Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, July 31, 2009

Zack is working day shift these 2 days :(

Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's been completely tiring...
dunno what i do all day but the hours just fly by..
no time for a good blogging update or just surfing at ease..
and i shall apologize here for the missed calls, unreplied smses, abrupt ending/disappearance in the midst of msn chats.

Zack said we can leave Megan and CL (confinement lady) at his parents and we can catch a movie next week :) I need to get out for abit, just us.. preferably just the 3 of us.. but thats not possible at this time.. *sigh*

i'm just so exhausted... emotionally, mentally, physically.
...and i really wanna get out of the house.. *sigh*

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


1 week old...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

a picture paints a thousand words *glows*

YES! Zack & Ju's little darling Megan arrived screaming lustily...
Date: 20 July 2009 (Mon)
Time: 1632 hours
Weight: 3.162kg
Length: 48cm
Apgar Test: 9/10


Monday, July 20, 2009

Nope... i've not pop yet!
Megan is too cosy inside and dont wanna come out.

Tomorrow will be the biggest day of our lives...
so please keep us in your prayers!
1) Short labour
2) Healthy Megan
3) Short labour again
4) Smooth delivery
5) Ju will live to tell the tale

Gotta go get some rest.. if i can even sleep!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

i'll always miss your sweet little face....

never thought it'll be quite this painful..

the minute things got settled..
and you went off with your new parents..
never thought it'll be quite this painful..

even though you drove me up the wall..
and i wish i could skin you alive most of the time..
somehow you settled in a part of my heart..
with your doleful eyes and lumbering run..

as i sit here with an aching heart and streaming eyes..

a part of me wish they will change their mind..
and you'll be back with us once again..
never thought it'll be quite this painful...

so painful..

be a good gal k brown face..

ju will always miss your sweet little face..

Saturday, July 18, 2009

omg omg omg... will it be TONIGHT?

another contraction coming up!!
the last few hours had been exceedingly uncomfortable..
my back was killing me (cramps).. i was almost breaking out into cold sweat.
my last contraction was like 10mins.. and has been coming at a regular rate.
there's just so much pressure down below...
is this the onset of Stage 1, Phase 2 of labour???

I just bet i'm at least 3cm dilated.. like i'm a doc.. haha

Zack is so excited he is now packing the stroller and infant car seat into the car.
i'm putting all the toiletries in the hospital bag.. its fulll!
i need another bag!!!
Zack asked me to use my mummy bag..
but i'm not keen on it.
i dun want it to get dirty or worse... lost in the chaos!!!

so will things slow down?
maybe i should go rest and rule out braxton hicks.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The unveiling of Ju's present - Part 2

and a little bit more....

Tada!!! MY MUMMY BAG! :)

Zack said this is my baby cum anniversary present *beams*

it's everything i want in a mummy bag!
messenger style so i can have my hands free.

a roomy interior with various compartments for the many baby stuff.
and i simply adore the eggplant color!

it has a soft baby changing pad..
our darling Megan will be diaper-changed in comfort.
(Zack probably bought this bag for his darling daughter.. haha)

yes... it's the Kate Spade Classic Noel Sky Messenger Baby Bag!

absolutely love this collection.. classic!
better than the other one i had my eye on initially.
forking out almost 2grand for a bag is ridiculous!
and Zack was actually considering getting that for me!
i'm soooooo relieved he didnt cos its not worth the money.
this lovely one is only a fraction and i'm delighted with it :)

*ju is a happy girl!*

It's almost time for DURIANS!!!

(our code word: Durians. Not peaches - those who watched Ice Age 3 will know.. haha)

We had our ob appointment this evening and John Tee was going to do a cervical dilation check.

Guess what?!

I'm already 2.5cm dilated and 70% effaced!!!
(you need to be 10cm dilated and 100% effaced to reach stage 2 of labour - the pushing stage)

So it's really anytime now. John Tee said most likely the next few days, during the weekend. For awhile he said Friday and i was like..."that's tomorrow!" But if nothing happen by Monday, I will be admitted for an induction. They will break my water to kickstart labour.

That's... MONDAY, 20 July, 7.30am

I can't believe it's happening....

We're gonna see Megan soon!!!!

Getting sooooo excited.. but starting to feel nervous. I'm happy that John Tee is very pro-natural and he said we will try without epidural first. Zack on the other hand is trying to convince me to take epidural. Oh well.. we'll see how things go. Praying that i will dilate fast enough and wouldnt die from the pain.

And my darling Megan is such a good gal! She managed to stay in there til 38 weeks.. and let mummy watch Harry Potter before she comes out ;P Zack and I caught Harry Potter right after our ob appt.

Now I gotta start counting contractions.. which is getting frequent. Real labour contractions differs from Braxton Hicks in its intensity and frequency. It gets more intense and come on faster. Counting away now!

