Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, May 28, 2009

it's been living hell the past few days...

ps: thanks my dear friend for being there for me :) hope you get a flight back from KL tomorrow!


Monday, May 25, 2009

our part tow night :)

Ju just had a lovely lovely night!
Zack and i went to Marina South Pier for dinner..
back to the restaurant we dined on our anniversary last year - Santa Fe
Food was awesome and the chocolate milkshake was just too delectable!

Then we went off to Marina Square to catch 'Night at the Musuem 2'.
Had some time so we did abit of shopping..
and we bought 3 tops! Zack 1 and me 2.. hehe
i'm happy with my spoils cos i can wear them after Megan is out.
i can still fit into size Petite.. not bad ya ;)
so far i'm surviving well on 2 maternity work pants and 1 maternity capri.
i hope what i have can last me for another 9 weeks.
improvisation is the way! but i'm really getting big - fast!
i'm wearing Zack's tees when i lounge at home now..
i've outgrown most of my tees.. serves me right for only wearing fitted tees.

ALrighty, Zack's out from shower so it's time i log off and go to bed :(
it's already 2am and i need my sleep.
but i really dun wanna sleep so tomorrow wouldnt come so fast.
gosh, this sounds really pathetic.
but it sure helps having my hubby home tonight.
sunday night is always tough.

oh btw, 'Night at the Musuem 2' was funny!
Part 1 was better though.

belly pics up next

Sunday, May 24, 2009

how did we get to sun evening...
why does weekends always go by so fast?
it was just a mere 3 days and i saw plenty.
the viciousness of people.
i look back and saw many sticks sticking out.
(i believe in karma.)

but for the sake of Megan, i must not let things affect me too much.
yeah easier said than done.. *sigh*

however, i thank God for the comfort of friends who had helped me through this rough time.
Sylvia who stick with me the whole day, literally going through with me, offering me encouragements. My dear sis who lunches with me just to cheer me up and listen to my woes. Sy who msgs me to check that i'm okay when she didnt receive an email from me. My darling hubby who picks me up from work (all the way from Punggol and back) cos he knows that will brighten my day.

i love you guys.. you dunno how much a difference you had made.
i probably couldnt have gotten through this without your support.

i just need to survive 5 weeks before i go on my maternity leave.
please sustain me God.
i can't let anything happen to Megan.
i want her to be a happy baby.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

a quick one before i head off to bed with JD Robb.
i'm trying to hold off going to the master bedroom,
the aircon has been on too often and for longer periods!
so i've been carting the fan from room to room.
money dun grow on trees you know.

just 2 pics from last night's dinner at Irvins with the guys and Des.

been too long since i saw Des!
looking good and doing well at 987.
she is still too skinny, i can give her some chubs!
they all went on to a series of nightly activities while i stayed home :(
Megan, see the sacrifices Mummy make for u.. you must be a good girl ok. You can be naughty to Daddy, he didnt make many sacrifices. *muaks* mummy and daddy loves you and see you soon baby!

ohhhh.... i can feel her fist or arm poking out :)
i especially love the one where she boxed daddy in the face.. it was so funny!
we are having so much fun with her inside.. hehe.

alrighty, let me go eat a light snack and head to bed.
jeez... i've been so hungry whole of today.

home alone again tonight.. *sigh*

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm happy with American Idol's results!
Zack and i both like Kris but Adam seems like the sure-go.
Zack was so impressed with Adam from the start..
but changed his tune when he found out he is gay.. hahhahha
No doubt Adam is good... really good!

Today Zack and i went to IKEA!
there's just something about ikea that just juices you up..
you just dun ever get sick of that place.
we went there in search for a dresser for Megan.
we've got a serious number of clothes for her.. gifts from our beloved friends :) namely: YY, Chris and my darling sis bought a bagful from BKK! Godpa Mark bought her a maori necklace from New Zealand. Xiu Xiu too bought plenty from the States. Rachel said Megan is gonna be a Gap baby.. haha.
I'm touched.. so touched.. by the love and generousity of the people around us. I cant thank them enough :)

Yesterday we bought some clothes for our little girl.
they are soooo cute!
and we were both cooing over them like 2 idiots.. hhahahha
cant wait to see her!!!

