Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, July 24, 2008

God is good.. all the time! and all the time... God is good!

Appointment letter signed!!!
and i've seen my new workstation.
oh my gosh!
it's not a room but almost the next best thing!
i was afraid my cubicle will be one of those open low panel kind but when my new boss pointed mine out, i was beside myself with joy.. hehe.
window behind me with high panels and a big cabinet for me to store my stuff.. its damn cosy lor and full privacy!

so after one week of internal tussle, i've made my decision.
and it's really funny how i came about this job.
for one, i wasn't even looking for one!
i was approached many weeks back but i turned it down.
Then when i was at the peak of frustration with my work, i was approached once more. So i tot.. "why not? no harm done to check it out." So i sent in my CV. With no time to meet the lady before i left for my trip, i tot it was probably a lost cause cos she said she will be meeting other candidates. I left it up to God with the mentality that if it's meant for me, the job will wait for me. And it did!

I called her the morning after we got back (despite sleeping at 5am!) and she said she had been waiting for my call. She would have offered the job to the other gal if i didnt call her by noon. Met her the next day and she said she really likes me aside from the fact i was highly recommended by my ex-colleagues but the President wanted to see me first before offering me the job. We negotiated the renumeration and it was up to me to accept. I struggled for a day before agreeing to the 2nd interview. Damn daunting lor! Long story short, i was offered the job! Even though i was much more expensive than the other candidate! She told me of plans to groom me up to managerial level and the President said this role might go regional in 3-5 yrs. Gosh, i was excited yet really intimidated and wondered if i'll be up to it. I dont wanna over-promise and under-deliver.

But i know God will never give me something i can't handle. When He provides the job, He will also give me the capability. Right now all i can do is my very best and leave the rest in His Hands. I feel very motivated right now and soooo very excited! :)

I went through a week of a roller coaster ride. I went from being terrified of leaving my comfy and familiar environment, to chiding myself for sending in my cv and rocking the boat, to being wildly excited on a new challenging job and of crse bigger paycheck. Back and forth, back and forth. So i'm actually quite tired from all these raging emotions now.

But i got an awesome group of people who stood by me all this time as i went thru my various bipolar moods...

I'm so thankful to God for friends who are always so supportive and encouraging. Friends like Sy and Jo who never fail to be there when i needed them. Who listens to my incessant rantings time and time again, always ready with an encouraging word. To Sy: you dunno how you've help me keep my sanity! *HUGS*

and my darling sister who always has so much faith in me.

i save the best for last... for my very very supportive hubby who soothes my fears, holds my hand tight and pray with me. Who believes in my capability and encourages me every step of the way.



Anonymous said...

And I can only sae a big AMEN to that!


You noe it's alwaes hard to make that first step but when we obey, God blesses!! More than we can imagine! :)

And I din sae anything... and haven't received any emails from you gals of late :)

Anonymous said...

the emails will stop for awhile cos last thursday was Sy's last day of work! She will be starting her new job this coming friday... Airport! Wooohoooooooo! Needless to say where the next meeting place will be :P