*praying for a smooth and fast delivery*

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The unveiling of Ju's present - Part 1

nope, i didnt tear into it the minute it arrived.
Zack on the other hand kept urging me to open it.. hehe
the anticipation was sweet ;P

just a little peek....

i'm taking it with me all over the house.. hahhaha

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Potluck at yours truly humble abode

Last saturday.... the gals came over for a night of fun!
well.. not exactly potluck as originally planned..
thought ordering pizza will be easier.
but yy made us jelly and jo bought us Jerry's wings! :)
and jo treated us to the nicest pao pao cha - i'm addicted now!
thanks jo!! :)

(thinking of ways to coax Zack into taking me to Toa Payoh to buy them.. so far i've not succeeded)

and we celebrated Silin's birthday!
Sy, the most thoughtful one, went to Patissier to get the cake and bought the present.

Blueberry yoghurt cake!!!

Our birthday girl....

.... all smiles!
jo bought those candles that couldnt be blown out.. haha.
it was hilarious watching Silin's face!

We got party hats!!!

Birthday girl with her presents..

Gucci Flora...
and a card Jo made..
i got one too! :D

and who would have thought 28 yr olds could spend so much time with party hats!

the only decent shot of that series cos the photographer *looks at SY* couldnt stop laughing. Gosh i look huge here! I love Yy! She said my face still look the same.. ok the rest of them said so too :P of crse it got chubbier but as compared to other preggos, i should be contented!

Megan's asleep... dont make so much noise!

finally a complete group shot :)

we adjorned to Megan's room for another round of chit chatting.
gosh i laughed so much i thought i was gonna go into labour!
Jane did a quiz with us and oh my.. it was pretty accurate!
maybe i'll do up a post on it someday... yeah someday.. hah

and we found out the kinda ppl Jane adds to her facebook...
Lee Kwan Yew?!
is that real or fake?
our dear jane... hahaha

so hoping we can meet just once more before Megan pops out.
almost seems like a rush against time before motherhood sets in.
there are still some friends i've yet to meet up!
like Ben+Val, Evelyn and Kelley..
but i'm getting heavy and easily tired..

i need energy to do the things i wanna do!

i need red bull!
"red bull gives me wings!"


and it's gorgeous!!!


i LOVE it! thanks darling! *muaks muaks* you are the bestest, most loving, most dashing, most errr... *anything good* hubby in the whole wide world!!!

i missed DHL by 3mins!!! *argggghhhh*

Called customer service and the despatch will re-deliver from 3-5pm later. Arghhh... if i had just got up from bed a little faster, waddle a little faster... i could be holding my present in my arms right now!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

For our last remaining couplehood days...

......we went back to where it began - MT FABER!

where Zack got on his knee and asked me to marry him..
with the help of a sparkling stone :) - that sure tipped the scales.. haha!

the exact spot where he proposed.
he said we were facing the Indian Ocean then
it was a saturday night.. 3 Dec 2006 :)

twas really quite amazing how far we've gone..
and as we stood arm in arm, looking far out into the lovely night sky..
me swollen with our little bundle of love squirming inside and Zack rubbing and cooing to her, my nose prickled as i thank God again for all that He had blessed us... and me.

i love my babies... the big one and the small one.

when i count my blessings... i count them twice.

I just had the most awesome time with the gals!
they only went home like an hour ago - 1.30am! haha..
we've not laughed so much in the longest time..
yy is back for good so the group is whole again..
that also means more sore throats in time to come :P
pics will be up when i get the photos from jo and yy.

not forgetting my date with my sweetheart last night too! :)
went to our special special haunt :)
too tired now to post the pics.

gonna crash now..
wishing he is home with me....

Friday, July 10, 2009

it's raining again....

while i'm thankful for the cool weather..
but... how am i gonna get my laundry done?
oh well, at least i wouldnt perspire buckets while doing my chores..
gotta get the house ready
cos the gals are coming over tomorrow!
it's gonna be pizza night and all things sinful!
cant wait!! :P
so feeling like iced kopi... and pao pao cha...


for the first time in years....
i cut my nails short - 1mm to the nail bed!
so i wouldnt scratch my little darling when she's out.
there goes another vanity.. on top of no-heels for the next few mths!

a quick update on Megan.
we had our ob appointment yesterday (8 July)
and guess what?
She's engaged already!!!
in other words, she has dropped down into the pelvic cavity and its anytime soon!
but John Tee said we can look at 38-39 weeks.
next week's appt will be checking if i'm dilated and effaced.
and thank God, she doesnt have her cord around her neck.
we could see during the 2D scan.. praying it stays this way.

jeez.. i've been having alota braxton hicks (contractions) after washing a toilet. Oh no.. I still have plenty to do before i'm ready for her to be out!

Megan, please be a good gal and stay in there longer.. come out next week earliest okay? Don't listen to Daddy. Muaks.. Mummy loves you!

Gosh we are just so excited!
i cant believe we've reached full term and are just days or weeks away.
Even during our anniversary on the 7th, we ended up shopping for Megan! hahaha. I told Zack we should have a day where we don't talk about Megan, it'll just be Zack&Ju's day. And he said i wouldnt be able to do that.. hahaha! I say he wouldnt be able to do it :P

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

7 July 2009: Happy 3/5 Years Anniversary Darling!

YES! It has been:

~ 3 years of a beautiful marriage
~ 5 years of a joyous and loving relationship

with God with us, may we continue to have many more years of laughter, joy and sizzling hot love! Strong and steady, walking hand in hand on this life's journey together :)

and soon, we will be out celebrating these wonderful years together, and also the impending arrival of the little fruit of our love :)



Monday, July 06, 2009

didnt think it'll be quite this hard..
maybe i dont wanna do it anymore?

