Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, July 31, 2008

High Noon...

.....and i just had my first glass of water for the day!
i'm tired.. so tired.
1.5 more days to the weekend.

So my love is having fun in KL with his colleagues.
total freedom.. 2D1N.
it's quite funny how he gingerly told me about the trip.
probably expected a black-face from me.. haha.
all i gave him was a pout and said okay, just be careful.
see? so easy... i should have given him a hard time!
i even packed his clothes, boxers and toiletries!
what i'm worried about is his safety.
well, it's M'sia and with its political chaos at the moment... *sigh*
yeah i'm a natural worry-nut.
he can have all his fun but the only thing i asked of him is to call/msg me when he is back at the hotel after he is done for the day, no matter how late it is. Just so i know he is safe and sound.

and i took the time to have an early night's rest.
last night i was in bed with my latest In-Death book by 9.30pm!
i do appreciate some me-time.. me and JD Robb.

i got a msg from Faith this morning.
wishing me 'Happy Birthday'.
what?! hahahahaa!
not for another 10 days my dear :)
oh yes! my bday is coming!
zack told me he had already applied for leave on my bday 2 weeks back.
and he is gonna take me to a place
but is not telling me where.
i love surprises!!! *beams*

oh oh i have to tell you what i found at Shop'n'Save!!!

it's my very FAV milk tea! Good stuff!
my boss bought me a packet in Msia and i found it in S'pore!
later... teabreak :)

Gave a couple of packets to Sy. She likes it too.. hehe. Please use a proper PORCELAIN mug this time my dear! Dont waste my milk tea okay :P

Alrighty, trip report will be out soon.
not that it'll be a good one cos for the first trip ever, i wasn't much of a shutterbug. It's nice just soaking up the place instead of taking a shot of everything in sight like i usually do. So yeah.. stay tune!

Zack just called me from KL! He is having lunch at Secret Recipe.. waiting for his lamb stew. Awwww... i also want!!! He was telling me of this beach club (i think it's BEACH club cos the connection wasnt too clear) he went to last night. I heard it's this morning so tot club as in country club and asked if they could swim there.. ahhahahaha! Said he has been a good boy.. hehe. Yeah you'd better! i got spies! Jeez, this is his 3rd call home. Next time i better tell him to msg me instead cos his phonebill is gonna be high! He's coming home tonight! :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"Dear Lord, i leave Zack in Your Hands. As he starts on his short trip, please grant him journey mercy and protect him and his friends from any harm and danger. May your spirit be with him everywhere he goes and in everything he does. May he find favor in the locals (but not the women!) and shield him from any dislike they may have for us Singaporeans. May he enjoy himself and i also pray that he will miss me many many :)

In Jesus's Name I Pray,

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Good stuff must share!

So i met Sy after work for some shopping. We had some Tangs vouchers and utilised them. She got her SKII and i got my electric toothbrush and a bag! :P Ah ying also bought me strawberry jam from her Cameron Highlands trip and that's not all.. she bought me scones to go with it! Awww.... *hugs* :)

Now... here is the good stuff.
She dragged me to Lucky Plaza despite my vehement protests at eating Sharks Fin. $15 she said. Very cheap! But my budget for dinner is $10. Well, if you know me.. if you know her. Yeah it's REALLY amazing.. haha.

A small eatery tucked in the corner of Lucky Plaza. Called RABBIT *winks* brand restaurant. Unassuming and modest.
But the menu reads: sharks fin, abalone, buddha-jump-over-the-wall, scallops... etc. Price: $9.50, $6.50, 8.50... Set comes with rice, veg and dessert!

Buddha-jump-over-the-wall set: $9.50!

baby abalone.. fish maw.. scallops.. mushrooms etc
and it's a potful of stuff!
(sy said there's collagen!!)

so i tabao a set of Buddha-jump-over-the-wall for Zack.
good stuff i must share with my laogong :P

Oh oh see my bag!
i found a white one.. just when i gotta bury my previous one cos it was peeling.. *sigh*

with flower embroidery. Sweet!
45 bucks.
I tot $30 will be a better price cos this bag doesnt look like it will last too long.
and i saw a very VERY nice bag! Yellow leather and gosh its the right size/shape for me! i like it sooooo much!
but... it's priced at a whopping $200!!!!
i would have bought it if i at least recognised the brand.
dunno what brand, $200??
i'd pass.....

but... but... i REALLY like it......

