Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, March 10, 2007

i've been WAY too stressed.
cos i got...

- zits popping out *screams*
- weight loss (that i dun mind.. no more lovehandles.. woohoooo!)
- hormones going haywire

so this is ju's very own de-stressing weekend
it belongs to her and her alone
no one is allowed to touch it!

i'm looking at a fabulous 2 days *grins*
after the steamboat at my sis's during CNY
i've been craving for it since..
those all-you-can-eat kind
so we roped in Adrian and Irene
and we're off to Marina tonight!!!
all i'm gonna allow in my stomach is the 3 curry puffs i had this morning.. then i'm so gonna binge! :D

and tomorrow..

we're going to Suntec - IT show and Travel Fair!
just to look see.
oh no.. i'm NOT gonna get the absolutely gorgeous EOS 400D
nor are we gonna book for our honeymoon (well i certainly hope not!)
its way too early to book anything
but its always good to check out the rates
and make provision for it as we go along.

just hope zack wouldnt get lazy and wants to bum at home.
if so, i got my weapon all ready.
i'm gonna bribe him with kenny rogers.. muahahahaa!
hard for him to resist.
i know my hubby.. and which buttons to push.. heh.
the way to a man is always thru his stomach (well, my man at least *winks*)

i'm actually thinking of a massage at Sri Baya
i really do think i need to 'un-knot' those clammed up neck/back muscles.. but i've not reached the stage where i can bring myself to fork out 50 bucks for a 1-hr session.. yet. Operative word: YET.

the ironies of life.. is like a vicious cycle
you work til you drop flat
cos they pay you big bucks (not that big actually)
you then plough that money back into getting yourself back in shape
just go you are ready to work til you drop flat.. once again.

alrighty... i'm off for a little snooze
i actually woke up at 7.30am.. on a sat morning!
had a bodyscrub (i'm weird.. LOL)
and read a bit while waiting for zack to come home
which explains why i'm a little sleepy now
gotta be up by 4pm
and do a hair mask
i've neglected my tresses and they're rebelling
so i gotta soothe and coax them into looking pretty
women... its all about maintenance.. hai..

have a great weekend folks! :)

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