Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, March 31, 2007

in the dark of the night
i woke up with a start
drenched in cold sweat
while tears stained my cheeks

the past haunts me
the ghosts chase me
you came back and left again
and left me yearning
lost and bleeding

a throwback to the yesteryears
why bring me to 7 half years back
why make me relieve the nightmare
why show me what has been
and take it away again.

perhaps it was never over for me.
perhaps i've never let you go.
i've never wanted you to leave
but you came back and left again.

you came back.. and left again.

they say time heals.
they lied.

Friday, March 30, 2007

my lucky day with bags

so i was at Vivo last evening to take a train home.
i had every intention to go straight home and not loiter ard.
but instead of turning right and step onto the esculator.
my legs walked on and i ended up at Tangs.

i fell in love with the first bag that caught my eye.
it was EVERYTHING i wanted.
light brown soft leather, right size, right shape
i can bring it to work or just out chilling.
it was simply perfect.
and when i sling it on my shoulder,
boy, it looks like its made for me!!
til i see the pricetag.

its close to $300.
disappointment sure left a bitter taste in my mouth.

i walked on....
and left my broken heart behind.

it was bags haven.
and finally i saw a glimmer of hope for the fashion bags industry in Spore (i can hardly find a nice bag here)
saw some pretty good pieces.. but at hefty prices. tsk tsk.

and i walked on..

and came to this section.
walked off 20mins later with 2 bags in tow!
i finally found a nice white hobo bag :D
and the other one.. i just cant resist.
its a faux suede bag in antique orange.
Big enough to put my books and even Pappe.
and the price is really reasonable.
i'm happy.

i'm not really a bag person.
i hardly ever buy bags (rarely any caught my eye anyway).
so imagine my surprise when i managed to find 2 at a go.
needless to say, i was in high spirits when i got home.
i was even able to tune out Chile's incessant barking and whining.
and happily clean up a kitchenful of pee/poo.
when zack came home from work,
i greeted him with exuberant hugs and kisses.
first thing he said:
"Okay, what have you done?"
"What have you bought?!?!?"

i'm either getting too predictable
or he's getting way too smart.
either one is no good.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

our 7th holiday to date..

(i need 2 hands now!)

it hit me hard this time.
it was respite i needed.
it was respite i had.
now that i'm back,
the reasons why i needed this break
hit me threefold back.

on a happier note..

our trip in brief (in a random disjointed sequence):
:: Took us 2 hours to comb what's purported the largest shopping mall in KL (1 Utama) - was said to take days to finish covering it.
:: Stayed at Berjaya Times Square: the superior suite was spacious and cosy. Location? Prime. Cold storage located at basement. With storeys of shopping.. cinema etc in between. I love our room :)
:: Bought tickets for a midnight show. Ended up bumming the night away and missed our show.
:: Room service: not fish & chips. not hokkien mee. But aluminium foil and toothpicks! (they probably think we're smoking pot).
:: I still nap at 10pm.
:: Went to Underwater World.
:: We touched sharks for the very first time! - nevermind they were babies and teethless.. they were still sharks!
:: Went to Plaza City 3 times before we managed to get the hookahs.. 3 hookahs + accessories.
:: KL cabdrivers are mostly crooks who refuse to go by meter and charge exhorbitant fees. A handful are nice though.
:: Within a span of 2 hours, we saw a couple spat along the road & an accident. The guy was on the bike and the gal was crying and screaming her lungs out on the pavement. He was grabbing her by her collar (wat an asshole!).
:: I had to lug Alfie around.. 1kg is 1kg for the first hour. 1kg is really 3kg by the forth hour!
:: My sweetheart bought me a bag :)
:: Chinatown is like a lion's den. The street vendors are the lions.. we are Daniel.
:: Spa was good but costly. I have silky smooth skin now.. thanks to the coconut scrub. I love their toilet.
:: I bought 2 adidas jackets.
:: Zack bought a Levis, an adidas shoes, 1 hookah, 1 belt, 3 pairs of socks.
(note the huge difference between the above 2 statements)
:: The "Largest Day/Night Bazaar" is really only a statement. Word 'Largest' is very subjective.
:: We had 1 spat *sad*
:: We had monkey sex *GOTCHA* just kidding.. ahaha
:: Our favourite meal of the trip: Secret Recipe's Irish Lamb Stew - magnifique!
:: My regret: not getting the LV tissuebox cover *pout*
:: Zack's crazy over Nandos. We had it twice.
:: We are crazy over Irish Lamb Stew. We had it twice.
:: I tried Baskin Robin's chai ice-cream. Well, it should only stay as tea.
:: We overspent.
:: My heart aches.
:: We slept in and missed 2 breakfasts. Stomach space should be saved for better food.. not sausages and scrambled eggs.
:: Minutes after we reached KL, we got news of zack's bonus. He got much more than average and exactly what he deserves! He's doing well in his career. I'm proud of my man *beams*
:: We ate like pigs.
:: Shopping makes Zack sleepy. Despite how it looks, i'm really not a shopping person. Really.
:: I didnt wanna go back.. so was trying to coax zack into taking a bus up to Thailand. I didnt succeed.

