Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Which Disney Princess am i?

I'm Belle!
You are the people princess, able to identify with all those around you. You are brave, independent and harbor no ill will towards any human beings or inanimate objects. Your level of compassion for others allows you to see beyond their physical exterior to the inner beauty within. Your true love, albeit hunky, will only reveal himself in due time. You're Belle!

Friday, January 25, 2008

relaxing friday?

my foot ah.......
whirlpool... time zooms.... but it's all good!
i love the energy.. the rush
but i hate ringing phones....

guess what?!?!
zack cancelled jamming for me!
not that i asked him to.. i'm okay with him going... and i already got plans for tonight. Haha. And intend to join the guys after but he cancelled it and we're catching a movie later tonight!

Whoa.... for real?!! "you did that for me??"

I'm getting him his favorite donuts.. the right Ultimate ones this time.. the ones he raves about!
some nice quality time for us tonight :)
oh.... we had joo chiat crabs for dinner yesterday!!!


i'll not forget the lift lobby incident for a loooooooong time! hahahaahahha! *winks at him* clean tots.. clean tots..... (private joke)

i'm just wasting my time here waiting for somebody!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

winding down

it's thursday....
week started off busy busy and busy..
payroll done so everyone can expect their pay on friday.

feeling a tad restless...
like i'm just drifting.. day after day.
i need a purpose.
i need a meaning.
i need....

ju's latest motto is.... HEALTHY LIFESTYLE!
you hear copious speeches on it.. with them going right pass your head. Why this sudden actuation then? I got spurred on when reality hit me hard in the face.. FLABS!!!!!!!! and i say.."No no no, i'm only in my 20s and i cant let myself go!" I was nicely toned once... for an embarrassingly short period of time.

Having said that.. i'm vaguely aware that i do give very convincing peptalks to myself. And the term.."the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" comes in full force after a full day at work and my lovely bed looks exceedingly inviting.


this time.. i shall persevere.. it's for the greater good! Let me go bug some ppl on gymming.. i'm missing it tons!

And the adage: You are what you eat...
so now i'm chowing down true blue good food! even passed on Nasi Briyani lunch today :( Next time i told Evelyn. Instead went to Little India to thread my brows.. i got perfect brows now! *grins* I simply cant reiterate enough that a nicely shaped arch does wonders to a face.. truly.

so there... good food + exercise = healthy radiant ju!

there's something i've been meaning to take up for the longest of time. Perhaps its time...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

"dont come back with an american bf!"

so our beloved yy has left us...... for the wild wild west.... *sobs*
flew off to the states on Thursday..
she'll be in New York for 1.5 years for OJT - lucky gal!
jo and i will be sending all our VS orders to her!
she has been forewarned.
she probably will be receiving parcels from VS every other week.
wondering.. "now which woman ordered VS?!"... hahhahahha!

rushing for lost time, we've been arranging as many meetings as possible..

Saturday's lunch YUMCHA @ CHINATOWN

we all rushed to take photos with the star..

Cybershot Vs Powershot


this blue flowery dress is real pretty.. but at a blardee $39!

i bought these 2 shawls for only $10! that's a 5bucks each... steal!
jo bought 2 as well.
we both bought a sundress for 10bucks too!

walking to CENTRAL MALL...
yy was afraid it'll close down before she comes back in 1.5 yrs time

the aunties!

Settled for a drink at Coffee Club Express.
we were too lazy and tired to take much pics...

my Mango Tango.. terrific!

Our final farewell dinner with YY on Tuesday

gonna miss you loads yy.... our meetings wouldnt be the same without you... :(
msg us quick so we'll know u are there safely.
and... GO WILD! :P
just dont come back with an american bf.. they are known to be full of themselves. Korean can, jap.. errr.. dun want, they got small dick.


Friday, January 18, 2008

our friday night pig out!

puurrrrfect end to a tiring onerous week.....

now.. if only my love will come home from work so we can begin the feasting!


was all cosily nestled in a seat on the train with a book.. deciding on the stop i could begin to doze off at.. when zack called me. He wanted me to grab these really awesome donuts from Vivo. Sorry dude.. i've left Vivo and already on my way home. He said PS might have them. Then he just gotta pull this on me... "Won't you do this for your hubby??"