Monday, July 28, 2008

i looked in the mirror..........

and went: "I'M GONNA KILL YOU ZACK!!!!!!"

One day.. yes... ONE FINE DAY...... you're so gonna get it. A BIG FAT ONE! You can run but you cant hide! *vow*

i'm yours...

Well you dawned me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
Now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love, love
Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing
We're just one big family
It's our God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love love

So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

Won't you come on
Scooch on over closer dear
And I will nibble your ear

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see you clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a face and I laughed
I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm yours
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment come and dance with me
I like one big family (2nd time: I like happy family)
It's our God-forsaken right to be loved love love love

I won't hesitate no more
Oh no more no more no more
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved, I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

No I won't hesitate no more, no more
This cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate,

I'm yours,
I'm yours

Saturday, July 26, 2008

So right now...

.....i'm fully enjoying the convenience of wireless technology.
i'm surfing and blogging in bed!
with my sweetheart snoozing soundly beside me.
also my first time using zack's laptop.. hehe.
he put up one of our wedding pic as his desktop pic :) and there is a collage gallery of all our pics. He was working on it some night ago and was proudly showing it off to me.. hehe. Muaks! :)

Jeez, my rock is glittering wildly under this light. After so long, i still gaze at it with a sweet twist in my belly :) Zack is so proud of it and always tell me how people always say to him "wah.. first diamond already 0.5 carat?!!" Hahahaha! And always tells me how lucky i am to receive a rock this size as my engagement ring. I say he is smart to engage my Godma the diamond guru to help him on his quest! But i told him i'm not greedy and dont hanker for 1 carat diamonds. In our lifetime together, i'll be happy with a 0.77 rock... not a gram less or more, just simply 0.77.. cos its symbolic. Alright i dont mind a 7.77 carat too!! Hahahaha! :P

Okay enough on my rock.. i was off on my tangent again!

So yesterday my sis and i had some sister bonding :) Met her after work for some shopping. After MUCH bugging from her, i finally relented and went with her to pick up my birthday gift. I've known all along she wanted to get me a Skagen watch which i've been eyeing for ages. She told me of her upcoming bonus and asked me which was the watch i like.. all in one email! Who is so dumb as not to suspect something right? So i told her i dunno which one i like, i'm always changing my mind u see.. hehe. So she bug me and she bug me, pretended to "ask for your opinion" on which one is nice. Hahahaha! Finally i called her bluff and told her NOT to buy me one. Its too ex. But my darling sis can be so tenacious and i know she'll get it for me anyhow. So i figured it's better that i go along and do some price-damage control.

So she bought it for me and I LOVE IT!!! She got it at a FAT discount! I wouldnt get it til next Sat when we have dinner together :(

So you see.. sometimes i dun like announcing my 'heart's desire of the month' cos there are people like my sis (and zack too!) who enjoys buying me stuff and honestly, i dun like anyone spending so much on me. Everything i hanker for, and most of time its damn costly! i wanna buy it with my money. I dont expect nor want anyone to spend that kinda money on me. Well, some of you know the other reason why i'm keeping mum these days. Green-eyed monsters!

Sheesh.. i really should be working on the other post but my pics are all on the other com. Zack's lappy is way faster and i like it... hehe.. uh oh.... maybe i'll load my pics here from now on.. i can imagine Zack's face.. INVASION BY MY WIFE!... hahahahaha! Well, he did named this laptop 'Zack&Ju'.. sooo.... *winks*

I'm hungry... think i'll go wake Zack now. He stirred just now and asked what do i wanna eat. Just got my paycheck! So i can treat him to someplace nice! :)

have a good weekend folks!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

God is good.. all the time! and all the time... God is good!