:: Above all.. we had a lovely time :)
our next holiday would be.... our HONEYMOON!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

i'm back..

the most dreaded part has arrived.
- the end.
i wish tomorrow never come.
i need to combat the blues.
so we're off soon to catch a movie.
and may tonight never end.

i'm feeling the blues big time.
i need a hug.
i'm gonna go get my hug.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

the sniffles.... oh go away.

2 days to my long awaited trip..
and i HAVE to fall ill.. sheesh.
popping meds before the full tide hits.
didnt see it coming cos i was sleeping okay
though i wasnt eating well.
have totally lost my appetite.
i'm probably living in the post-stress period.
jeez, its always stressful at work but things lighten up some.
reckon i lost a pound or so.
even my clothes feel looser.
sheesh.. i'm not sure i like this...

anyways... gonna do some reading then hit the sack. I just bought this book by Bryan Peterson on Understanding Exposure. A really good book but my heart aches at the hefty pricetag. I like his other one on Understanding Digital Photography too but i'm limiting myself to one book per mth. Its too costly. Despite my extravagant ways, i'm a scrooge at heart (how contradicting is that). I wish for deep pockets.

night folks~

Sunday, March 18, 2007

nothing like an outing for a good bonding session..

..and we got to know each other pretty well.. Alfie and I

zack took this shot.
not bad ya.. i'm impressed *winks*

Saturday, March 17, 2007

song dedication for me!

Zack dedicated a song to me!
Des is on Say It With Music tonight
wonder what song he dedicated..

i heard it! i love you heaps too darling! muaks! :D
oh, its Craig David - Unbelievable *smile*

Always said I would know where to find love,
Always thought I'd be ready and strong enough,
But some times I just felt I could give up.
But you came and changed my whole world now,
I'm somewhere I've never been before.
Now I see, what love means.

It's so unbelievable,
And I don't want to let it go,
Something so beautiful,
Flowing down like a waterfall.
I feel like you've always been,
Forever a part of me.
And it's so unbelievable to finally be in love,
Somewhere I'd never thought I'd be.

In my heart, in my head, it's so clear now,
Hold my hand you've got nothing to fear now,
I was lost and you've rescued me some how.
I'm alive, I'm in love you complete me,
And I've never been here before.
Now I see, what love means.

It's so unbelievable,
And I don't want to let it go,
Something so beautiful,
Flowing down like a waterfall.
I feel like you've always been,
Forever a part of me.
And it's so unbelievable to finally be in love,
Somewhere I'd never thought I'd be.

When I think of what I have, and this chance I nearly lost,
I cant help but break down, and cry.
Ohh yeah, break down and cry.

It's so unbelievable,
And I don't want to let it go,
Something so beautiful,
Flowing down like a waterfall.
I feel like you've always been,
Forever a part of me.
And it's so unbelievable to finally be in love,
Somewhere I'd never thought I'd be.

Now I see, what love means..


Friday, March 16, 2007

the dark.. sleek and dashing..


commonly known as Nikon D80
i cant begin to expound its stupendous attributes
so check out this website: click here
i've been reading up on everything i can get my hands on (i'm such a geek) So come this weekend, i'm gonna bring Alfie out for some practical lessons.

but this is one high maintenance chap..

this dry cabinet costs me 95 bucks!
and its the smallest.. 30L
but its a necessity.
of crse if i dun mind Alfie being covered with something called fungus, then i can do without it. But i wouldnt want that to happen now would i.


5 Million Dollar Home
certainly doesnt look like a photo bag - which is the whole point.

holding a DSLR..
and none's the wiser!
the size is just perfect.
it can house a DSLR + twin lens kit and all the other knick knacks, together with my other barang barang.
and it looks damn good!
i'm superficial.. so sue me.

