Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, May 19, 2006

it was really really good..

barely had more than 2.5 hours of sleep last night
but it's all good! cos i had the loveliest of time!
impromptu gatherings always work

Dinner at Hanabi.. at King's Arcade

Ant gave me an engagement dinner treat! *WOW*
ate til we nearly burst... too bad dessert was not part of the menu..

the original plan was to go town with ant to look for a gift..
somehow.. it ended up with a gathering of us 4 + our partners
and it was awesome!!!

haiyoooooooo.... *shake head*

from left to right:

yes... Ben got attached! (at long last)
and Val is really sweet and lovely
i'm just so so happy for him :D

i love them to bits!!!
my childhood friends from Childrens' Church
since... 11 years old?

wanted to catch DaVinci Code but we decided it'll prob be a nightmare getting tickets so we went to Holland V for some chilling out...

Next: Eski Bar.. at Holland V

they have this room that was at 0 degree celcius.. its soooo cool! we were all freezing but it was so frigging fun!

and when you huff and puff out your breath, you can see puffs of smoke (its that cold!) ant and i were puffing like crazy but the air was too thin so we cant capture the effect on cam

nice ice-cube light and a jumping ant

there's warmth in numbers

even zack was cold.. haha.. see that bar counter behind zack? its made entirely of ice..


more puffing...

awwww....... *sobs*

we then left Eski Bar.. without getting any drinks! hahaha...

not enough? next up: Coffee Club.. at Holland V

no pics.... tired oredi.. but this was when the juicy gossips started churning... as we sipped our hot drinks, dark secrets came spilling out... who had a crush on who in Childrens' Church.. and we realised that it was some square love affairs back then.. had not laughed so much for a long long time.. those were the days.. so young, stupid and cute :)

still not enough? Zack & Ju's place.. at Edgedale Plains

the party only broke up close to midnight.. but i got a call from Pohling when we got home that they wanna come over to see our home.. (they just cant get enough of me) Ant and Pohling dropped by after dropping off Carol and Kelvin. And of course Ant gave me grief for not having pots and pans (again).. seems like all of my friends had seen our home.. my darling gfs were the first! no need for housewarming.. haha

it was really a lovely night for me... spending time with my loved ones.. people i love so much.. these are the people i will grow old with and they will be sneaking my kids candy behind my back.. haha.. for a time at Coffee Club i was sitting back and looking at my dear friends, their partners and the man i will be spending the rest of my life with.. chatting, laughing.. and felt this moment of bliss.. i'm glad the important people in my life get along well.. i didnt realise how important it is to me til now. I didnt get this connection in my previous r/s (prob boils down to common language.. or the lack of) but when i see it now, i see the beauty of it..

and i'm so thankful for my guy.. "no one messes with my gal.." he stood up for me and blasted that... geez, i've got no word for him.. yeah well.. no need for me to go into detail, most of you know the story and i dun want to waste blog space on such stupid stuff (those who dont.. erm, ask me within the next 2 days.. after that, i'd prob shelve it out of my head)

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