Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, September 29, 2005

faux pas

went with Ant to Tan Tock Seng Hospital to visit Poh Ling's mum.. she had a mild stroke.. and thank God she seek medical help early and took the proper medications.. hai.. people, take care of your health please.. we forgot to get flowers at Raffles Place so had to make do with what Astoria at TTS offers.. which wasnt much: flowers, soft toys etc.. so we just grabbed a box of butter cookies and a card to go with it.. i mean, isnt this what people usually get for patients..

anyway, we reached the ward, presented our gift.. Poh Ling went screeching (as usual):

Poh Ling: "Hey! why did you buy butter cookies?!! Dont you know my mum cannot eat this kinda things! There's butter and sugar in it u noe...! you bring it back home lah!"

Ant: So she eats 1 cookie every month lah
(yeah, ant and his quirky humour)

Me: *gritting my teeth*

(i'm sure ben will find this scene familiar)

errr... how am i supposed to know stroke patients cant eat butter cookies.. how life threatening can a little cookie be? what are we supposed to buy then? a safer bet: essence of chicken? isnt that heaty and it thickens the blood and when the blood thickens in turn cause another stroke? u tell me.. i'm no dietician... and my specialty is cancer.. stroke is Ant's.. so i pass the baton on to him

but... its the thought that counts.. isnt it?

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