Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, May 21, 2006

a picture paints a thousand words --------->

just some thoughts on the recent event..
(as most of you are aware of)
saying less is sometimes more
more so in this recent issue
i would argue.. only when that issue is worthy
i would press my point.. only when that person is worth it
i am a person who wont stand for injustice
i take it upon myself to correct any wrong, any lies
and when i fight, i fight fair..
i asked my friends, "tell me if i'm wrong.. be partial, just tell me"
how many times i fought the urge to correct the half-truths that was proclaimed
they told me, "he'll always think he's right.." , "he's not worth it.."
"he cant see beyond himself so there's really no point"

for awhile i was questioning myself
but when he turned what was a private issue into a public 'discussion'/mudsling
he just about crossed that line.. way over the line
there was no turning back from then

in a way, i'm glad that this had come to this point
cos again, i saw things that werent there before
when someone couldnt get what they want, they turned ugly
name-calling.. personal attacks.. and what have you
and it showed the real intention
the reason stated was only an excuse
an avenue for personal gratification.. slamming.. name-calling (it was actually pretty hilarious.. cos i've passed the point of name-calling when i hit puberty)

he said he didnt change one bit
and i finally saw how true it was
his maturity was still at the age of 18

you noe what they always say..
"you lose something, you gain something.."

so true...
this was meant to break us.. but it strengthened us instead
there was never a time we felt closer to each other than now
how we stood for and by each other
and it made what we had, more steadfast than ever
(and i must say... zack was so cool!! even when he was slammed again and again.. he didnt break a sweat.. he just pat me and say, "forget it baby..")

and not forgetting the support of our dear friends
how one of u said, "dun let zack read it.. i get pissed just reading it!" *hugs* u're so sweet!

ok, saga is over! fun is over!
and i gotta go buy dinner for my darling..

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