If any of you wanna get a cam or electronic goods (mainly cams), you can check out John 3:16 at Funan IT Mall. Excellent service and good pricing. Obviously they are christians and one of the minor pulling factors for me.. haha. I love how they pepper the shop with christian verses/statements. Gives you a warm peaceful feeling.

OH! and i realised...

in exactly 1 week from now.... we'd be holidaying in KL!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


My Alfie is turning out to be really high maintenance!

Monday, March 12, 2007

it's like.... my wildest dream come true!

saying i had a fabulous weekend.. would be an understatement.
still reeling from the shock.
stomach still clenching from the excitement. *huge grin*

Saturday started off on a wonderful note *smile*
Before we were due to meet Adrian and Irene for dinner
we went to Lor Halus (Pasir Ris Farmway) with Andrew and Rachel
they brought us to a newly discovered prawning farm!
we'd prob go try our luck there someday.. and its near home too.
since we're there, we HAD to check out the fish farms
zack's been bugging about getting a Arowana *hai*
(and he says i'm so full of nonsense.. haha)
but i'm putting my foot down on this.
Cos Arowana eats frogs and other small fishes,
its too cruel for my liking.
imagine the poor froggies fighting for their lives.
i cant even bear to kill the live prawns while steamboating at Marina South.

Then under the scorching sun, we were off to Marina South!
apart from the splattering from the hotplate, dinner was great.
But still somewhat unsatisfied cos i didnt had my fill
nowadays, my stomach seems to have shrunk..
and can only accomodate a small portion of food
which makes eating not as enjoyable.. sheesh.
(hollars to the gals: "let's go pig out! SY can diet later")

but i must say the highlight is after dinner
we got a new part-tow place!
Marina South Pier...

...nestled at a corner of marina south
it hosts a nice cosy cafe
with the therapeutic view of the sea
but the best part of it is..
its anonymity.
it still retains its tranquility and you can do some fishing there
though zack said there're no fishes there to be caught.. haha

we head back home and just bum the night away.. watch dvds (though i spent most of the time napping). As far as a day goes, this is perfect for me *smile*

Sunday... is DA DAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Usually on a weekend, i have the luxury of sleeping in. But somehow, i'd be awake by 10 - 11am. So its either i go on the com, or i just lie in bed and read.. til i fall asleep again..puurrrrfect. So this sun, i just snuggle up with my hubby and do some reading. Reckoned i would have an hour of reading then snooze til 3pm. Imagine my astonishment when zack wakes up at 10.30am.. without help from me/dogs/alarm! (he dun usually wake up til way pass noon). That's not all.

He announced he is hungry and rushed us off to Suntec.. he wants to have Kenny Rogers for lunch *winks* So by noon, we were under the sweltering heat, on the bike and off to town.

Had our lunch then proceed to the convention hall for the IT show. Man oh man.. the traffic was massive! it took 5 mins just to get into the hall. Not a place to loiter but to just get your purchase done and go. Almost turned tail and leave.

3 hours later...

we walked out with my birthday present (5 months in advance) in tow *screams*

NEVER in my life would i ever expect this.... its simply too much. I was getting close to making my decision.. when zack said he'd buy it for me for my birthday. I was stunned. Completely. I almost fainted.. nah, just kidding.. but my heart was close to bursting. Finally we agreed that he'd pay half of it. I wouldnt want him to spend so much on me either.. now that is really TOO MUCH. He's complaining that my bday presents are getting more and more expensive.. ahahaha.

We then went to Crosstalk for some coffee and to rest our legs. As we were playing with my new toy.. he told me he intended to buy it for me when he get his year-end bonus... awww jeeez..*cries* but since this IT show came on, with all these freebies, might as well get it now. In any case, we will have good use for it for at least 2 occasions :)

but it's real funny cos zack seems more excited about it than i. While i'm having my internal war on whether to get it or not.. if so, which one?.. he was happily nudging me to try it out.. test the functions.. expounding on its attributes.. hahaha. He's leaning towards this particular one.. he's a stickler on quality.. or maybe he does know my heart's desire :) yeah, i go to showrooms, collect brochures, read up on it.. haha with elated hearts, we head back home *beams*

little Zara came to play

while waiting for my hair to dry and zack to come home from fu's,
i'm posting some fresh-from-the-oven pics.
Adrian and Irene's little Zara!
he is absolutely adorable.. with his doopey doleful eyes.
i kept mistaking him for a gal cos he looks so sweet!
managed to catch some shots of him after he's tired out from all the play
yup, that's Chile all grown up and pretty
not as hyper as a energizer battery but still as cute as ever
- i still feel like bbqing her sometimes

Saturday, March 10, 2007

i've been WAY too stressed.
cos i got...