Appointment letter signed!!!
and i've seen my new workstation.
oh my gosh!
it's not a room but almost the next best thing!
i was afraid my cubicle will be one of those open low panel kind but when my new boss pointed mine out, i was beside myself with joy.. hehe.
window behind me with high panels and a big cabinet for me to store my stuff.. its damn cosy lor and full privacy!

so after one week of internal tussle, i've made my decision.
and it's really funny how i came about this job.
for one, i wasn't even looking for one!
i was approached many weeks back but i turned it down.
Then when i was at the peak of frustration with my work, i was approached once more. So i tot.. "why not? no harm done to check it out." So i sent in my CV. With no time to meet the lady before i left for my trip, i tot it was probably a lost cause cos she said she will be meeting other candidates. I left it up to God with the mentality that if it's meant for me, the job will wait for me. And it did!

I called her the morning after we got back (despite sleeping at 5am!) and she said she had been waiting for my call. She would have offered the job to the other gal if i didnt call her by noon. Met her the next day and she said she really likes me aside from the fact i was highly recommended by my ex-colleagues but the President wanted to see me first before offering me the job. We negotiated the renumeration and it was up to me to accept. I struggled for a day before agreeing to the 2nd interview. Damn daunting lor! Long story short, i was offered the job! Even though i was much more expensive than the other candidate! She told me of plans to groom me up to managerial level and the President said this role might go regional in 3-5 yrs. Gosh, i was excited yet really intimidated and wondered if i'll be up to it. I dont wanna over-promise and under-deliver.

But i know God will never give me something i can't handle. When He provides the job, He will also give me the capability. Right now all i can do is my very best and leave the rest in His Hands. I feel very motivated right now and soooo very excited! :)

I went through a week of a roller coaster ride. I went from being terrified of leaving my comfy and familiar environment, to chiding myself for sending in my cv and rocking the boat, to being wildly excited on a new challenging job and of crse bigger paycheck. Back and forth, back and forth. So i'm actually quite tired from all these raging emotions now.

But i got an awesome group of people who stood by me all this time as i went thru my various bipolar moods...

I'm so thankful to God for friends who are always so supportive and encouraging. Friends like Sy and Jo who never fail to be there when i needed them. Who listens to my incessant rantings time and time again, always ready with an encouraging word. To Sy: you dunno how you've help me keep my sanity! *HUGS*

and my darling sister who always has so much faith in me.

i save the best for last... for my very very supportive hubby who soothes my fears, holds my hand tight and pray with me. Who believes in my capability and encourages me every step of the way.


as the tumultuous storm rages...

AFTER days of prayers, pondering, agony, discussions, assurances and encouragements...
It's been said and done.
another new beginning.
a new job in a months time!
i had one concern and somehow i had been assured by the new organisation.
i would love to think that's God's assurance for me.
HE's really amazing :)

on a flipside, i had a sad lunch with my boss.
5 years of working relationship.. it's hard to part.
she offered to hire another person to lessen my workload but with the recruitment shutters down, it's not quite plausible.
she said if she still hasnt found someone, i can come back if i dun like my new coy.. *oh my*
i shouldnt be wishy washy since i've already made up my mind.

i love Sy's encouragement:
"Hope I made the right choice."
We'll MAKE the choice RIGHT. =)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

the benefits of being sick.....

you lose weight and look slimmer (from the loss of appetite)
you get rosy cheeks (from the fever)
you get firmer abs (from all that coughing)
you lose your dark eyerings (from all the sleep)

and also... you get rides home from your hubby (Punggol to Shenton Way back to Punggol!)
"my laopor's health is more important (over ERP charges)" *touched*
plus all the TLC like feeding you your meds and water and pi pa kao.. *beams*

good ya??!!

ok my sweetheart is here!
i gotta run now.......

Monday, July 21, 2008

*in a dilemma*

i've lost weight!
lovehandles are almost gone!
but i had to suffer for 6 days (and counting!) first.... tsk tsk
everything tastes bland.
must be the drugs.
walking around all day in a drug-induced state.

think i'll go take a nap now.
and wait for my darling to come home from work.
after 2 months of normalcy where we'll leave home together in the morning and meet after work/class, its tough to go back to the shift hours.
starting to miss him :(

then again, maybe this is what's keeping our flame burning *winks*

alrighty.... *snooze*

yes this is quite a nonsensical post.
and pappe has been lying on my tummy for the past half hour...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

5 days of fever....