Just as the doors were about to close at Dhoby Ghaut, i dashed out of the train.. to the rude muttering of irate commuters. As i joined the snaking queue up the esculator.. i thought wistfully of the precious seat i had just given up and how i gotta stand half asleep all the way home to Punggol after.

Just so my hubby will have his precious donuts.

"You dunno how lucky you are to have a wife who loves you so much!" SHMILY! - See How Much I Love You

Alright.. he has always been a total sweetheart to me too :)

(this is not something i will forget in a long while...)
I came home late last night (tough day at work).. stomach growling.. pissed at him. We had a 'shouting match' over msn earlier.. it was really quite funny. At the door, i managed to muster up my most bochap face.. and went in. When we looked each other in the face, couldnt stop that twinkle in my eye and we both burst out laughing. (I may laugh but i'm still pissed okay). And when he heard that i hadnt had my dinner, he said he's going down to buy me dinner.. ignoring my protests. He knew i had a bad day at work. I was incredibly touched.. And yes, despite being pissed at me.. he made the trouble to go down and get me dinner. And he bought my favourite liver and kidney soup....... :)

"Even when i'm angry with you, i still love you so much..."

i really am blessed ya... *soft sigh* :)
the weekend is finally here...........


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

absence makes the heart grow fonder..

"miss my lao por...."
"Wanna catch a show tonight? I wanna spend some time with my lao por... Muaks! :)"

missing my laogong bad..
we've not seen each other since Sunday night :(
thanks to his shift and our night activities.
but he's picking me up from work today and we're going Geylang for frog leg porridge... my marmite chicken!

he said he hid in a corner at work and sob cos he didnt see his lao por.. *giggles*

he's on his way!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

the one with my liver and kidney soup..

there's a bowl of liver and kidney soup staring for me.
crying out... "eat me! eat me!"
that's my latest craving - it's awesome
ermm... i dun eat pork.
but.... i need my iron! (every women does)
and liver and kidney are excellent source for iron :P

'm wishing for my hp to beep.
that'll be my laogong telling me he's on his way home.
waiting for him to come home so we can have din together.
starving.. but i shall wait out in hunger for him (SHMILY!)
(i had old chang kee earlier.. haha)

think i'll go take a nap.
terribly tired today.
was a busy day at work.
we got home late last night after a bout of gallivanting.
5 hours of sleep.. is clearly not enough.
age is catching up.


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Monday, January 07, 2008

so it's been......

3.5 years since the day i agreed to be your girlfriend.
1.5 years since the day we both said.. "i do.. til death do us part."
0.5 year since the day we were blessed by God and our loved ones.

and now.. i'm sitting here thanking God for bringing us together. Cos this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. That day when you got on your knee and i blushingly said... "ok!"

To those out there searching for The One.. all i can say is.. Let God lead cos He knows best.. He really does!

Happy 7th Jan my love! yups.. and many many more to come :)

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sunday night...
no pre-monday blues...
cos i'm on leave tomorrow!

I'm feeling the wind dancing in my hair.. tickling my cheeks.. so windy during this part of the year. I gotta close the window a little at times. Enjoying it while it last...

Baby talk?
My recent babytalk posts has created quite some excitement. Haha. Carol very excitedly gave me pointers on being a mum-to-be.. vits to take etc. Her little Ryan will arrive in 2 months! I'm so incredibly excited for her :) Then questions started coming. Amusing. To the disappointment of our friends who are excited for us (Himmah dreamt that i got preg!).. we are not actively trying. How many times do we have to say this? Its in God's hands but as a wise couple, we need to cover all bases to create the optimal condition when God decides to bless us cos you just never know His Grand Plans. We want the best for our little one. A year from now will be ideal. (hey Andy, dun worry.. we're not competing with u guys, you can have your baby first :P)

Enough of this.


'm feeling kinda tired now.. havent been sleeping well of late. I can clock in 10hours and still wake up with dark circles. Rapid brain activity is detrimental. Think i'll hit the books and have an early night.. while my love is out saving lives.

oh.. it's almost the 7th :)

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Ma New Toy!