Now i'm cracking my head on how to convert our com room to Megan's nursery.
making matters worse, i cant do a single thing!
i cant move furniture around.
i cant bend or squat.
i get tired from sitting/lying/standing too long.
i cant clean the floor or wash the toilet.
i cant even hang the laundry out! :(
it's really getting frustrating.. *sigh*

Oh guess what?
We're not doing the 3D/4D scan :(
Our ob discouraged us from doing it. Said the ultrasound waves used during such scans are much higher than the usual 2D scans and is not good for the fetus, it can affect sight and hearing. Zack is in total agreement. He wasnt impressed by the 3D/4D scans either. If it's not good in any way for her, i dont wanna take the risk as well.

Gosh.. gonna go take a cold shower then cozy up in bed with JD Robb.
the dogs must be feeling hot too.
Pappe jumps up everytime i get up from the chair and run to the master room.. then run back and plop infront of the fan when i didnt go next door.
master room = air con.. hahaha.
she's so cute.. love her to bits!
Zack is out fishing tonight.. his first fishing session in 2 weeks.
he is getting deprived :P
tonight is the only time i have to myself thats why i'm here blogging.. haha.
he'll be off Wed thru Fri! then nights on Sat and Sun.
so we've been bumming around.. sleeping in. Awesome!

Oh btw.. WOLVERINE and STAR TREK RAWKSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugh Jackman in buff!!!! and to think i'm breathless enough these days! hahhahaha

Monday, May 11, 2009

i had a dream last night....

...and it was a pretty nice one.

with the rain pitter pattering outside, i was snugly cocooned under my thick fluffy quilt.. with my sweetheart warm and cosy next to me. Without opening my eyes, i wiggled closer and whispered: "I dreamt of durian milkshake and durian puffs... i think i finally got a craving" and after awhile.. i continued: "I wanna eat chicken rice too." To both of which he sleepily replied: "okay..."

I know nothing wakes my man like the thought of food especially when it's near meal time.. haha. True enough, he wakes up after a while and said he'll take me to Kovan for the chicken rice "with a queue"! :D

I'm sated. Chicken rice was great!

And he also bought me DURIANS!!! 3 boxes of it.. hehe. Usually he dun like me eating them cos it's heaty. I tried convincing him that durians are good for Megan (she is a very handy excuse!). They are said to be 'tonic' to the baby and babies will be big and healthy. (Though no one can tell me in exactly what way durians are good for babies so i'm not 100% convinced too). I have a bad suspicion that the babies are big cos the mummy ate too many durians and got gestational diabetes, resulting in big babies. Now that is no good! So i must be careful on my intake as well.

In any case, ju is happy! She got her durians!
We came home and whacked 2 boxes :P
then took a late afternoon nap...
and woke up at 9pm!!!
Zack called his station only to find out he is working tonight
so i quickly ironed his uniform while he got ready..
and was off in 30mins.
i'm so not prepared for him not to be home tonight :(

jeez... i'm hungry.
let me go feed my little one a pear.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

In a span of a mere few days...

things happened... and then things happened.
Goes to show how we should be ready for any curveballs life throws us.

Looking back at the past week events..
Perhaps i can safely say we came out of them pretty much unscathed, just a tad bumped.
Perhaps i can safely say we came out of them more assured of our capacity of love.. that we can put aside our own fears and worries to offer comfort and support to each other.

Isnt this what marriage is?
What a partnership is?
To put his/her needs before your own?
To go through the tough times, hand in hand, with patience and encouragements?
To stand by each other, with unwavering loyalty and comfort?

