Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

its a time of cleansing..

back to the office after a lovely 4 days break
had trouble getting up this morning
all the late nights didnt help one bit

spent the weekend + holiday + 1 day leave = 4 days...
washing our new nest.. packing our stuff..
cos we're moving this weekend!!!

went back to his place ydae
and was going thru his stuff and pics.. (of his ex-gfs)
he asked me if i wanna have a look and i was like..
"yeah, from a distance.."
but i still ended up poring over the boxes..
and he even allow me to read his diary! *wow*
wasnt really jealous..
but had to keep reminding myself..
"that was a long time ago..
i'm the one he loves now
and we are getting married.."

plus.. my stuff from my ex-bf are like.. 'worse'
haha.. and he saw it all and didnt seem upset
his confidence... in himself and me
is really something i admire
and wanna learn from

he said if i throw my stuff away, he will throw his away
well, it means alot to me.. it reaffirms something
and i take security in that
oh well.. those are memories and i dun wanna deprive us both of those sweet memories..
we had been in love with other people before
been thru relationships.. bad and good
but we are in love with each other now
and this is the real thing
cos we are getting married and its for life!
and that rock on my finger serves as a constant reminder

threw tons of stuff out.. akin to purging my old life
but i just cant bring myself to throw any of my books
(its almost like a sin)

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