Sony Ericsson K850i
Cybershot 5mp... woohooooo!
feels good having my friend back (albeit a new one) by my side. I even bought a nice pouch for him :)


zack creating rifts for the songs he wrote. He is pretty good i must say. He sang me the song he wrote for me! only the chorus is done.... it's about our wedding day *beams*

Back to snapping random nonsensical shots! We had some fun :P

oh.. i trim my hair again.. Cant really see from here.. kept the length but gave it more shape. Zack got a new gf again. So many scandals after his wedding.. tsk tsk. i miss my locks :(

It's a nice rainy Saturday afternoon. Zack and i are just bumming at home. Slept in.. cosily snuggled in til the cows come home.. this is the life! Had a nice lunch of fish head curry when it started to pour.. best! Now i'm here using the com while he is in the chillout room playing with his toys.. creating rifts.. writing songs.. i can hear him bellowing out every now and then.. hahaha. His new song is pretty catchy i must say.. but i shant say anything to him cos his head will swell. Heh.

(And he just tip toed into the com room, crept up behind me and gave me a scare! (#&@&*@!)

We just spent a lovely Friday night.. window shopping in town! Zack picked me up from work and off we went to town. Whoa.. eons since we just hang out in town.. just strolling along the streets. Nice :) He bought me a book from Borders *grins* I bought a shawl for 10bucks but i like the red one too! Nevermind, when i next go to town.........

i got 4 bites on my face :(

feeling a tad sleepy.. maybe a nap? There's jamming tonight!

"say a prayer for you... my unknown stranger friend."

Friday, January 04, 2008

too many movies and a fertile imagination makes a wacko me

So Zack and Himmah went to El-Shiek for some chills. He msged me when he got there, said its really cosy and he wanna take a nap. That was that and as the afternoon moves along slowly.. i tot "hey! he can come pick me up from work!" So i called him. Both his hps are off. Afraid that he'll make his way home (and i get no free ride).. i called Himmah. No reply as well! (how noisy can El-Shiek be right?) Then my imagination ran wild... really wild......

He said he wanna take a nap at El-Shiek. What if its like Hostel (the movie) and the cafe was defusing this drowsy drug and Zack fell prey to it! He got drugged and kidnapped and sold off to Slovakia for human butchery! Or maybe they both got into a fight (smashed his hps!) and are both lying somewhere all bloody! The more i thought of it.. the more frightened i got.

Yeah i know. Hahahahhahaha....

FINALLY (which is really more like 20mins).. he called me.

They went for a massage.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

the Chan residence regained her former glory and opened her doors......

Steamboating on New Years' Eve!
with our beloved friends.....

the food was massive...
i had to boil another pot of soup! (my pot was huge)
they love my soup.. what can i say ;)

and Fu was the bartender of the night!


our New Year's shots..

1 of each for everyone: vodka neat and lycee concoction.

with full bellies after dinner......

photo taking....

at the stroke of midnight....

with our shots ready....
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

marky red like a lobster.. hahhahahhaa!

Pappe joins in the celebration as well

after many rounds of shots...

Himmah and Farina left close to 1am while Marky and Fu stayed over. Always fun to have friends over for a nightcap. Marky totally KO.. hahahahha! Zack and Fu prepared more drinks and told Marky there's no alcohol in it. Yeah right. He was redder than his tee after downing one! hahahhaa!

I was on the com when the guys came in after TV. All washed up and cosy in our pjs, we chat thru the night. Only went off to bed at 5.30am. No drunken stories.. just a nice cosy intimate night with our close friends. This is perfect :)

Mark and Fu got up at 1pm and Marky couldnt wait any longer and woke us up at 3.30pm.. hahaha. Tired lah. And gosh, we got up to a clean kitchen!!! Fu washed the dishes and tidied the kitchen. I tell you gals, this guy is a keeper! He said he dun wanna get married. Told him its a complete waste.

that's our New Years' Eve.. so how was yours?

CHRISTMAS was another quiet cosy event for us.. Church. Dinner at Hong Kong Care @ East Coast. Romantic stroll along ECP :)


We've just finished a night of steamboating, vodka lycee, more steamboating, and more vodka lycee at yours truly humble abode!

Timecheck: 4.30am and the guys are outside watching Incubus. Marky and Fu are staying over! Himmah and Farina left close to 2am with full bellies.

ok.. gotta go. The guys are in the room now and Marky wants to read what i'm blogging! And i wanna watch Marky spoon Fu.. hahahhahaha!
