well, all went back to zack cos he funded it in the first place :P

with my heavy lidded eyes, i was all ready to head back home when zack announced he's hungry.. so come 2+am.. we went to Thomson Rd - "Tong Shuai" for supper. Nice place.. very hongkong-like. I like the decor.. its a juxtaposition of western opulence and oriental charm. And the colors are fetching.. i like. They have 300+ items on their menu but mind you, they arent cheap.

here's a nice shot of Mark (and his mohawk). Zack managed to catch this winning shot.. so artistic hor? He's infusing all my creative juices.. (can see him giving me the evil eye.. hah) Mark looks so despondent.. like some pre-suicide shot. LOL.

so i said my goodbyes.. and hope u guys will be back for my wedding in July!

sidenote: And all the best to Des to her first show on air!! [10am - 1pm] sorry i'm at work so i cant listen in *bummer*

Sunday, February 25, 2007

and the nocturnal speaks..

so its 6am and i'm only starting to feel sleepy
oh yes, i've not slept a wink
time to hit the sack
or rather, Good Morning~

"you sing a sad song just to turn it round"

Finally winding down after a long day.. a long week for that matter. It's been a long awfully bad week. A mass of emotions, all balled up inside me. Hit after hit. I'm exhausted.. from all that hurting. I need a little shut down time after this outpour. Yes, i'm so gonna shut down and hibernate. To barrel into myself. To reflect. To regroup.

It helps tremendously, meeting up with Yiming in the afternoon then Ant at night. Lifted my spirits for one. And yes, affirmations that i'm not as screwed up as i thought i am, that i'm not as lousy a person as i thought i am. They are probably the only 2 friends that i can ask really stupid questions and not feel stupid, and not feel judged. I am blessed, truly. I am thankful, immensely.

I realised there are situations that i just cant control, that i just have to accept. And i cant change the way how people thinks, how they feel and what they want. I'm ashamed to admit that yes, many times i want things done my way. I can be a spoilt brat. Oh what a newsflash. And that many a times, i feel with my heart then think with my head. But the sad fact is, my heart aint always smarter than my head. I have all the rationalisations stored up there, sensible ones, smart ones. I just lock them away. So i caused grief.. i caused pain, and that hit me threefold back.

I wish i'm a better person. But sometimes i get tired trying.. or maybe i'm trying too hard or not enough. I'm my worst critic. Maybe all i have to do is love myself more.. then perhaps things will fall into place. Maybe i need to accept what i am is who i am. Or maybe, all i need is to stop psychoanalyzing myself and just chill.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

how's your loot this season?

i lost 40bucks to zack in blackjack! @!#$%^$**
jeez, i had a winning streak and the profits were FAT
zack's eyes were popping at my ladyluck
then i lost them ALL in that last bet!
but its okay.. cos i got my money back! ahahaha

the long weekend just passed in a flash
how is that possible?!
i am never able to catch the CNY spirit
cos really, it doesnt really mean hoot to me
reunion dinner.. family togetherness
yeah yeah.. watever
sorry but i'm not a family family person
i'm jaded.. i'm cynical
CNY brings out the ugly depressed side of me somehow

so went out visiting as usual.. popped over to my aunty's. Went to the room where my cousins were holed up to do the usual greetings and had a mighty shock! It was swarming with kids of all ages and there were at least 10 and they were all my nieces and nephews. My oh my.. my cousins had been busy! Suddenly this wave of fear engulfed me. Dont get me wrong, i do like kids.. they look so cute and cuddly. Many a times, i feel like grabbing them and give them a squeeze but that many a times, i resisted. Cos i find it easier to walk alongside a growling dog than to coax a wailing kid. Crying children terrifies me! and i'm always fearful that the minute i approach one, he/she is gonna burst out in tears. That kinda got me thinking.. that perhaps i'm not cut out for motherhood. In the long forgotten past, i couldnt wait to have kids of my own but as the time draws near.. i get more terrified at the idea of becoming a mother. "what if i dun have the aptitude of a good mother?", "what if i'm not patient enough?", "what if i'm not loving enough?" The more i think about it, the more the hole in my belly swirls. Anyway, i got 2 years or so to psych myself.

so its back to work for now. Nothing to look forward to but....... A HOLIDAY IN MARCH!!!!!!! a short trip somewhere.. now its a toss between Bali and Ho Chi Minh City. Any suggestions? Tag Tag!

