Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, May 09, 2009

In a span of a mere few days...

things happened... and then things happened.
Goes to show how we should be ready for any curveballs life throws us.

Looking back at the past week events..
Perhaps i can safely say we came out of them pretty much unscathed, just a tad bumped.
Perhaps i can safely say we came out of them more assured of our capacity of love.. that we can put aside our own fears and worries to offer comfort and support to each other.

Isnt this what marriage is?
What a partnership is?
To put his/her needs before your own?
To go through the tough times, hand in hand, with patience and encouragements?
To stand by each other, with unwavering loyalty and comfort?

And as i sit here listening to one of our wedding songs 'I Finally Found Someone'..
i cant help smiling and getting sappy..
Oh yes.. i finally found someone.. my One :)

It's said its during your time of need where you see the strength of a person.
How those broad shoulders i always love is indeed broad and strong enough to shield and support should calamity strikes. So once again, i wanna say how much i appreciate your quiet strength. I know how worried you were yet you showed a brave face to everything. Your calm and efficient manner soothed me nothing else could. How you wanna call my office and tell those horrid people off. You have no idea how that little gesture made me love you more, if that's even possible. I don't need someone to fight my battles.. but knowing that you want to, makes me feel so loved and protected. i love you baby...

In that separate event, i want you to know that i have the utmost respect for you. I'm pissed at the turn of events but i'm proud of the way you came through. You dont take things lying down and yet know when to cool off. This is how a man should be. And i'm so proud to be the woman behind you *hugs*

There's a lesson learnt at everything and this week, God has taught us many.

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