Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, November 12, 2006

my 3 seconds of fame

so zack and i went to catch Des's final round of 98.7 Control DJ Championship at Nokia Playground - Scotts shopping centre.. she was in the finals!!! After about 3 months of eliminations (32 contestants), she climbed up to the top 2! so so proud of her! then again, i've always thought she's got wat it takes.. the whole DJ package.. u noe that 'say'? We were about to leave home when it started pouring.. waited out for another 30mins then decided to brave the rain (we were already late!). Got there at 3.45pm and they were doing the runs. oh oh.. and i got my 3 secs of fame! one of the Muttons was walking ard, asking the audience for 3 words, any word and the final 2 had to come up with something creative using those 3 words. So i was standing there between Rayner and Zack when he started coming towards me.. and i was like.. "uh oh.." hahahaa.. So if u thought u heard my voice on radio.. yes! thats me!! LOL.. ok ok, enough about me.. back to DJ Des! opps, did i say DJ? YES YES YES!!! cos DES WON!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooohooooooo!

zack and i were like clutching hands when they were about to announce the winner.. there was a second of silence after it was announced then like a cork that has been popped... yells and screams erupted.. we were all so so happy for her cos she totally deserves it! she's really got what it takes.. and thats saying alot cos we're talking Perfect 10 here! you have to make the cut and the cut must be prime.. ok, i'm being corny here.. :P

tada.. our latest celebrity in town.. DESIREE! *applause* did i mention zack won a Nokia phone by voting for Des on sms?! yeah he did! *big grin* our faith in such contests not being rigged was restored! we then went off, leaving Des with her fawning fans.. *LOL* (crap, i look so fat in this pic)

next went to Far East to check out Sunny bookstore but the latest In Death book wasnt in yet. Then to Taka to see their Christmas Trees.. not a wide selection, disappointing but at least we have an idea of what kinda tree we'd like :)

With the horrid drizzling rain beating down our backs (we're in our raincoats), we went off to Geylang to meet Godma, Rachel and Andrew for dinner. The frogleg porridge was great! but the little froggies looked so sad.. all caged up in tanks with plastic wrapped over them.. it was so cruel.. i dun think i wanna have frogleg porridge anymore.. i mean it.

popped over to Jason nah's bday chalet at Coasta Sands.. dead beat by then.. All the travelling (in the rain!) our damp jeans and our cold clammy feet.. Felt bad we didnt bring a gift cos going there wasnt on our cards.. but dinner ended early so popped over for abit. Didnt eat anything cos we were stuffed but the bday cake was nice! its chocolate.. need i say more? looking at his bday cake, i cant begin to say what a hardcore liverpool fan he is.. hahaha.. i was amused as i've never seen a liverpool bday cake before!

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