Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, January 10, 2008

the one with my liver and kidney soup..

there's a bowl of liver and kidney soup staring for me.
crying out... "eat me! eat me!"
that's my latest craving - it's awesome
ermm... i dun eat pork.
but.... i need my iron! (every women does)
and liver and kidney are excellent source for iron :P

'm wishing for my hp to beep.
that'll be my laogong telling me he's on his way home.
waiting for him to come home so we can have din together.
starving.. but i shall wait out in hunger for him (SHMILY!)
(i had old chang kee earlier.. haha)

think i'll go take a nap.
terribly tired today.
was a busy day at work.
we got home late last night after a bout of gallivanting.
5 hours of sleep.. is clearly not enough.
age is catching up.


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