Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, September 25, 2005

i'm so tired....

in 3 hours, i've:
- sweep / mop the floor
- tidy the house
- wash / hang the clothes
- fold 2 loads of clothes
- wash toilet
- boil herbal soup for dinner
- cook rice

i've yet to:
- iron and change the sheets
- cook 2 more dishes for dinner
- clean the windows
- boil chicken for pappe

and zack will be home in an hours time... and he'll have a piping hot dinner waiting for him! his first day as a full-fledged paramedic.. in other words, taking the calls and running ambulance on his own.. after 20 months of training.. today has finally arrived :) but this also means... its back to shift work again *sobs*...... i hate his night shift :( come to think of it, its not that bad as we both get our own space..

enough blabbering... gotta cook his fav ladysfinger dish and a chai po omelette.. take a nice warm shower and wait for my boy to reach home :)

my herbal soup smells sooooo good.....

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