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Order Status: Merchant Confirmed Shipment!!!

i'm wide awake, after 4 hours of sleep.
and feeling like fuji apples.

just saw Zack off.
he got an offshore fishing trip with Uncle Freddy, Chris and Andy.

gosh i'm terribly hungry.
just ate a pear and Megan is having the hiccups.. haha.

oh oh oh! my order has been shipped!!!!
this is totally awesome!
now we can do more online shopping at US retailers!
last night Zack asked me if i'm making an order..
told him i just loaded up my shopping bag.
need his permission before i order.
he must be so impressed.. hehe
well, its his account (and credit card.. haha!)
but it's for his little darling so i know he'll greenlight it :P
Babygap here we come!!!

i'm so admiring my present... *delighted!*
the more i look at it, the more i love it!
better yet.. we got it at almost 50% off!

great... now i'm all excited i cant get back to sleep!


Saturday, July 04, 2009

Megan's Ride!

.....and it's a QUINNY BUZZ 3-WHEELER!

with the sun shield...
lighting wasnt good so the pics dun do it justice,
so here's one from the website..

so chio right?!!!
it comes with a bigger seat cover for when Megan is older - 18 months onwards.
also included is a shopping basket and raincover.
we got this on promo! ;)

Attached to the Quinny stroller frame is an infant car seat.
Maxi-Cosi Cabrio-Fix
Color: Indian Spice
we got it way cheaper than retail!
it can be used as a stroller from birth - 9months.
it can also be used as a rocker and chair.. cool!

i love how it looks with the sun canopy

having a lazy saturday afternoon.....

gosh.. it's just so easy to bum the days away.
it's 4pm and i've only did one more load of Megan's laundry and went down to buy food and stock up on groceries.. tsk tsk.

aahhhh........i'm so addicted to online shopping now!
not that i'm actually making purchases - yet, i just enjoy filling my shopping basket with items.. hahahha! Zack is so regretting telling me about this awesome website and his account.. hehe. He came online ydae afternoon and we spent a good part of it cooing and ahhing over the cute babygap outfits. It's so cheap! We might just make an order :P

Packing my hospital bag!
Zack has been nagging (according to him - "gentle reminders") me about packing the hospital bag.. haha.
Alrighy... i shall now be a good girl and pack my hospital bag.
ahhhh... sy and jo just came online! - i shall chat with them for awhile.. hehe

Timecheck: 6pm
I'd better get started on my bag!


Friday, July 03, 2009

"i love to pamper my wife" *glows*sparkles* :)

i said not tonight cos i wanna think it over longer but he quickly clicked 'Send My Order' and said he's buying it for me.. *tears*huge hug*many muaks*

Thursday, July 02, 2009

So i'm 36 weeks now!

......that is in the 9th month.. 1 week to full-term! So hang in there sweetheart! Megan should be about 2.7kg now and Zack said its a good weight to deliver. He said a smaller Megan is easier for me to deliver, so below 3kg is good.

Couple of nights back he made me watch some deliveries on youtube :S and i was frankly quite tramautized! (and i'm not liking him very much!) I saw a 2.5kg baby being born and he was in fact pretty chubby already. They look rather scary when they are just born, all greyish looking :S

Feeling the anxiety now. How am i gonna be a mother? Much lest a good one.. *sigh* I don't even know how to hold a baby! We visited Andy's on Sunday and played with little Keagen abit. He is so cute! So chubby! I tried carrying him as best as i could with that big bump infront and i sure aint as adapt as Zack and Chris. Like that how??? I'm going to have a baby in a few weeks time and i dont even know how to carry one.. *sigh* Keagen was so cute.. his face was near my breast and he put his hand on it, opened his mouth and wanted to sucker! Awwww..... Sorry sweetie, no milk yet. Maybe the milk glands are hard at work and he can scent it.. hahaha! Felt my heartstring tug a little when he did that. I can now see how breastfeeding is a bonding time between the mother and baby :)

Meanwhile i can practise baby-carrying on Pappe. She is 3kg and the perfect size.. hahhaha! Love her to bits!!!

Zack is off today so we'll be getting the rest of Megan's stuff!
i shall continue my house-choring over Fri and Sat when he is at work.
and i need to pack my hospital bag soon!

speaking of bags... i need a diaper bag!!!
made Zack promise he wouldnt get me a gucci diaper bag or equivalent.
we've spent a bomb on Megan's stuff and i cant bring myself to carry a thousand over dollar bag.. it's toooo extravagant and crazy! I'm a prudent and sensible wifey k... and honestly, i'm really not a bag person. A nice and efficient bag is good enough for me - and that i shall get myself! I'd better find one soon cos i noticed he didnt really give me a reply when i made him promise me... hmmm.....

okie.. gotta head off to do some baby shopping!

oh guess what.... i can't wear my wedding/diamond ring anymore *sobs* :(