Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, September 25, 2005

starry starry night...

packed a picnic basket and off we go to our 2nd Starlight cinema movie!

Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets

were there at 7.30pm and boy the queue was loooong... thankfully it moved fast.. the turnout was much better than last year's starlight cinema @ Fort Canning.. good for the organizers but definitely not for the spectators.. we were an hour early and were almost at the rear.. screen was huge so it wasnt too bad.. managed to get extra tickets for Ant and Carol and they were supposed to join us but couldnt make it at the last minute.. *bummer*

waiting for the movie to start... check out the skyline.. it was awesome..

we were both hot and sticky even before the movie started

our pinic basket! hotdogs.. (even our fav sweet thai chilli sauce.. hehe).. pringles.. packets of drinks.. etc.. surprisingly, only found 1 other couple who packed a picnic basket.. the rest came with bags of food from fast food restautants and supermarkets... we only dine in style *smirk*

packed our little gal there too! actually, no dogs were allowed but managed to smuggle her in..

pappe has her little goodie bag too... all her favourite snacks to keep her occupied..

but she drove us nuts with her preference to the grass than the straw mat... got herself smelling of grass... hai..

took some screenshots... of Harry....

and Ron!

and the 3 of us! didnt stay for the 2nd Movie: Prisoner of Azkaban though... cos it was mighty uncomfortable sitting on the ground with no back support... and we couldnt really concentrate on the movie cos people kept walking back and forth *distracting* plus zack has to work the next day and need his rest.. but its the whole outdoor picnicy experience.. that makes it memorable

our 2nd starlight cinema! *beams*

by the way, there werent a single star in the sky...

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