Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, September 18, 2005

and i see white...

had an embarrassing incident yesterday.. zack and i were at compass point for lunch and to get some errands done.. lunch at the kopitiam upstairs.. i went to get my food and while i was queuing for my fish soup, i see white (literally).. ears got blocked.. and before i knew it, i went down.. yeah, i blacked out.. right in front of the fish soup stall! (so paisay u noe...) when i came to, ppl were helping me off the floor and this lady was rubbing medicated oil on my temples.. and she very kindly get zack who was sitting at this high counter table and was thankfully very conspicuous.. and thank goodness my mandarin didnt fail me and i remembered how to say 'grey' in chinese (the color of zack's shirt)

and of crse, it just proves again how handy to have your personal paramedic by your side *grin* he checked my pulse (cant remember was it my blood pressure or sugar level that was low).. asked me many times if i hurt any part of my bod when i fell (like i can remember).. he looked so worried and didnt wanna leave my side to get his food... that i wanted to joke and say the worst that can happen is that he will come back and find me with my face in my rice.. then i thought better of it.. hahaha

and i really wanna thank that lady in yellow who very kindly passed me her medicated oil and get zack to me.. we didnt managed to find her in the crowd after..

crap... and now i'm sore from my fall...


ant said...

Oi, jus had a thought. Maybe ur experiencing the onset of menopause? Like when you blacked out it was one big hot flush that went WHACK! and you came tumbling down.

You want me to put HRT pills in the next meal I cook for you?

ju said...