......and it finally broke.
it's taking way too long to recover.
i've never been sick for this long.
been popping panadol extra which helps.. for like 4 hours
then the aches and fever pop right up. *sigh*
now i'm on doc's antibiotics
(raffles medical sucks!! Their doc dun even know what difflam is!!)

but i'm starting to think of food
so that's a good sign.
last night Zack and i met up with Mark and Fu for dinner.
picked them up at their workplace then went on to Old Airport Rd!
Zack's been wanting to take me there since he went with his coursemates.
The Glorious Food! Oh the glorious food!
The guys ordered a TON of food!
we got choot choot, la la, herbal chicken, crocodile meat, herbal crocodile meat soup, rojak, satay, kang kong, this jap beef teppanyaki like hot plate.
in the face of this feast, i could only eat my beef mee sua (in some kinda red wine soup.. which was awful)
it was tragic... so tragic :(

last night was fun.. we exchanged stories on our respective trips. Fu on his extensive 10-days tour of Bangkok (i still love thailand!), Marky on his Solo 'experience'.. hahhahaha!

i came home from our holiday to a turn of events.

i've been offered a job!
higher pay, lesser workload, better prospects.
it's up for my taking, all i need to do now is say yes.

after discussing with Zack, i'm most likely taking it up.
he was like.."more pay, less work.. you dun want??" hahaha..
but what i really want is the peace from God..
telling me that this is wat He meant for me.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008

so what's the number now?!

Greetings from the airport!
Yes it's 5.35am!!!
Despite the unearthly hour and cob-webby brain, somehow airport just rejuvenates you. We'll see how long this adrenalin will last.. haha.

Okay i gotta go soon.
Zack and i are having breakfast at Pacific Coffee (their wrap sucks).
I'm using their free internet :P
And i can feel Zack peeping at what i'm writing. He probably cant see, no specs.. hahhahaha!

Off to our..... 10th holiday!!!

sms me if you need anything ya?

Boarding now!

Friday, July 11, 2008

i can start by taking the luggage out from the storeroom..
and quit chatting with Rachel on bags.
and clean the house..

i'm so tired.
luggage 1/6 full.

off to catch whatever sleep/nap i can.

Don't miss me too much! *grins*

Gush Alert!

just bathed pappe and had a nice hot shower myself.
plenty to do before we fly off tomorrow.
came home late after catching Hellboy at TM.
i kinda like it. Pretty forgettable i regret to say.

oh i got GREAT NEWS!
Today (yesterday technically) is Zack's final exams: 1 theory and 2 practicals.
His practicals have always been good so no worries about it.
It's the theory he is more concerned over cos there are tons to study.. all the medical terms and conditions.
And guess what????
Score: 90/100!!!!!!!

Even his lecturer was impressed: "How the hell did you score 90?!"


And also not forgetting he is up against tiertiary lecturers who have the advantage of 'being in the books' for years.

What can i say.....
Not only is my hubby a high-flyer, he is an intelligent one! Not forgetting street-smart too! which i feel is more important than being brainy to survive in this society.

Pardon me but i'm just so proud of my laogong! *beams*proud*

that's quite enough of gushing :P

i'm off to bed!
gonna be a long day tomorrow.

1 day to our anniversary trip!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Zack and Ju went to the Zoo!

(alright so i'm late...)
.... we woke up late and missed church *sheepish*
and zack said, "Let's do something today. Let's go to the Bird Park!"
then i remembered we've not gone to the Zoo!
Zoo got more things to see mah.. Bird Park only see birds.
So off we went! (next time we go see birds ok darling? *muaks*)
Downpoured on the way but reduced to a drizzle when we reached. PTL!!

First animal we saw turned out to be my very favourite!

i REALLY wanna keep an otter!!!

an otter swimming.

they are soooooo cute!!!
especially love how the parent will take food to their young.
i'm sure an otter will get along well with Pappe and Chile!
jeez.. how do i convince Zack that an otter will complete our home?!!
if i agree to a monkey, will that up my stake??
oh! i can name my otter 'Olif'!!!! (we got olive, pepper and chilli)

"ju, do you know what this is?"