Monday, February 19, 2007

oh the nightling and the nightling

so its 4am and i'm still awake
funnily, there's a tinge of haze in the early morning air
mark and des just left after a session of shisha + DVD
ant popped over too!
dun think he enjoyed the shisha much.. haha
watched Pan's Labyrith.. dumbass show
boy am i glad we didnt catch it in a cinema
we caught Perfume just 2 nights ago at Mark's
and quoting from mark: "grotesquely beautiful"
how true, it was awesome
that kinda movie that leave u speechless for a min or 2 when the credits come on
now that was another late night we had
left mark's at 4 in the morning
and we only hit the sack when the sun rise
i love the night!

and i'm hungry
wonder if zack will buy some food home
he sent des back
so poor mark didnt get a ride home
maybe in 3 years when we get a car
then all will get rides home! :P
did i mention i'm hungry..

oh, zack's back with prata!
gotta go makan then hit the sack
have a good night! or morning rather
only bummer is having to wake early
3 places to visit tomorrow.. sheesh


Friday, February 16, 2007

i write with glee

an hour more and i'm off for the week!
so looking forward to the long weekend
even with skeleton staff strength
and nobody ard to pester me
there're still so much to do

so zack went to JB with the guys
and bought me a pressie! - CNY present so he says
there's always an occasion for presents.. LOL
an Adidas mini tee in my favourite color
wanted to get me the jacket but he said they dun look nice
it was already 2am when he came home
and i was fast asleep
he happily woke me up and made me try on the tee
despite groggy protests from me - tired noe
to make my husband happy
(Law#2: a wife must always submit to her husband)
i put it on, preened for him
and went right back to bed.. tee and all
only managed to get up an hour later to change out of it
with my blurry eyes, i checked out his spoils for the day
which he dutifully lay out for my stamp of approval
(Law#1: a husband must always listen to his wife)
i must say i have a rather amusing and adorable hubby

Happy Holiday...!

did i mention i really dislike CNY?
yeah i do.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

my Valentines Day?

NOT dining at some restuarant which serves minuscule portion of food at exhorbitant prices.
NOT jostling with the crowd in town, walking amidst hundreds of couple with bouquets of flowers sticking out.

it's even better....

and when i lifted the boxlid to take my helmet
i had a surprise waiting for me!


wow! that was the LEAST expected
cos zack thinks giving flowers is a complete waste of money
plus its valentines day,
the price u pay for just a dozen of roses.. is crazy
florists milking it for all its worth
it was a complete surprise cos he said he aint gonna get me anything
but apparently that sneaky guy had this planned a week ahead!
a week ago?
i didnt even realised vday was round the corner!
his gift is out of stock
so he gotta wait! :D

we then caught Ghost Rider at J8
that's one cool flick.. enjoyed that tons
cant believe i'm saying this..
but harleys are cool!
i hereby allow my hubby to get a harley
once he hit 50
went for a joyride around Thomson
and ended up at Pierce Reservoir
one of our part tow places
was really romantic just sitting there
looking at the stars.. chatting :)
makan? only at our favourite place - Taokee!

come to think of it..
these are what we usually do
movies.. makan.. walk walk
does it mean everyday can be a valentines day?

i certainly think so :)

so pretty right?

10 past 6...

and it feels like i've fought a thousand battles today
been like this everyday
i need a break.. seriously
zack and i are planning something in march
hopefully it'll materialise!

just watered my darling plant with cold water
was lazy to bring it to the pantry
so poured some of the water in my cup in
hope it wouldnt kill it.
it's flourishing REALLY well *smirk*

for some reason i cant view the slideshow below from my office pc
if some of u have the same problem
here's the direct link:

maybe i'd blog about something happier later tonight
if i'm not dead by then

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


for once..
i clicked on the 'create new post' button
and nothing came to mind.
writer's block?

feeling the blues so went to fix some perk-me-up
it helped.. for like 15mins.
i'm at a stage where i can be physically exhausted
but my brain refuses to shut down
so i'm reduced to fitful sleeps at night

feels tight in my chest
anticipating a lousy tuesday
dun think things will be better tomorrow either
i wish for things to be the way it used to be


i'm down to visiting sites to induce some false euphoria
one goes like this C***N
the other goes like that O***A
i dream of you in my dark hours of gloom
i dream of you when rainbow dust floats ard
dreams will be reality once i have deep pockets
just watch it.
you'll be mine...


