Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, November 04, 2006

i love my home :)

nothing much has been happening
work.. home.. work.. movies.. home..
got my nose buried in a book
nora roberts's VALLEY OF SILENCE IS OUT!!!!!
cant believe its out earlier in Spore than in the States
well, i couldnt adhere to my 5-pages-a-night rule
gobbled that book up.. and now i'm done *wails*
the final book of the Circle Trilogy is great!
this trilogy makes an excellent movie(s)
the last battle was written beautifully
i feel like i'm watching it unfold right before my eyes
i'm gonna read that book again!

with all the excitement of the bridal shopping and the gown etc..
i totally forgot to mention the latest addition to our lovenest!
i look at it everyday and get so mesmerized
i'd lie on the sofa and admire it til my eyes start to droop
it fits perfectly in our home concept - stylishly rustic
thumb of rule of home deco:
u dun need plenty of beautiful items
just one outstanding one to pull it all together

so presenting... *drumroll*... THE CHANDELIER!

bottoms up

zack enjoying our new chandelier
its a whole lot brighter than it looks here
its like dripping diamonds..

i really love its gothic look.. its charming
i gathered even if i dun clean it and cobwebs form,
it'll still look good.. even better! mysterious.. hahaha

i love it soooo muchie!
so pardon me from flooding this post with all these beautiful shots
i know u guys cant get enuf of it too.. *chuckles*

our initial plan was to put it in our dining area but the dining area light was attached to a false ceiling and that false ceiling is not conditioned to take the weight of the chandelier which is 10kg. So we switched our beautiful balls light from the living over to the dining area (we now dine with romantic twinkling lights overhead.. the food taste better somehow.. hahaha..) and fixed the chandelier in the living area which has the original ceiling.

so all we need now in our living room is blackcord draperies (in place of the usual curtains), which we will be getting sometime this month, some nice cushions and an LCD TV which we're only getting in the distant future. And of course.. a CHRISTMAS TREE!!!! our very first Christmas tree *big grin* and a Christmas party is in the works! stay tune for more deets as the Chan residence prepare for their first Christmas.. woohooo!


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