Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, May 21, 2007

i've got a sleeping disorder.
i'm finally admitting it.

i woke up at 2am last night
and couldnt sleep til 6.30am.
i was in bed.. tossing and turning.
head filled with thoughts.

dawned on me...
that dawn breaks ard 5am (bad pun)
when the sky turns to a vivid blue
my eyes blissfully closed..
for an hour.

i need some downtime.
i'm beginning to look like crap.

last friday..
i hit rock bottom.

on sunday..
i had a fight with this asshole.

he kicked Chile but missed.. cos that silly dog was sniffing ard his kids.
imagine i was chasing that brown face while she was happily chasing this kid who was running and screeching at the top of his voice like a chicken whose head been chopped off.
i finally caught her and glared at the asshole and said,
"Don't you dare kick my dog!"
then the fray begins...

touch my babies and you'd have me to reckon with! Nobody messes with what's mine.

i had to hurl that dog back home when 3mins later,
she ran out across the driveway and alongside a car.
Scared the living daylights out of me!
she's too much for me to handle.

so i took Pappe for a walk.
went to my sis's estate..
the roof garden.
where i used to bring her most Sunday late mornings.
(yes, there's a period of time Ju wakes up before noon on weekends)
it was just me and pap..
those were the days.

was browsing thru all my photos.
realised i didnt take many pics this year.
found one i've always considered my fav Krabi pic.
i miss those days..
when we were both giddy with love.
new love.. head over heels.
thrilling and intoxicating.
the time when i was still perfect in his eyes.
the time when all we worry about was our next holiday destination.
the time when things were simpler.
the time when.... i was....

i'm most likely going to Hong Kong..

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