- zits popping out *screams*
- weight loss (that i dun mind.. no more lovehandles.. woohoooo!)
- hormones going haywire

so this is ju's very own de-stressing weekend
it belongs to her and her alone
no one is allowed to touch it!

i'm looking at a fabulous 2 days *grins*
after the steamboat at my sis's during CNY
i've been craving for it since..
those all-you-can-eat kind
so we roped in Adrian and Irene
and we're off to Marina tonight!!!
all i'm gonna allow in my stomach is the 3 curry puffs i had this morning.. then i'm so gonna binge! :D

and tomorrow..

we're going to Suntec - IT show and Travel Fair!
just to look see.
oh no.. i'm NOT gonna get the absolutely gorgeous EOS 400D
nor are we gonna book for our honeymoon (well i certainly hope not!)
its way too early to book anything
but its always good to check out the rates
and make provision for it as we go along.

just hope zack wouldnt get lazy and wants to bum at home.
if so, i got my weapon all ready.
i'm gonna bribe him with kenny rogers.. muahahahaa!
hard for him to resist.
i know my hubby.. and which buttons to push.. heh.
the way to a man is always thru his stomach (well, my man at least *winks*)

i'm actually thinking of a massage at Sri Baya
i really do think i need to 'un-knot' those clammed up neck/back muscles.. but i've not reached the stage where i can bring myself to fork out 50 bucks for a 1-hr session.. yet. Operative word: YET.

the ironies of life.. is like a vicious cycle
you work til you drop flat
cos they pay you big bucks (not that big actually)
you then plough that money back into getting yourself back in shape
just go you are ready to work til you drop flat.. once again.

alrighty... i'm off for a little snooze
i actually woke up at 7.30am.. on a sat morning!
had a bodyscrub (i'm weird.. LOL)
and read a bit while waiting for zack to come home
which explains why i'm a little sleepy now
gotta be up by 4pm
and do a hair mask
i've neglected my tresses and they're rebelling
so i gotta soothe and coax them into looking pretty
women... its all about maintenance.. hai..

have a great weekend folks! :)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

a flip... then a flop

so we were at Vivo City and parked at its underground carpark.
like every sensible person, we kept track on where we parked.

zack: remember we're parked at Lobby H ah..
me: okay.. easy lah... H for Huang.. i can remember! (i'm terribly lame, i noe)
zack: hey, what Huang? You're a Chan now okay!

for awhile words escaped me.
i was speechless.
my heart did little flip flops.
and i felt warm inside..
i'm hoping to hear good news from my good friend tonight!
this is so exciting *gleeful*
i hope i wouldnt have to dispense tissue instead :D

the one with a huge screen, cushiony seat, great film, handsome companion...

... and 3 stooopid chao ah lians!

zack and i caught 300 last evening
1 word
when the credits came on, i was still in awe
and had to take a few mins to orientate myself
from the creators of Sin City
you can see the similarities between the 2 films
the graphics were magnificient!
if u love history, u will love this film
if u love gore, u will love this film
i was disappointed with the ending though
but not as irritated as with the 3 gals sitting on my right!
goodness gracious...
they were jumpy.. screams at scary trailers.. whimpers at the gory scenes.. giggles at buck-naked guy.. talks among themselves.. and jumped outta their seats before the credits started rolling.
i was on the verge of asking them.."do you suppose you can handle this movie?" (imagine cat fight... wooohoooo!)
man oh man..
i'm tagging them at early 20s but they behaved like 14 yr olds.

yes, you read right.

there is a buck-naked guy in the film! Then a love scene.
poetry in action
the cut was awesome!
but i still call it artistic porn.. hahahha
zack was fascinated with the amount of boobs shown.
(i imagine the guys reading this widening their eyes.. LOL)

Knows what's the modern name for Persia?
"Persian empire has become what we know today as Persia, or commonly known, Iran."

