Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, November 19, 2006

a night of decadence

having a golfball down my throat and feeling the aches
sheesh, i cant fall ill at this time.. cos its payroll time *sigh*
didnt wake up til 4pm.. then we're off to Beach rd for some food.. Ah Balling!
Concourse is our next stop..
it's a 7ft fibre-optic needle pine tree!
and we've decided on gold and bronze for the deco scheme
was such fun picking the ornaments but i'm not allowed to put berries on the tree! *humph*
but its ok.. i'm still happy :)
and we just fixed a garland on our front gate
the Chan Family is getting ready for Christmas! woohoooo..!

had a blast on Sat - night of decadence
Attended zack's colleague's wedding dinner at this teochew restaurant at Centrepoint. Primped ourselves up.. zack looked absolutely dashing in a striped shirt, jeans and jacket and i donned my new pretty shoes (see right pic).. the most expensive pair i've bought by far!

was my first time meeting some of zack's colleagues.. and zack was the only one who brought his wife.. the rest didnt cos they were planning some guys night out. But zack wanted me along *beams* muaaakkksss! so yeah.. finally met most of them and what i call the scandal gang he goes on JB trips with. They are funny, i like them :) so i told zack he can invite them over to our home for some chilling out :D

so after the dinner, we went to Arab St (we = zack, me and his scandal gang)
so this is how a hookah lounge looks like.. there are couches where u can just relax, watch soccer, munch on fingerfood, drinks.. and needless to say, shisha.

i had a refreshing peppermint tea, perfect for a hot humid night.. we spent like over an hour there just chilling.. wasnt til past 1am did we get our butts off and proceeded to Q Bar.

paid the cover and went up to Q Bar.. "where did all the people go?!!!" had our drinks then left.. good thing i got in free so we only wasted 15bucks.. sheesh.

The rest of zack's colleagues were at Butter Factory so we headed up. Better crowd.. drank abit then we hit the floor. With all alcohol i had.. wine, vodka etc.. got wasted.. was holding on to my sanity with a tight fist.. only zack got my number.. hahaha.. and he drowned me with more vodka.. he enjoys watching me get high.. he finds me amusing (see wat kinda husband i got!)

what a night we had.. if this keeps up, we're gonna die young! hahah.. i feel so unhealthy, gonna drink plenty of green tea tomorrow.

here's a shot of us all primped up, not that you can see lah.. duh.. zack looks so yandao right?! a guy in suit riding a bike is so frigging cool!

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