Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Zack and Ju went to the Zoo!

(alright so i'm late...)
.... we woke up late and missed church *sheepish*
and zack said, "Let's do something today. Let's go to the Bird Park!"
then i remembered we've not gone to the Zoo!
Zoo got more things to see mah.. Bird Park only see birds.
So off we went! (next time we go see birds ok darling? *muaks*)
Downpoured on the way but reduced to a drizzle when we reached. PTL!!

First animal we saw turned out to be my very favourite!

i REALLY wanna keep an otter!!!

an otter swimming.

they are soooooo cute!!!
especially love how the parent will take food to their young.
i'm sure an otter will get along well with Pappe and Chile!
jeez.. how do i convince Zack that an otter will complete our home?!!
if i agree to a monkey, will that up my stake??
oh! i can name my otter 'Olif'!!!! (we got olive, pepper and chilli)

"ju, do you know what this is?"

"These are itchy berries. Rub on your arm and it will itch."
"Whoa really?? Why don't you try it on your arm and see if it really itches? :P"


"if i can't see you, you can't see me."

so what goes in, has to come out.... somewhere.. somehow.



rings a bell?
Hakuna Matata... what a wonderful phrase..
Hakuna Matata... aint no passing craze..

it means no worries for the rest of your days..
it's our problem free philosophy..
Hakuna Matata..

i scratch your back, you scratch mine.

so how many of you have actually had the privilege of a full view of the arse of a ZEBRA?

the majestic twin towers.
don't you just love their sweet face??

SENTRY duty?
ahhhhhhh i love them!!!!!!!
i think i wanna Sentry too!!

flower shots..

there's simplicity in beauty.

tons of shots but i'm too lazy to load more up.

and we ended off our trip to the Zoo with the all awesome Ben&Jerrys! I hereby declare my favourite is Cookie Dough. Next on my list is Mudslide. My aim is to try all the flavors.

**it took me days to finish this post... dont ask why.

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