Thursday, February 08, 2007

dun say you've not been warned

view at your own peril




Wednesday, February 07, 2007

the perfect way to end the night of our 31st mth


but i'm under strict orders not to view them til zack is out from the toilet.
i'm dying of anticipation!!!!!
i'm holding the disc in my hands right now...
the CD-ROM drive is open...
why is he taking soooo long???
maybe a peek first?
no no... i'd wait...
and view them together with zack.
i did give my word...
didnt i?
So we wanted to catch a movie last evening
bought our tickets.. had our usual teppanyaki din
met up with Benny, zack bought another insurance
he kept telling me how rich i will be if anything happen to him
*roll eyes* silly boy..
why do i want so much money for if i dun have the person i love most by my side.

Anyway, we were about to enter the cinema only to find that the movie was cancelled. Wow, the first in our movie-going history! And we watch tons of movies.. like 1 - 2 movies every fortnight. Due to technical fault, that cinema hall was closed.. so we got a refund.

Might as well cos i was dead beat. We went home, watch DVDs and munch on famous amos cookies. I like it better!

we're gonna go gai gai and relieve those sweet memories!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

as the chimney puffs

1st night at Himmah's.
2nd night at Mark's.
i so need a break.
though i spent most of fri night snoozing on the sofa.
while the guys watched DVDs and talk cock.
pity Himmah and Farina couldnt join us last night

had my favourite mint last night.
somehow it wasnt as good as the first time i tried it,
but the hookahs were smoking really well.
the smokes were good!
i smoked too much too fast.

Guess who?

the guys have chimney lungs

my feeble smoke

see how pathetic mine is next to zack's
i've had better days (or nights)
but it means i got good lungs - still!


totally transparent.. classy!
the top white area is smoke
while the bottom part contains water

blue with pretty flower motiffs
so pretty!


our shisha sessions seems to be ending later.
party didnt break til 3.30am!
due for my nap now.

Friday, February 02, 2007

or is it reverse psychology?

cos now i've decided not to get that dress.
reckon i wouldnt wear it often though its totally HOT.
find it hard to fork out 73bucks for something i'd only wear once in a while.

zack's getting very good at pushing my buttons.
he knows he'd receive a tirade from me if he flatly refuses to let me get it (and sometimes, i'd just go ahead and get it without telling him.. ahaahaha!- blame it on my rebel roots)
my shopping antics has been an ongoing battle between us.
when one of my strategy moves called "the smuggle" was exposed by that BIG MOUTHED ANT!

its like how the more u cant get something, the more u desire it.
and if its something readily available, u'd think twice and probably end up deciding u dun want it that much afterall.

yeah... i think he's getting smarter.
i'd better watch it.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

wow.. too good to be true?!

when his colleagues asked him to club on friday.

"told my colleagues i'm off on friday and saturday but i wanna spend time with my wife"

then he asked me if i wanna go...
"if you wanna go then we go, if you dont want, then i wouldnt go."

awwwww.... so sweet.. :`>

when i told him about this absolutely gorgeous black body hugging knitted dress.. its 73bucks.

"ok, if you think its worth it then buy lor"

*gasps* thats so NOT his usual answer. His usual answer includes plenty of sighings and eye-rolling and of crse the usual, "NO. You got too many clothes already."

(my perplexity reminds me of the Starhub commerical.. LOL)

something strange is happening.
we havent had a spat for the longest of time.
jeez, cant remember the last time we had one.
its as though we're floating on a love mist
lovey dovey day in day out.
laughing and teasing each other.
not that we argue alot to begin with lah.
but.. this.. is weird!
its making me uncomfortable.. haha
was telling him maybe we should argue just for the sake of arguing.
he gave a resounding protest.. ahahhaha
he said guys detest conflicts.
they like things nice and easy.
but.. makeup sex is always good!