Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm happy with American Idol's results!
Zack and i both like Kris but Adam seems like the sure-go.
Zack was so impressed with Adam from the start..
but changed his tune when he found out he is gay.. hahhahha
No doubt Adam is good... really good!

Today Zack and i went to IKEA!
there's just something about ikea that just juices you up..
you just dun ever get sick of that place.
we went there in search for a dresser for Megan.
we've got a serious number of clothes for her.. gifts from our beloved friends :) namely: YY, Chris and my darling sis bought a bagful from BKK! Godpa Mark bought her a maori necklace from New Zealand. Xiu Xiu too bought plenty from the States. Rachel said Megan is gonna be a Gap baby.. haha.
I'm touched.. so touched.. by the love and generousity of the people around us. I cant thank them enough :)

Yesterday we bought some clothes for our little girl.
they are soooo cute!
and we were both cooing over them like 2 idiots.. hhahahha
cant wait to see her!!!

Now i'm cracking my head on how to convert our com room to Megan's nursery.
making matters worse, i cant do a single thing!
i cant move furniture around.
i cant bend or squat.
i get tired from sitting/lying/standing too long.
i cant clean the floor or wash the toilet.
i cant even hang the laundry out! :(
it's really getting frustrating.. *sigh*

Oh guess what?
We're not doing the 3D/4D scan :(
Our ob discouraged us from doing it. Said the ultrasound waves used during such scans are much higher than the usual 2D scans and is not good for the fetus, it can affect sight and hearing. Zack is in total agreement. He wasnt impressed by the 3D/4D scans either. If it's not good in any way for her, i dont wanna take the risk as well.

Gosh.. gonna go take a cold shower then cozy up in bed with JD Robb.
the dogs must be feeling hot too.
Pappe jumps up everytime i get up from the chair and run to the master room.. then run back and plop infront of the fan when i didnt go next door.
master room = air con.. hahaha.
she's so cute.. love her to bits!
Zack is out fishing tonight.. his first fishing session in 2 weeks.
he is getting deprived :P
tonight is the only time i have to myself thats why i'm here blogging.. haha.
he'll be off Wed thru Fri! then nights on Sat and Sun.
so we've been bumming around.. sleeping in. Awesome!

Oh btw.. WOLVERINE and STAR TREK RAWKSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugh Jackman in buff!!!! and to think i'm breathless enough these days! hahhahaha

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