Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, July 17, 2009

It's almost time for DURIANS!!!

(our code word: Durians. Not peaches - those who watched Ice Age 3 will know.. haha)

We had our ob appointment this evening and John Tee was going to do a cervical dilation check.

Guess what?!

I'm already 2.5cm dilated and 70% effaced!!!
(you need to be 10cm dilated and 100% effaced to reach stage 2 of labour - the pushing stage)

So it's really anytime now. John Tee said most likely the next few days, during the weekend. For awhile he said Friday and i was like..."that's tomorrow!" But if nothing happen by Monday, I will be admitted for an induction. They will break my water to kickstart labour.

That's... MONDAY, 20 July, 7.30am

I can't believe it's happening....

We're gonna see Megan soon!!!!

Getting sooooo excited.. but starting to feel nervous. I'm happy that John Tee is very pro-natural and he said we will try without epidural first. Zack on the other hand is trying to convince me to take epidural. Oh well.. we'll see how things go. Praying that i will dilate fast enough and wouldnt die from the pain.

And my darling Megan is such a good gal! She managed to stay in there til 38 weeks.. and let mummy watch Harry Potter before she comes out ;P Zack and I caught Harry Potter right after our ob appt.

Now I gotta start counting contractions.. which is getting frequent. Real labour contractions differs from Braxton Hicks in its intensity and frequency. It gets more intense and come on faster. Counting away now!

*praying for a smooth and fast delivery*


Anonymous said...

Hey Ju,

Wishing you a smooth delivery!!!
I am so excited for you! =P


Anonymous said...

hey thanks gal!! :)