And as i sit here listening to one of our wedding songs 'I Finally Found Someone'..
i cant help smiling and getting sappy..
Oh yes.. i finally found someone.. my One :)

It's said its during your time of need where you see the strength of a person.
How those broad shoulders i always love is indeed broad and strong enough to shield and support should calamity strikes. So once again, i wanna say how much i appreciate your quiet strength. I know how worried you were yet you showed a brave face to everything. Your calm and efficient manner soothed me nothing else could. How you wanna call my office and tell those horrid people off. You have no idea how that little gesture made me love you more, if that's even possible. I don't need someone to fight my battles.. but knowing that you want to, makes me feel so loved and protected. i love you baby...

In that separate event, i want you to know that i have the utmost respect for you. I'm pissed at the turn of events but i'm proud of the way you came through. You dont take things lying down and yet know when to cool off. This is how a man should be. And i'm so proud to be the woman behind you *hugs*

There's a lesson learnt at everything and this week, God has taught us many.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

there's no place like home.....

i'm so happy to be home!

and on this 7th (58 months baby! :) *muaks*), we celebrate the start of our 7th month!


Sunday, May 03, 2009

So here is the latest pic of Zack and Ju's little princess....

Megan Ann Chan

Date: 30 April
Gestation Period: 27 weeks
Weight: 1+kg

Our little Megan is 1 week to her 3rd trimester! She's growing well, weighing in at 1+kg.. which is double of that 4 weeks ago. She is now in the birthing position.. head at the cervix, legs up high above my belly button, facing left. Ahhhh.... so the little pokes on the left side of my belly are her fists or little fingers.. and the ones on top are her little feet! :)

John Tee (our ob) gave us another head profile. I will ask for a pic of her fingers and toes too in our next visit. Yesterday we went to Clinic A at KKH for our appt. Found it a tad chaotic. We fixed our next appt at The Private Suite! It's said to be bigger and cosier so i'm asking Godma, Rachel & Andrew along. So they can see their little grand daughter and niece on the screen :)

Next visit will be in 4 weeks time! Megan will be 31 weeks then :)

What's in a name?
After a not very long search, we decided on her name. It wasn't too tedious a process for us cos there weren't many we like in the first place.. haha. Naturally we have a few criteria.. it has to sound nice, look nice, matches her surname, good meaning.

Megan: A greek name, Strong and Mighty
Ann: A hebrew name, Grace, favoured by God (We picked Ann in honour of my mum. Her name was Angeline but fondly known as Ann by everyone)

We love their meanings! and there are no other names as fitting for our little princess :) So her initials will be M.A.C.

Zack said if she is a big baby, we will call her Big Mac.. if she is small, she will be Little Mac.. hahahaha.

So there.. presenting Zack & Ju's little darling.. Megan Ann Chan! *beams*

a lazy sunday afternoon....

how did the long weekend fly by just like this?
and now it's sunday.. *sigh*
it's gonna be a lonely week for me...
Godma is going Macau/Guangzhou
Rachel is going Bangkok
Sy is going Perth.
i'm gonna miss them :(
funnily my wanderlust is not stroked this time.
for once in my life, i'm not keen on travel or holidays.
i just wanna stay home and prepare for my daughter's grand entrance.
i've got so much to do i'm starting to panic!

not much in a blogging mode right now..
so i shall go take a nap.
my crazy dreams are back and i need more quality sleep.
guess the hormones are kicking back!
Zack is out offshore fishing with Uncle Freddy, they are gonna catch some crabs!
we'll see whats for dinner today ;)
last night Zack tried his hand at frying pomfret and when he served it, the skin was gone! hahaha! Hey, frying a perfect fish not easy okay. Good first attempt nevertheless!

Alrighty, i shall next post updates on our little princess..
and her name will be revealed!
(for those who dun already know from her blog)
thanks for the wait ;)
i'm lazy so i'm just gonna copy and paste.