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

it is done.

at least the bulk of it.
instead of feeling a sense of achievement
all i can feel is tired relief
i just hope everything went well
but with my luck these days...

everyday is fraught with frustrations and helplessness
every turn i made.. there is an insurmountable block
and reaching the final destination just seemed impossible
bearing the heavy weight of responsibility
i galumph my way around

perhaps i should give myself a pat on the back
i went from not knowing a single thing to 'successfully' completing it
with no help in sight.. zilch
and there were times i was close to tears
not funny i tell you
when ppl start coming back with errors
then thats my head on the board..

sorry i havent been good company of late
i'd blog about something happy tonight.. maybe.
i got happy news (for me!).
i find ways to keep myself uplifted.
i have to.
i am so done here.

so now i'm going home to cook dinner for my hubby: abalone.. pacific clams.. with MAGGI MEE! *LOL*

and all i had the entire day were 4 cheese biscuits
no, i'm not on a diet.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

so what's your breaking point?

running the movie Hannibal Rising through my head once again
how his formative years made him who he was in the later years
i empathize, i understand.. that at the core of his being
he is a good person
it got me pondering..
how much can a person take before he breaks?
how many hits before he comes falling apart?
how much is too much before the damage kicks in.. subtly..
shaping you with its evil skeletal fingers
how long can you fight it before you give up and ride the waves that leads you to the dark?

the human makeup is interesting
there are so many makeups of a person
so many facets to just one being
but how many of these do you allow yourself to show?
how many of these CAN you allow yourself to show?
is there someone you can tell your darkest secrets to?
is there someone you can tell your innermost thoughts, your innermost feelings.. without the fear of being judged, ridiculed.

people hardly ever see the good
they see the bad and point their fingers readily
so you keep inside
then you cant be denied

there are some songs that i keep going back to
this is one of them..

And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
'Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am

Iris - Goo Good Dolls

Saturday, March 03, 2007

so we had our company's CNY dinner last night
i must say its one of the few coy events i thoroughly enjoyed
had a blast laughing, drinking and chatting
and also of crse working
i'm part of the SRC committee (why me again?!?!?)
so while others were stuffing their face
i had to work - i'm the photographer
but armed with a digicam, there's only so much i could do
gosh, my hp cam works better
its all in the light!

managed to take some shots with my hp

Jeannie and I
i think we were still pretty sober then
i think we LOOK pretty sober then

my lovely boss and i

Andrew (Big boss) and Theresa (my boss)

Samuel and Edwin
these guys are awesome bf material
impecable manners and affable personalities
too bad Sam's taken..
but hey, Edwin is single and available!

a tipsy Edwin..
fact is.. we were all tipsy
but Edwin and Jeannie got it bad
David, Janet and i were thoroughly entertained

and.. if u ever do wanna plan an event, be it wedding or a function
please DO NOT even consider Hilton Hotel
the food is horrid and service atrocious
despite all the fun, there were screwups
as will every event
some just more forgiveable than others

a bunch of them went to Living Room - Marriot Hotel for drinks thereafter
wanted to join them but had to rush off to Bishan to catch a movie at 12am
had a little time so tot of just popping over to say hi
but zack wanted to meet earlier to eat so i had to leave right away *pout*

Hannibal Rising was engaging.. just lacking in the gore factor
but the events leading up to the rebirth of Hannibal were sorrowful
it brings the term 'beyond human' to an entirely different level
til now, i cant find a word that aptly describes it
Gaspard Ulliel did a wonderful job starring Hannibal junior
he is simply sinisterly attractive
In all, this prequel is pretty mild as compared to its sequels
like an appetizer before the main course

well, i didnt knock out thru'out the movie as zack predicted!

alright.. think i'd go take a short nap.
we're going to Beach rd later this afternoon
for some Ah Balling and settle some stuff
*big grin*

Thursday, March 01, 2007

His Promise.. My Conviction

come 5pm..
i left my workarea for the first time since 8am (save for a toilet break)
and started seeing double
all i had were 8 pieces of biscuits and a cuppa milo
a stiff neck and an aching back
come 6.30pm..
i said 'fuck it' and head for home
i had to leave to preserve my sanity

i tot i was too exhausted to do anything but shut down
but i saw him,
and it all came tumbling out
while he held me tight
i sobbed..

God answered my prayer this morning
He pulled me through
by giving me a sweet loving hubby
and friends who care

SY sent me a really sweet and encouraging sms *muaks* while David offered to grab me some biscuits from the pantry and make me a hot drink (yeah, he's afraid i'd burn out and couldnt get his income tax done.. haha.. just kidding!). You guys have no idea what it meant to me.. little fuel to my weary soul.. i was deeply touched.

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way

I need you. Pull me through this.