"These are itchy berries. Rub on your arm and it will itch."
"Whoa really?? Why don't you try it on your arm and see if it really itches? :P"


"if i can't see you, you can't see me."

so what goes in, has to come out.... somewhere.. somehow.



rings a bell?
Hakuna Matata... what a wonderful phrase..
Hakuna Matata... aint no passing craze..

it means no worries for the rest of your days..
it's our problem free philosophy..
Hakuna Matata..

i scratch your back, you scratch mine.

so how many of you have actually had the privilege of a full view of the arse of a ZEBRA?

the majestic twin towers.
don't you just love their sweet face??

SENTRY duty?
ahhhhhhh i love them!!!!!!!
i think i wanna Sentry too!!

flower shots..

there's simplicity in beauty.

tons of shots but i'm too lazy to load more up.

and we ended off our trip to the Zoo with the all awesome Ben&Jerrys! I hereby declare my favourite is Cookie Dough. Next on my list is Mudslide. My aim is to try all the flavors.

**it took me days to finish this post... dont ask why.

"i know you had a hard day at work so i cook dinner for you :)"

awwwww.......... *big hug*
i'm being spoilt rotten :)

yeaps that's roe on top.
it adds a punch to the pasta.
my hubby can cook ya noe... *proud*

and i baked this chicken.


so i packed the leftovers to work today for my lunch.
i really felt warm after eating it! *beams*
(and it's not from the microwave)

Talking about food...
i've been driving Sy and Jo crazy with all my raves on Santa Fe.. hehe
yeah after 2 days i'm still at it.
and its a rare sight cos you'll hardly see Ju raves this much about food

Zack and i had our anniverary dinner on the RIVERBOAT.
It is housed by Santa Fe, a Tex-Mex grill restaurant.
It's been around for years so maybe you'd have heard of it.

the menu pics didnt look appetizing so i was a tad skeptical.
not to mention the restaurant was empty when we arrived.
then we realised that it's a christian resturant so tot...
"ok, we should support our fellow christians.."
and hoped for the best.
but when our food arrived and i brought that nacho to my lips...
the flavours burst forth in my mouth. i was in awe.....

(sorry a lil blur.. lighting was dimmed)

the food is seriously gooooooood!
so good i can cry.
1 main, 1 starter and it's enough for us both.
Portion is big!
Price is small!
Total: $39 - after 15% off Citibank cards.
and please don't let me start on the chocolate milkshake.......

but i was a tad headachy from the rocking motion of the boat.
sea traffic was heavy lah.
i usually got a pretty good head.
other than that, it was a wonderful meal.
good and reasonably-priced food.
that makes us happy! :P

i'm still hungry.
ok... back to work.
come 4pm, i'll bug Sy on teabreak.. haha!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

the roses, sea, Riverboat dinner, cocktails @ The Edge and.....

cocktails, sunbed facing the sea, salty seabreeze, ports twinkling from afar and stars smiling down on us... *dreamy sigh* yes, it was perfect...

Zack asked me, "where do you think we can fit this (sunbed) in our house?"
uh oh.....

.....something called BLISS

and now we are on the countdown to our anniversary holiday!!!
4 days to go.....!!!!!!!

last night... was perfect :)

totally unplanned.
yet it can't be any better!

I got roses!
awww.... coming from a guy who thinks flowers are a complete waste of money..

dinner: $39
drinks: $24

night of 7 July 2008: Priceless

Monday, July 07, 2008

something is seriously wrong with me today.

A beautiful morning progressed to a nightmare at work.
i'm not ranting cos i'm too drained to even do that.
i'm close to pulling my hair and walking ard with murder in my eyes..
it's work and it's me.
i figured an excellent way to get me out of this mad trance:
typed her an email for a lunch date and waited for her reply.
no reply so msged her and she said she didnt receive it.
i didnt send it.

armed with a brolly, made my way to suntec.
and missed my stop! (it was raining by then)
gotta pay $0.42 for that ONE return stop.

lunch was a great one albeit too short.
2 hard boiled eggs, thick toast and hot teh with awesome company.. perfecto!
too short too short.
but it cured me.. somewhat.

then on my way back to office..
(this has NEVER happened to me, not twice in a row at least!)

it's clearly not my day.
(i dont even wanna mention how i forgot some documents i sent out with my despatch this morning, i've been doing it for years......)

