Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, May 24, 2009

how did we get to sun evening...
why does weekends always go by so fast?
it was just a mere 3 days and i saw plenty.
the viciousness of people.
i look back and saw many sticks sticking out.
(i believe in karma.)

but for the sake of Megan, i must not let things affect me too much.
yeah easier said than done.. *sigh*

however, i thank God for the comfort of friends who had helped me through this rough time.
Sylvia who stick with me the whole day, literally going through with me, offering me encouragements. My dear sis who lunches with me just to cheer me up and listen to my woes. Sy who msgs me to check that i'm okay when she didnt receive an email from me. My darling hubby who picks me up from work (all the way from Punggol and back) cos he knows that will brighten my day.

i love you guys.. you dunno how much a difference you had made.
i probably couldnt have gotten through this without your support.

i just need to survive 5 weeks before i go on my maternity leave.
please sustain me God.
i can't let anything happen to Megan.
i want her to be a happy baby.

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