Sy said it's only Monday.. haha.
and i said i'll probably be too depressed and run to suntec to lunch with her everyday this week!

i need to take deep breadths...... and relax....
calm my racing heart...

oh this is too funny!

our email conversations between J.Koh, Psychic and moi:
"I tried to tighten the screw in her head over lunch.....but it came loose again the moment she got onto the bus..."

anyway, i'm so looking forward to tonight.
Zack's been reminding me of the 7th.
like i can forget! :P
*muaks!* :)

7th JULY!

4 years since we started our wonderful journey together.
2 years since we've been man and wife.

no lengthy love declaration.
sometimes there just isnt a need to.
we both know how much we mean to each other.
i'll just say i'm reeling from how true this phrase is,
"God takes away the good and gives you THE BEST."
and God answer prayers! *beams*

With God with us, there'll be many many more happy anniversaries to come.
I'm looking forward to it... growing old with you :)

Friday, July 04, 2008

murphy's law came to pass....

today......... is the most exhausting day.

everyone is dolling up for Christine's wedding.
but not i.
specky me.
i feel like ugly betty! *sobs*
i look like crap too.. *tired*
fact is... i got no mood to doll up too.
sam's so sweet, "Ah ju, u must give others a chance to look pretty.. you always look so pretty."
awww...... yeah that made me feel better.. slightly.. haha.

i'm so exhausted.
it's been a day.
part of me just wanna go somewhere quiet with Zack.
yet i'm also looking forward to the wedding dinner with my colleagues.
it'll be so fun :P
and the food will be great!
know why?
cos it's at Holiday Inn!
where our wedding was held almost 1 year ago!!!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

12.30pm: rise and shine
6 - 9pm: nap
12am: ready to head back to bed

lazy.. lazy.. tsk tsk
my eye just started to itch and tear again.. crap.
think i'll head off to bed.
work tomorrow.. *sigh*

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


and i just woke up!
close to a good 12 hours of sleep.
aint it such a beaaauuuutiful day?!
no work.. all sleep....
Zack just called me.
he is on his way home! (half day of class today)
and he's picking me up so we can go somewhere for lunch :)

so last night...
i cooked dinner.
timed it so it'll ready just before Zack reached home.
when he came home, the home was infused with the aromatic scents of my culinery creations.
and he went..."wow, maybe you should stay at home ah." :D
wow.. a stay-home wifey sounds good!
looks like he sure love coming home to a warm home-cooked meal :D
(must be the tiger prawns)

gtg.. zack's downstairs already!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

they say the eyes are the windows to the soul....... you are welcome to gaze into mine. At your peril!

:: Swelling
:: Redness (more pink now)
:: Crusting
:: Tearing
:: Glassy
:: Highly contagious

and 2 DAYS MEDICAL LEAVE!!! My paramedic said i'm to see a doc today. But believe it or not, i rather go to work. It'll be a madhouse these 2 days and i feel guilty leaving my boss in the lurch. It's not that i'm physically unfunctionable. I'll probably feel the MC is more justifiable if i'm in bed nursing a high fever.

Oh did i mention i gotta wear specs for 1 week?!!!
and i gotta wedding dinner on friday.. how to wear specs like that?! :S
now my iris is rimmed with red.. i look like a demon :(

But i'm not gonna mind sleeping in.. haha! Perfect if Zack dun have to go for class. But a man gotta do what a man gotta do! Meanwhile i'll just plan tonight's dinner menu:

:: Chicken herbal tonic soup ("grimace all you want ah boy but u better finish your soup! it's good for you!")
:: Stir-fried xiao bai cai with sliced fish cakes
:: Red grouper fillet in fish sauce
:: Tomato garlic prawns (tiger prawns! he's gonna be happy.. hehe)

i can have the leftovers for lunch tomorrow :)

oh it's 5pm already!
zack will be home soon.
i better go boil my soup.
sky looks dark and i just hanged out my laundry :S

love this phrase:

"Happiness keeps u sweet, trials keep u human, failures keeps u humble, success keeps u glowing but GOD keeps u going"